Freestyle Forum
DISCUSSION => Archive => Nunchaku Reviews & Stores => 2010 => Topic started by: SteyrAUG on February 17, 2010, 07:29:52 AM
Ok, my 25+ year old Dolan's Sports nunchaku supply is getting short. The real nice ones are pretty much ready to go behind glass and stay there. Not exactly something I want to be spinning around out on the driveway, I shudder to think of how many high quality nunchaku I've destroyed or lost in thirty plus years of training.
I'm looking for something similar, strong wood and mostly interested in tapered octagon "matched by weight" sticks 14" connected by cord or a quality chain setup. Not interested in short 12" sticks or cheap ball bearings that fly apart upon first contact with a Bo. Please don't tell me about any "lightweight" demo only quality stuff, not interested at all.
Woodalls obviously has some very nice stuff but $40 to $50 isn't exactly the price range I want to resupply at, especially given that Dolan's used to sell similar stuff in the $5-$15 range, even with inflation that would be $12-$35.00 respectively. I'll eventually get one pair of Woodalls, but they might also end up behind glass.
It seems a couple years ago, unbeknown to me, a company called Sakura offered exactly what I'm looking for with a extreme hardwood traditional nunchaku for $25 but that item is now discontinued.
Shureido of course makes an acceptable basic nunchaku but they are also a tad pricey and very, very basic. Suffice to say I have a couple so I have all I need from them. Not exactly something I want to stock up a dozen or so pairs with.
So who has a heavy duty, hard use nunchaku at a reasonable price?
Lol I have a set of homemade 14" hardwood octos but theyre sentimental(and their almost 40 years old and beautiful balance :P )
I would talk to DancesWithSticks, he has some really nice hardwood chucks just cant remember the site he uses or how much they cost :/ (Or hell he may have some for sale) I think the site is like crainmountain(crane?) not 100% on that. Other than that id say homemade or Woodalls. I made some homemade U-swivels, but of course I didnt have the money or tools create some pro looking ones, but they work just the same and not to hard to make if you want. Once I can find more work I will build some really nice ones and make a tut.
i am of the mind that if its not woodalls or prochux, home made is the way to go for wooden nunchaku. for glow, flowchux.
The nunchaku from Sakura martial arts? The Jatoba (brazilian cherry) ones with the straight octagon corded. I had those, and I broke them on a tree, but they were awesome! I agree, too bad they don't produce them anymore.
Let me tell you this though: There are bad BBs and there are good BBs that can withstand anything you throw at them. Century Martial Arts uses a certain type of BBs on most their chucks, I've had these and I've tried EVERYTHING to break them but I can't. I've wrapped the chain around a poll and clinched it to pop the BBs right out but i couldn't... I've hung on a tree branch with them, still couldn't do it. Now these chucks are broken, but the BBs are still intact!
If you're interested I'll link you to a site which sells octagon oak 14" with the good bearings for under $10.
The nunchaku from Sakura martial arts? The Jatoba (brazilian cherry) ones with the straight octagon corded. I had those, and I broke them on a tree, but they were awesome! I agree, too bad they don't produce them anymore.
Let me tell you this though: There are bad BBs and there are good BBs that can withstand anything you throw at them. Century Martial Arts uses a certain type of BBs on most their chucks, I've had these and I've tried EVERYTHING to break them but I can't. I've wrapped the chain around a poll and clinched it to pop the BBs right out but i couldn't... I've hung on a tree branch with them, still couldn't do it. Now these chucks are broken, but the BBs are still intact!
If you're interested I'll link you to a site which sells octagon oak 14" with the good bearings for under $10.
Sounds like they are cheap enough to fck around with and test out Steyr(I love my Steyr btw lol), and if ya do it wont kill ya to buy a whole bunch.
I hope you find the chaku you are looking for ;)
The nunchaku from Sakura martial arts? The Jatoba (brazilian cherry) ones with the straight octagon corded. I had those, and I broke them on a tree, but they were awesome! I agree, too bad they don't produce them anymore.
Let me tell you this though: There are bad BBs and there are good BBs that can withstand anything you throw at them. Century Martial Arts uses a certain type of BBs on most their chucks, I've had these and I've tried EVERYTHING to break them but I can't. I've wrapped the chain around a poll and clinched it to pop the BBs right out but i couldn't... I've hung on a tree branch with them, still couldn't do it. Now these chucks are broken, but the BBs are still intact!
If you're interested I'll link you to a site which sells octagon oak 14" with the good bearings for under $10.
I'm not opposed to BBs so long as they are good quality. I have some old speedchucks that have held for 20+ years. My problem with a lot of Century nunchaku is they are only available in 12" and they don't match the sticks by weight.
