Freestyle Forum

VIDEOS => D.I.Y. Guides => General Questions => Topic started by: benwin21 on October 18, 2009, 09:09:10 PM

Title: Some questions
Post by: benwin21 on October 18, 2009, 09:09:10 PM
which of the following trees will be good for chux

6.grape fruit
7.nut tree branches

How can i fix a chain with a rope?

What do you think is better 6-10 cm or longer?
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: Berserkergang on October 18, 2009, 09:18:24 PM
What... is your quest?

What... is your favourite colour?

What... is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Anyway :ninja: :

Fix a chain with a rope - tie the broken links together?

And for the trees, I know certain nut trees have good wood... but "nuts" is a hugely vague term.

Are these trick questions?  :?
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: TuKongChucks on October 18, 2009, 09:20:05 PM
Hmmm im not sure, ive never had experience with any of those woods.  Im sure most wood would make a nice chuck, depending on the time and effort you put into making them.  Things you might ask yourself:  1.What kind of weight am I looking for? 2.How dense of a wood would I like? 3.Do I prefer Long, Medium, or Short length in my nunchaku connection?.....You could also try(It will take time of course) but make a pair, or atleast a few sticks out of the wood you have access to and see which feel you like out of all of them.  Experiment with "Quick Link" chain links so you can easily add or remove links to find your preference.  Or make a cord connection that can be easliy  adjusted until you find the length and feel you can work well with.

My personal opinion is short to medium connection.  In cord I usually like a 1 1/2"(3.8cm) to 2"(5.1cm)connection.  In chain(Im not sure the measurement) but I usually like a 3 link or 5 link connection.  That gives me room to do like double digit spins, whereas I could only do a single spin with my shorter connection.  I hope these words will help in your journey to find "your" nunchaku.
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: benwin21 on October 18, 2009, 09:44:47 PM
ill try making chux from these woods and i will show you the results.

What... is your quest?

What... is your favourite colour?

What... is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Anyway ninja :

Fix a chain with a rope - tie the broken links together?

And for the trees, I know certain nut trees have good wood... but "nuts" is a hugely vague term.

Are these trick questions?  huh

dude you crack me up.

im israeli so i dont know what term suits the best, even though im on the highest lvl of english that can be in israeli high schools
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: Berserkergang on October 18, 2009, 09:48:42 PM
Oh I see, sorry.  :lol:

The best thing to do is experiment with all different kinds of wood and designs till you find what suits you best.
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: benwin21 on October 19, 2009, 01:58:35 PM
I have some more questions

lets say i already cut a branch and started carving it. what in your opinion is the best and precise way to do it, i mean making the whole wood the same size and circular.

whats the length of the cord in prochux?

when i say fix the chain with a rope i mean connecting the chain to the wood with a rope.

p.s TuKongChucks  it would be great if you can explain what you wrote in my other post in a easier way

Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: TuKongChucks on October 19, 2009, 05:45:41 PM
Hmmm im not sure about making it precisely the same weight and equalness(tapered/straight).  If youre not using some type of power tool to sand it out fast etc. it will be alot of handwork.  Im probably not the person to ask that sorry :/

I believe you can get em 1"-5" I think in prochux.

What I was saying in the other post is....I found out what I like when tying or connecting the rope together, I found that using a 16 gauge or smaller wire and wrap a ring of it or 2 around the rope where they would normally tie together, and clamp them down with pliers real tight.  If using paracord and this technique it keeps the paracord from stipping out the inner rope from the outer rope if they are cut and not glued or something on the end.  Im trying to get my camera to work but its on the fritz or id take some pics for you of what I mean.
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: benwin21 on October 19, 2009, 06:00:24 PM
i think i understand
you mean taking something and putting it in the middle of the rope so they will stay together. am i right?

