Freestyle Forum
DISCUSSION => Archive => Nunchaku Reviews & Stores => 2010 => Topic started by: Berserkergang on February 10, 2010, 06:43:51 AM
I've heard around that when you order the graphite chucks it's common for the bottom ends to have cracks in them... I was thinking of getting a pair, has anyone enountered this? and if so how big were the cracks?
I'm wondering myself how they compare to wooden chucks, how they handle, wear, what to look for/avoid,etc. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
Wow. No feedback at all? Nobody uses them? I've been seriously of getting a couple pair but I wondered how they wear and handle. They must not be too popular, maybe cost, too light, or something else. Oh well. :um:
I know some of the members use them, mainly cause they gave away like 10 sets for a prize last year i think it was. Ive used them maybe once, they were nice I guess. They were light, but they were really hard, they can shatter though not like a normal wood or plastic break. If you can find them at a price you like or better, get to try them, go for it. Are you used to light and hard chucks? Medium/heavy chucks? Longer/shorter? Ask some questions check for reviews or videos on them, about them, and them being used. Check for pros n cons. See if you can find them for sale that have a return policy, just dont drop em if ya dont like em :)
Thanks much. I prefer medium to heavy chucks, 12" and 14" lengths so I may wait for a really good deal on graphites (like free or almost). I'll stick with oak or other hardwoods. :thumb:
Some reviews:
Thanks jmvicuna, I'm still leaning towards a heavier hardwood. I have numerous sets of chucks and I like the ones with a little more heft than the others. I was very curious about the graphites, so thanks again for the reviews, much appreciated.
jm, thanks for posting my review :2thumbsup:
I think graphites are great practice chucks, as they are extremely sturdy and well-balanced.
The cracks would probably be either chipped edges or cracks in the paint; you would have quite a hard time cracking the actual body of the chuck.
I liked to learn aerials with them, as they are weighted well for aerials, and if I dropped them, I knew they wouldn't get dented. When I lived in the states and could still use real chucks, I lived in an apartment with a tile floor, and dropped them constantly. They kept on going like the energizer bunny.
That said, wooden chucks can be amazing if you find the right pair. I say, experiment and see what suits you best. Chucks aren't all that expensive, compared to other hobbies.
Those nunchakus are really very nice. :chuck:
Graphite chucks to me are Low Tier and good only for their sparkles. But then I have never owned or swung a pair before. Just go God Tier and get some prochux or talk to Dancewithsticks(ben) about making some for you. They are very well priced and the workmanship is excellent.