I'm not opposed to BBs so long as they are good quality. I have some old speedchucks that have held for 20+ years. My problem with a lot of Century nunchaku is they are only available in 12" and they don't match the sticks by weight.
which is why i recommend homemade. very few people will pay attention to quality than you when it comes to your personal nunchaku. kinda like that old saying, "if you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself". i do recommend woodalls and prochux though, because they do pay attention to every detail there is when making nunchaku. and it shows. nine circles is not a bad choice for cost and quality.
I've been very tempted invest in a few pairs of these.However,i will never buy without seeing and feeling first.
So it's looks like i've may soon pay the warehouse a vist.
Has anyone had any deallings with this company.
Sakura jatoba nunchaku are still being sold for a good price here:
14" for $25. I have these and they are tough. But they are not tapered.
I also have some from century martial arts. I can vouch for the bearings. If you just look at them closely, you'll see they're built better than the average ball bearing. Their wood selection is not as good, though. My white waxwood pair cost less than $20, I believe.
Then, you can also try nine circles. They have white oak 14" nunchaku with a nice taper. I have them and they are pretty heavy. These are a bit more expensive at about $30 to $40 including shipping from UK (I'm in Miami, Fl).
Finally, you can go to They have rare woods at better prices than woodall's though the overall quality is not as good. I bought 14" tapered (3/4" to 1") lignum vitae nunchaku at about $40. But if you select a less rare wood, you may be able to find what you want for $30.
Unfortunately, you won't find any quality nunchaku for $5-$15. The only nunchaku that will last you more than one day at about that price are Chinese stainless steel nunchaku. You can find those here: The bad news about the Chinese nunchaku is the huge shipping cost. I bought some (not from nunchakumall) that cost $25 (including $5 to get my name etched into one rod) but the shipping was $40.
Hope this helps.
which is why i recommend homemade. very few people will pay attention to quality than you when it comes to your personal nunchaku. kinda like that old saying, "if you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself". i do recommend woodalls and prochux though, because they do pay attention to every detail there is when making nunchaku. and it shows. nine circles is not a bad choice for cost and quality.
I just don't have the tools to produce a tapered octagon, much less do the drilling necessary.
Got a link for Prochux and Nine Circles?
Sakura jatoba nunchaku are still being sold for a good price here:
14" for $25. I have these and they are tough. But they are not tapered.
Actually no they are not. As noted on the link they are discontinued. I tried to order several pairs based upon that specific webpage just this week.
I just don't have the tools to produce a tapered octagon, much less do the drilling necessary.
Got a link for Prochux and Nine Circles?
Prochux link at bottom fo page, and heres but its not working for me atm, idk why.
Actually no they are not. As noted on the link they are discontinued. I tried to order several pairs based upon that specific webpage just this week.
Oh, that's messed up. Here's nine circles:
You can always ask ernie.(youtube user erniebubolab) He's a man in the know :thumb:
Prochux link at bottom fo page, and heres but its not working for me atm, idk why.
Thanks. Does anyone have the specifications for Prochux Thrasher line? Stick lengths, Diameter, Tapered? Can they be ordered with 5" cord? The website doesn't seem to have this information. If they are available in 14" with 5" cord they might be promising.
Woodalls obviously has some very nice stuff but $40 to $50 isn't exactly the price range I want to resupply at, especially given that Dolan's used to sell similar stuff in the $5-$15 range, even with inflation that would be $12-$35.00 respectively. I'll eventually get one pair of Woodalls, but they might also end up behind glass.
Dolan's used to sell cheap nunchaku because it was cheap wood and design... I would invest in Woodalls because of their superior design and wood, or just build your own, even that would be better than Dolan's.
Thanks. Does anyone have the specifications for Prochux Thrasher line? Stick lengths, Diameter, Tapered? Can they be ordered with 5" cord? The website doesn't seem to have this information. If they are available in 14" with 5" cord they might be promising.
Contact Lee Barden directly he can make pretty much whatever you want and they will be prochux style. He is doing tappered now and he has the proditionals with just about any length of rope you want
Tapered... :daah: I want to try tapered proditionals...
Dolan's used to sell cheap nunchaku because it was cheap wood and design... I would invest in Woodalls because of their superior design and wood, or just build your own, even that would be better than Dolan's.
Yeah, I'm gonna completely dismiss your opinion.
First off Rosewood and Cocobolo are hardly "cheap" woods and even their lowest price Rock Maple was stronger than EVERY nunchaku I've ever encountered in 30 plus years in the same price range and stronger than some that cost twice as much. As for the design being "cheap"?!? The nylon cord are the same design as every other traditional nunchaku and the swivel chain offered by Dolans is stronger than ANY nunchaku I've ever encountered with a chain connection.