putting something where my fingers are right?
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: TuKongChucks on October 19, 2009, 07:14:49 PM
Nah not there....Sorry these pics suck idk what in the world is wrong with my camera maybe these can help.  I tried pulling em up out of the chuck a little so you could see but its in there pretty good.
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: benwin21 on October 19, 2009, 10:14:31 PM
how did you made the hole so perfect? :whahaa
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: TuKongChucks on October 20, 2009, 12:24:03 AM
Its a pvc pipe.  My wood chux with ring holders broke so I couldnt take a pic with them.
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: jmvicuna on October 20, 2009, 12:54:46 AM
Its a pvc pipe.  My wood chux with ring holders broke so I couldnt take a pic with them.

hahaha! that explains a lot!  :lmfao:
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: xaothewretched on October 20, 2009, 01:51:49 AM
fig is a light wood that is p*ss poor for making stuff out of. good for bbq though. if you do want to use it though you can get something decent if you dry the cut branches with the bark still on. only shave it after its driy or it will split down the middle on you.  :doh

i'd have to say the best way to make the shape with mere hand tools is to clamp it down. and use a rasp and go around, and keep looking at the end to see where you need to shave at.

 if its chain an eye bolt threaded in the end works, tapering the stick makes it easier to roll across hands.

for paracord i usually melt the ends with my lighter to prevent fraying and then use a surgeons knot or the like to cinch it up real tight, then i always melt the end to the knot to make sure it will not come apart.

out of the wood you mentioned i would try the nut first, but really just cut  some sticks off of everything. dry them out and see what has the best weight and splinters the least.
carry on from there.

hope this helps.  :smoke:
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: o0oDWDNSo0o on October 20, 2009, 09:03:35 AM
Hey Benwin21,

why has it to be chain??? :?
Just have a broomstick...not to light and does not splinter! :thumb:
Drill three wholes and stitch in the cord. Don´t cut it in length, just leave a lil more...start experimenting with it´s length... :2thumbsup:

From all the woods you mentioned, nut should be right!

& here you go!!!


Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: benwin21 on October 20, 2009, 06:17:02 PM
what do you mean by dont cut them in length?
and broomsticks have no weight and its a problem. i did broomchucks of 30 cm. i think it large enough.

the problem about nut tree is that he is dry as hell. im scared that when i cut a branch it will split.

now my goal is to make prochux out of broom stick. any tips about how to add weight, what will be a good length, chain/rope etc.
any tip will be accepted.

p.s be ready to see a wooden-swordchuck, im gonna make them from date tree branches. from experience they are perfect for carving wooden swords. they aren't that strong but it will still be cool.

does varnish make the wood durable?
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: TuKongChucks on October 20, 2009, 06:40:27 PM
Im not sure but I think he means cut them longer, that way you can try long chucks out, and then you can cut them down little by little and experiment with sizes.  Correct me if im wrong though DWDS.

I think there is a DIY prochux guide, I couldnt find it though.  I think their normal length is 12"?  Do they come in 14"?
And I think they come from 1" to 5" rope length, so theres room to experiment in a DIY prochuck.

Cant wait to see a your swordchuck.

I dont know about durable, but it does help protect the wood from natural wear and tear(Not the abuse theyll be taking from the chucker :P  )  Termites lol?  Its lacquer thats used on Woodalls isnt it?  I think so, anyways that feels very nice on my Woodalls so you may want to try that.

Anyways I hope this gives maybe teenie tiny shed of light to your project.

Take care,
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: jmvicuna on October 20, 2009, 07:42:16 PM
any tips about how to add weight,

Check this video @ 5:00
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: benwin21 on October 20, 2009, 09:21:37 PM
good method for adding weight too bad for the screwed up wood :-P
am i the only one who tried to do Okinawa knot?
Title: Re: Some questions
Post by: jmvicuna on October 20, 2009, 09:44:43 PM
good method for adding weight too bad for the screwed up wood :-P
am i the only one who tried to do Okinawa knot?
The screwed wood was to show what you don´t have to do  :lol: