Freestyle Forum

VIDEOS => D.I.Y. Guides => Cord/Chain Connectors => Topic started by: Berserkergang on January 06, 2010, 09:55:37 AM

Title: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: Berserkergang on January 06, 2010, 09:55:37 AM

Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: Satriyo on January 06, 2010, 10:43:53 AM
I don't understand pic #4. What's that screw for?
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: Choggy on January 06, 2010, 12:53:07 PM
 :doh now that's DAMN easy to make.

Satriyo, as I understood from BG's pics, you can just kill the thread and round the head on a screw, pierce a hole through it... and there you have it!

Thanks a lot BG!  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: Levi on January 06, 2010, 01:15:53 PM
My chux are different :thumb:
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: Satriyo on January 06, 2010, 01:20:33 PM
Satriyo, as I understood from BG's pics, you can just kill the thread and round the head on a screw, pierce a hole through it... and there you have it!

Ooh i see! So the swivel is made from a screw! :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: psionics on January 06, 2010, 01:50:46 PM
 :thumb: nice!! now I know how it's done  :gogogo
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: Yetibutt on January 06, 2010, 04:12:53 PM
Those are sweet.  They look maybe a bit clunky, but solid. 
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: Aerialist East on January 06, 2010, 06:37:22 PM


real crappy
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: Satriyo on January 06, 2010, 07:07:29 PM
real crappy

Yeah, but after polished & chromed i bet they'll look really cool :lol:
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: $e@n on January 07, 2010, 04:54:24 AM
The look really heavy!
Gotta say that's some fine craftsmanship though. :thumb:
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: Berserkergang on January 07, 2010, 05:23:41 AM
I know your silver fires are different Levi.  :-D yours are better.
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: moshey on March 20, 2011, 12:58:48 PM
Screw = Swivel?! woah! brilliant idea! :arg
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: junfan on January 05, 2012, 07:46:43 AM
 :chuck: yeah tour thread is great but for me chinese nunchakus is still better than the others.
Title: Re: Ever wonder how Chinese nunchaku are made?
Post by: freestyle4life on April 20, 2012, 03:19:11 PM
a screw not a bad idea i had bought a cheap swivel pair a while ago and the bearing broke while i was swinging around after about a month or 2 so i made a rope pair with some light wood n they have lasted quite a while but i think a screw would be much harder to break than a bearing split into 2, the middle piece came out.