Btw, you do know Woodalls uses the Dolan's U Swivel design right? Are you saying they use a cheap design?
Contact Lee Barden directly he can make pretty much whatever you want and they will be prochux style. He is doing tappered now and he has the proditionals with just about any length of rope you want
Will do, thanks. This seems like my best option.
Yeah, I'm gonna completely dismiss your opinion.
First off Rosewood and Cocobolo are hardly "cheap" woods and even their lowest price Rock Maple was stronger than EVERY nunchaku I've ever encountered in 30 plus years in the same price range and stronger than some that cost twice as much. As for the design being "cheap"?!? The nylon cord are the same design as every other traditional nunchaku and the swivel chain offered by Dolans is stronger than ANY nunchaku I've ever encountered with a chain connection.
Btw, you do know Woodalls uses the Dolan's U Swivel design right? Are you saying they use a cheap design?
I had two pair of Dolans and they where junk, one set broke after 2 weeks of use, the wood split at the top, and the other swivel snapped, both made from oak. You gotta be kidding about maple lol, those wouldn’t last a month with the u swivel design, if u still have a pair of maple u swivels then they hadn’t seen much action lol.
And yes rosewood and cocobolo can be cheap woods from a bad stock, plus that price range was in the 80’s, this is 2010.
$ 75 is a good price now days, beats paying $20 on Dolans best junk 30years ago, the $5 maples where throw aways. :dart
Woodalls doesn’t use the same Dolan's U Swivel design….. it’s an updated design.
Edit: now I think about it more, it doesn't matter how good the wood was long as the old Dolan u-swivels where attached to them :-P
I'm looking for something similar, strong wood and mostly interested in tapered octagon "matched by weight" sticks 14" connected by cord or a quality chain setup
Please don't tell me about any "lightweight" demo only quality stuff, not interested at all.
Woodalls obviously has some very nice stuff but $40 to $50 isn't exactly the price range I want to resupply at, especially given that Dolan's used to sell similar stuff in the $5-$15 range, even with inflation that would be $12-$35.00 respectively. I'll eventually get one pair of Woodalls, but they might also end up behind glass.
So who has a heavy duty, hard use nunchaku at a reasonable price?
The only reason I mentioned Woodalls is because it fits what your looking for, it’s is funny you compare Woodalls and Dolans prices, as the price of tea has gone up since 30 years ago + inflation. LMAO on the price comparison. $40 to $50 to day is a reasonable price, compared to $12-$35.00 30years ago lol…. :lmfao:
Quote from: karatevideoguy on February 18, 2010, 07:02:25 PM
Contact Lee Barden directly he can make pretty much whatever you want and they will be prochux style. He is doing tappered now and he has the proditionals with just about any length of rope you want
Will do, thanks. This seems like my best option.
You see, this doesn’t seem right lol, prochux is more like pencil sticks or toothpicks. I thought you wanted heavy duty, not "lightweight" demo only quality stuff… prochux is like lightweight" demo only quality stuff. :craze
Of course this is just my opinion.
My Jatoba, purpleheart, and hickory Prochux are heavy. They're not pencils. Just so you know.
My Jatoba, purpleheart, and hickory Prochux are heavy. They're not pencils. Just so you know.
Thats what I was thinking, I never heard of pros being light and only demo quality. And your vid smashin sh*t helps prove they arent cuz my 'demo only quality chucks' couldnt break wind.
I don't like derailing stuff..but:
The video proves nothing, I could use any piece of wood and smash stuff up, hell my hands could break half that stuff lol. I’m just using comments from previous users of prochuxs, I have a pair of prochuxs and they are dinky in my hands. Besides, I’m sure anything can be made heavy duty.
Oh !!!
I remember a video you did comparing prochux to trads or something like that on a punching bag, that video obviously showed trads hitting with more power! Even remember reading viewer comments.
Thats what I was thinking, I never heard of pros being light and only demo quality.
You got to be joking, you never heard of them called pencil sticks ??? lol
Well I know you guys like prochuxs, but when it comes to heavy duty nunchaku, Woodalls wins, hands down.
just my opinion.
I'll refrain.
Yes, Woodalls can build you bigger chucks than Pros, but everything has it's purpose and everyone has their own needs. If your Pros are too dinky for what you want then okay. One thing I will disagree with though is if you want a contest of heavy duty chucks then Jose has solid iron chucks which when compared makes Woodalls look like toothpicks. If those aren't big enough then you could try those freestanding pot breaking hands at some telephone poll chucks.
If you could use your hands or any piece of wood to do that, then what was the point in even saying anything about dolans or pros? Therefore you could do anything with pros as with some woodalls, cause they are just any piece of wood after all. I own woodalls I know they are tough chucks, ive seen pros been put to the test, they are strong aswell. I guess Jose's would make woodalls or pros look like toothpicks, so I guess DIY steel and iron win hands down.
The only reason I mentioned Woodalls is because it fits what your looking for, it’s is funny you compare Woodalls and Dolans prices, as the price of tea has gone up since 30 years ago + inflation. LMAO on the price comparison. $40 to $50 to day is a reasonable price, compared to $12-$35.00 30years ago lol…. :lmfao:
Well if you actually took the time to read my original post, you would noticed I used an inflation calculator to compare prices. So it really was an apples to apples comparison. As far as Dolan's quality vs. the rest, all I can say is I have lots of experience with hard usage of weapons. Besides weapon on weapon training, we actually did breaking with weapons. As a general rule Dolan's were on the short list of weapons that survived such abuse. I have no experience with Woodalls as of yet so I have no way to compare them in terms of strength. But the notion that Dolan's were cheaply made is absurd.
You see, this doesn’t seem right lol, prochux is more like pencil sticks or toothpicks. I thought you wanted heavy duty, not "lightweight" demo only quality stuff… prochux is like lightweight" demo only quality stuff. :craze
Of course this is just my opinion.
I want to thank you for this comment, I was unaware that prochux were pencil sticks. That is certainly not what I'm looking for. The search continues.
Thats what I was thinking, I never heard of pros being light and only demo quality. And your vid smashin sh*t helps prove they arent cuz my 'demo only quality chucks' couldnt break wind.
Thanks guys, he was wrong about Dolans. He might be wrong about everything else. I'll call them and look into it.
Thanks guys, he was wrong about Dolans. He might be wrong about everything else. I'll call them and look into it.
It’s ok if you think I’m wrong, the community of martial artist that I hung around with considered them as junk too, it’s to bad I can’t call them up and prove it lol, that was a long time ago. I just hate to see someone hail these as great chucks, which in fact they wasn’t from my point of view.
But the notion that Dolan's were cheaply made is absurd.
That was the vibe 30 years ago…
As they say everyone is entitled to an opinion… anyway I’m sure you’ll find what your looking for.
If you could use your hands or any piece of wood to do that, then what was the point in even saying anything about dolans or pros? Therefore you could do anything with pros as with some woodalls, cause they are just any piece of wood after all. I own woodalls I know they are tough chucks, ive seen pros been put to the test, they are strong aswell. I guess Jose's would make woodalls or pros look like toothpicks, so I guess DIY steel and iron win hands down.
I’m just telling you my experience, and I said my hands could break HALF that stuff lol, it’s more of a joke:P Well I don’t know who Jose's is, but as I said too, DIY would be better.
Now if prochuxs had chains on them, that would be heavy duty:P
Personally , I'm damn tired of people bashing Prochux, :doh We have a saying here in the US , Nunchakulot, it's " Put up, or Shut up " . You come on the forum, have 5 posts, no vids and your an expert. Well how about a little match :greendude: Let's say 2 minutes uncut footage, singles only, Deadline : March 15th. You use your trads I'll use my heavy Pro's. are you up for it , or are you just all talk ?No Fire, no glowchux, and no Breaking stuff, just pure Freestyle. :chuck:
:complain :storm: :omg: :box: :clap
Personally , I'm damn tired of people bashing Prochux, :doh We have a saying here in the US , Nunchakulot, it's " Put up, or Shut up " . You come on the forum, have 5 posts, no vids and your an expert. Well how about a little match :greendude: Let's say 2 minutes uncut footage, singles only, Deadline : March 15th. You use your trads I'll use my heavy Pro's. are you up for it , or are you just all talk ?No Fire, no glowchux, and no Breaking stuff, just pure Freestyle. :chuck:
I’m not bashing prochux, I can take a picture if you want, and I’ll show you how dinky they look in my hands lol… I never said I’m an expert, plus it doesn’t take an expert to show you how dinky they are compared to trads. I will take a pic and upload it and show u if need be lol….
What is wrong with giving an honest opinion around here??? Looks like I stirred an ant nest :lmfao:
Anyhoo your contest proves nothing about how heavy duty pros can be, you can hang toilet paper off your ass and freestyle all you want. :lmfao:
Just what I thought, all Blow, no go :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: If you want to see how tough ProChux are , just look at Beserkergang's vids of him whacking sh*t with his Pro's. Other than that, SHUT UP :fu: :fu: :fu:
He might have a pair of Penchaku.
'All blow no go' :-D
It’s ok if you think I’m wrong, the community of martial artist that I hung around with considered them as junk too, it’s to bad I can’t call them up and prove it lol, that was a long time ago. I just hate to see someone hail these as great chucks, which in fact they wasn’t from my point of view.
That was the vibe 30 years ago…
Well I'm not going by the opinion of a community X number of years ago.
I'm going by 30+ years of experience. And that is time spent doing weapon on weapon exercises and a lot of hard use that was more the result of youthful exuberance than traditional instruction or usage.
I laid my hands on nearly every pair of nunchaku that looked sturdy back then.
The only survivors are a couple pairs of speedchucks, a pair of shureidos and the ones I got from Dolan's. I also have some Kemcos but I got them 10 years ago and never really beat them up, they are quality but haven't been through it.
The Dolan's $5 Rock Maples held up as well as any other pair. In most cases I gave them away to students as I owned Rosewood and Cocobolos which I preferred. Had I known the day would come when Dolan's would be no more, I'd have bought more and kept them. Since they were $5 and could take it, Dolan's were the ones we used to attempt (and on occasion succeed) to break cinder blocks with. We didn't have the heart (or the money) to try these breaks with the $10 Rosewoods. I'm sure they'd have held up just as well or better.
Speedchucks usually didn't survive as the BB caps usually broke away from the stick before the cinder blocks broke. In fairness speedchucks were about $12 so we didn't try this very often with them. That is probably the big reason I still have surviving speedchucks.
I had a pair of Shureidos that I totally trashed as they were my favorite for breaks. I had more confidence in the triple cord connection than the double cord Dolan's connection. I could have restrug the Dolans but we never bothered. The Shureidos also seemed to have a slightly different taper that fit me better. The ragged out pair never broke, but they began to splinter so badly (any stick would on cinder blocks after several days) that I eventually tossed them. I have a pair I bought at the same time which I didn't use for breaks.
I've literally destroyed dozens of imports (mostly those from AWMA) that didn't last a single day.
Now eventually we did kills some Dolan's but they literally lasted 20 times longer than most other nunchaku. The only time a swivel chain went was if we split a stick so badly the retaining screw gave.
I'd sure be interested to hear what nunchaku you guys used 30 years ago which were superior? Almost without exception I found the Dolans to be the best on the market and that was the general consensus of everyone I knew who used them as a weapon. And even today they are sorta considered the grail, one of the reasons Woodalls is so popular is they seem to be following the Dolan's tradition, albeit at a slightly higher price.
I plan to get some Woodalls, and I'm sure they will be excellent, just wish I could reasonably afford to get several dozen.
:daah: Why would you want to have soo many? If you need them all for breaking stuff, then my advise is to get a nice pair of chucks for shadow practice, bag, and freestyle, and then make a pair of steel pipe chucks for breaking stuff. Those will laaaast.
@SteyrAUG.Judging by your weapon collection and photo,I think you should audition for the next James Bond.
Jameas Bond meets Office Space!!! :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:
:daah: Why would you want to have soo many? If you need them all for breaking stuff, then my advise is to get a nice pair of chucks for shadow practice, bag, and freestyle, and then make a pair of steel pipe chucks for breaking stuff. Those will laaaast.
Just so we are on the same page.
1. My "lets' try and break stuff" days are long behind me.
2. I want to replenish because I have only about a dozen nunchaku left. And most of them have sentimental value so I don't want to subject them to continuous use.
3. Experience has taught me that "reliable, quality nunchaku" are not always readily available, so when they are you want to stock up. I still on occasion give them to students. You'd think I'd learn not to do that but....
Also breaking things with steel pipe nunchaku doesn't exactly translate to developed ability with regular nunchaku. It's kinda like using brass knuckles to break a board and believing you have the power to break a board should the need ever arise. Granted it is extremely unlikely that I will ever need to employ nunchaku as a weapon, but my philosophy is if you are going to learn a weapon then learn it as a weapon. Worst possible outcome is I will devote a good portion of my life to developing skills I will never actually need, and I'm fine with that.
Jameas Bond meets Office Space!!! :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:
Gibbons...Peter Gibbons.
Dr. Evil is a no talent assclown.
Very smart words. :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect:
I see your point.
"Worst possible outcome is I will devote a good portion of my life to developing skills I will never actually need, and I'm fine with that."
:whahaa That should be on a shirt.
Just what I thought, all Blow, no go
You guys can beat on your chest all day, but the fact is it’s not going to make your prochuxs any bigger. lol
He might have a pair of Penchaku.
Nah, I just need a pencil sharpener to turn them into that lol.
So who has a heavy duty, hard use nunchaku at a reasonable price?
I already said my peace, I just came into this thread to give a simple oppinion which turns out not so simple. I had no ideal the prochux users are soooo defensive, or the Dolan users as well lol. Really, there is nothing wrong with dinky chuxs, where talking heavy duty here, Right?
I’ll leave it at this, Dolans made a bad swivel design in which may have cause some people to consider them a cheap nunchaku. I think I remember seeing Matt-Chez bust a woodalls u-swivel design. Is that correct? If so, just think about thaT. However, it doesn’t mean Woodalls is cheap, just means they are using a failed design from the get go.
"Really, there is nothing wrong with dinky chuxs, where talking heavy duty here, Right?"
You're right, there's nothing wrong with any chucks. It's just style. But my point is, karatevideoguy made a post to recommend Prochux because the OP was looking for "real nunchaku". Karatevideoguy must have assumed that by "real nunchaku" he meant Okinawa style ones IE:good wood, octagon, good connection, able to be used for martial application.
Then you went on to lol about how Pros don't fit that category because they're too dinky for your massive garbage can lid hands. Well, most of us consider Prochux to fit the category of being allowed to be suggested as "real nunchaku". ...But since Pros are only useful as demo chucks and shouldn't be harmlessly suggested as a chuck to try out for martial application, we should obviously know by now and silly of us that we don't that only chucks with a 1-1/4" base and 5" cord can only be considered heavy duty.
I’ll leave it at this, Dolans made a bad swivel design in which may have cause some people to consider them a cheap nunchaku. I think I remember seeing Matt-Chez bust a woodalls u-swivel design. Is that correct? If so, just think about thaT. However, it doesn’t mean Woodalls is cheap, just means they are using a failed design from the get go.
"The biggest advantage that the U-Swivel hardware had over the typical ball bearing hardware (seen below) was durability and resistance to wear."
And anyone can break anything, I'm interested in who makes a better one in your opinion?
Matt breaks....everything.
okay guys, time to chill this thread a bit.
Some general advice for everyone:
- Everyone can post their opinion in a respectful way
- Do not insult anyone or anything. Not because you don't like something, or someone, it is/ they are wrong.
- You can discuss what you want, but using facts. An argument lose all it value when you say it with insulting words.
Now, bringing some logic to this discussion:
- Real nunchaku would be a tool for farming (to collect rise, or for horses... different theories)
- In this community we believe that when you connect two sticks with something, keeping a bit the dimension, you have a nunchaku, so anyone who spin with that, is welcome to join, there is no need to use a certain type of nunchaku to be in.
- Woodall's Custom Workshop makes a nunchaku with an improve Dolan's U-swivel
- Lee Barden makes the prochux.
- The prochux is smaller that the regular nunchaku available in the market, but that doesn't give anyone the reason to insult the design. If you want to discuss about the prochux size, then do it with respect, or talking with his creator.
- You are here to post your own points of view, the credibility that you may have, will depend in how you have develop in this community. Every time there is a wise post, we will know by it the post and logic itself, not because someone said so.
And last of all, let's not have again the prochux vs traditional fight :doh Please respect that there are different kinds of nunchakus for different kinds of people, and if you want to learn more about the first argument of prochux vs traditional, check this thread: , of course not to keep the argument, but to learn the pros and cons
"The biggest advantage that the U-Swivel hardware had over the typical ball bearing hardware (seen below) was durability and resistance to wear."
And anyone can break anything, I'm interested in who makes a better one in your opinion?
"The biggest advantage that the U-Swivel hardware had over the typical ball bearing hardware (seen below) was durability and resistance to wear."
I can tell you that is untrue statement, the U-Swivel is an ancient swivel design put on a nunchaku, you can think of it as every time you swing the chucks, it’s like taking a claw hammer and pulling on the screw head. The more you use them the worse they get, they would loosing up, or the screw head would snap off. Just like pulling nails out of wood.
I don’t remember what part broke off in MattChez vid, but I would bet it’s similar to the way they used to snap off. After now looking at the new design, I don’t think the brass pin is going to help.
And if you read further down:
Having repaired many U-Swivel Nunchaku for customers we have noticed a design problem with the original U-Swivel Nunchaku (no disrespect intended) and here is the problem:
A two inch screw is tightened into the top of the Nunchaku to hold the U-Swivel cap on. Tightening of the main screw causes cracking which allows the screw to back out over time or worse, causes the wood to break when the Nunchaku is used in a strike.
So there you have it, exactly what I encountered 30 years ago, and the reason why some people use to call them cheap.
Who makes the BEST? That would depend on who has the best resources, and doesn't mind building custom chuxs.
I think the best heavy duty nunchaku is with a chain and no swivels, in which makes an easy DIY. Swivels are really unnecessary.
"The biggest advantage that the U-Swivel hardware had over the typical ball bearing hardware (seen below) was durability and resistance to wear."
I can tell you that is untrue statement, the U-Swivel is an ancient swivel design put on a nunchaku, you can think of it as every time you swing the chucks, it’s like taking a claw hammer and pulling on the screw head. The more you use them the worse they get, they would loosing up, or the screw head would snap off. Just like pulling nails out of wood.
I'm not sure a 1970s design qualifies as ancient.
I don’t remember what part broke off in MattChez vid, but I would bet it’s similar to the way they used to snap off. After now looking at the new design, I don’t think the brass pin is going to help.
And if you read further down:
Having repaired many U-Swivel Nunchaku for customers we have noticed a design problem with the original U-Swivel Nunchaku (no disrespect intended) and here is the problem:
A two inch screw is tightened into the top of the Nunchaku to hold the U-Swivel cap on. Tightening of the main screw causes cracking which allows the screw to back out over time or worse, causes the wood to break when the Nunchaku is used in a strike.
So there you have it, exactly what I encountered 30 years ago, and the reason why some people use to call them cheap.
And yet, given what the alternatives were, they were still the strongest ones I encountered. I of course saw many people split sticks when trying to install Dolans swivels on homemade sticks when they didn't pre drill for the screw. But I've never seen any "from the factory" nunchaku split with regular usage and it took significant abuse (such as trying to break cinder blocks) to get a stick to split in this way.
And again if these were cheap, what were the good ones back then?
Who makes the BEST? That would depend on who has the best resources, and doesn't mind building custom chuxs.
I think the best heavy duty nunchaku is with a chain and no swivels, in which makes an easy DIY. Swivels are really unnecessary.
Well again, I was asking who made a better one in the Dolans days since the Dolans were in your opinion inferior. What made the best one then?
"The biggest advantage that the U-Swivel hardware had over the typical ball bearing hardware (seen below) was durability and resistance to wear."
I can tell you that is untrue statement, the U-Swivel is an ancient swivel design put on a nunchaku, you can think of it as every time you swing the chucks, it’s like taking a claw hammer and pulling on the screw head. The more you use them the worse they get, they would loosing up, or the screw head would snap off. Just like pulling nails out of wood.
I don’t remember what part broke off in MattChez vid, but I would bet it’s similar to the way they used to snap off. After now looking at the new design, I don’t think the brass pin is going to help.
And if you read further down:
Having repaired many U-Swivel Nunchaku for customers we have noticed a design problem with the original U-Swivel Nunchaku (no disrespect intended) and here is the problem:
A two inch screw is tightened into the top of the Nunchaku to hold the U-Swivel cap on. Tightening of the main screw causes cracking which allows the screw to back out over time or worse, causes the wood to break when the Nunchaku is used in a strike.
So there you have it, exactly what I encountered 30 years ago, and the reason why some people use to call them cheap.
Who makes the BEST? That would depend on who has the best resources, and doesn't mind building custom chuxs.
I think the best heavy duty nunchaku is with a chain and no swivels, in which makes an easy DIY. Swivels are really unnecessary.
I really think, you need to think about what you are posting. You are welcome to your opinion, yes, but so are we. I'm around 6 foot, and have hands like a mamoth, and that look like they should be on one with the coniditioning i do to them, and prochucks are still fine for me. I think you have just insulted what 25-50% of the forum use and love, and you wonder why people are annoyed? Lets think of it this way for a second. Imagen you have worked for years, and have now built up a good business, how would you feel if someone came on insulting your designs. If you are talking about the veiw of the martial art community, youre looking at it son, and i love pros (allbeit i have only tried home made ones sofar, im sure the real things are much better). I think you will find that MASTER Lee Barde is not called master for no reason. He is a master in Martial arts. If you are such an expert why did you not accept a challange from Notherchucker?
If you want to get on here son, you better buck your ideas up because this isn't a baby sitting center, this is where experts from around the world discuss freestyle nunchaku issues, and noone has time or patience for someone walking in here and disrespecting our members.
I'm not sure a 1970s design qualifies as ancient.
The design predates the 70’s, the clevis swivel has been around a long, long time… the only difference is it was put on the nunchaku. It is ancient, hell I have an old brass pulley that uses the clevis swivel, I think that thing goes back to the 1800’s.
And again if these were cheap, what were the good ones back then?
Back then I enjoyed the bb over the u-swivel.
My main pair where 12” octagon tapered oak with string, they where ordered from BlackBelt mag, but not from the big suppliers at the time.
I really think, you need to think about what you are posting. You are welcome to your opinion, yes, but so are we. I'm around 6 foot, and have hands like a mamoth, and that look like they should be on one with the coniditioning i do to them, and prochucks are still fine for me. I think you have just insulted what 25-50% of the forum use and love, and you wonder why people are annoyed? Lets think of it this way for a second. Imagen you have worked for years, and have now built up a good business, how would you feel if someone came on insulting your designs. If you are talking about the veiw of the martial art community, youre looking at it son, and i love pros (allbeit i have only tried home made ones sofar, im sure the real things are much better). I think you will find that MASTER Lee Barde is not called master for no reason. He is a master in Martial arts. If you are such an expert why did you not accept a challange from Notherchucker?
If you want to get on here son, you better buck your ideas up because this isn't a baby sitting center, this is where experts from around the world discuss freestyle nunchaku issues, and noone has time or patience for someone walking in here and disrespecting our members.
I’m not sure what to make of your post, more chest thumping? I’m not insulting anyone.
What did I say that was so bad about prochuxs?
What did you say? You're just generally being nasty and insulting. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything in the first place. Offer constructive information, not going on talking about how bad something is. It doesn't take much knowledge, insight, or will to help, to talk about how bad things are. Instead you could have been offering suggestions that don't insult the equipment the regulars here use.
What did you say? You're just generally being nasty and insulting. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything in the first place. Offer constructive information, not going on talking about how bad something is. It doesn't take much knowledge, insight, or will to help, to talk about how bad things are. Instead you could have been offering suggestions that don't insult the equipment the regulars here use.
If you think I’m being nasty and insulting, fine… I’ll just leave it to you guys so you can create your own history. If you was to read back this thread, you are the ones that are being insulting and nasty. I did didn’t even want to take it this far anyway. I just had one small opinion, and it seems to offend YOU!!!
Good luck, good bye….
The design predates the 70’s, the clevis swivel has been around a long, long time… the only difference is it was put on the nunchaku. It is ancient, hell I have an old brass pulley that uses the clevis swivel, I think that thing goes back to the 1800’s.
I'm just going by the patent date. You know the Ferrari is ancient as hell as it is based on the Ford Model A and before that the horse and buggy right?
Back then I enjoyed the bb over the u-swivel. My main pair where 12” octagon tapered oak with string, they where ordered from BlackBelt mag, but not from the big suppliers at the time.
Who made a BB swivel that was stronger than the Dolans U swivel? I'd like to know as most BB connections I used soon spit BBs after a few hours of weapon on weapon training. Who made these indestructible BB connections in the 80s? Speedchucks from AWMA were the strongest ones I was aware of, and while decent they didn't hold up as well.
And those 12” octagon tapered oak with string were superior to a 12" octagon corded pair from Dolans how?
Or is your point now that cord connections are superior to swivel chain connections regardless of manufacture? I ask because that would be a new point of discussion and not one I entirely disagree with.
What did you say? You're just generally being nasty and insulting. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything in the first place. Offer constructive information, not going on talking about how bad something is. It doesn't take much knowledge, insight, or will to help, to talk about how bad things are. Instead you could have been offering suggestions that don't insult the equipment the regulars here use.
Well I hope that wasn't directed to include me.
I was never insulting or nasty, and the times where I was condescending it was in reply to the same.
I’m not sure what to make of your post, more chest thumping? I’m not insulting anyone.
What did I say that was so bad about prochuxs?
And youre saying youre not insulting anyone? I was not chest thumping as you put it, i was airing my opinion, which after experience on this forum, im pretty sure is matched by most. If you are trying to pick a fight with someone here, be my guest, if you want it to be me fine, but you will find yourself banned if you ever insult me again, or any other member for that matter, because it isn't tolerated here. If you think its a threat, it isn't its a promise, people have been banned before, for exactly the same reason
ps SteyrAUG, if you wish to talk to more than one member, and want it seperated, instead of posting twice, or "double posting" as it is called, put it in one post, and seperate the chat topic with [h*r], without the * in it (i had to put that there so it wouldnt put a horizontal rule on the page.
ps SteyrAUG, if you wish to talk to more than one member, and want it seperated, instead of posting twice, or "double posting" as it is called, put it in one post, and seperate the chat topic with [h*r], without the * in it (i had to put that there so it wouldnt put a horizontal rule on the page.
Sorry, I need to brush up on my Forum Fu.
And youre saying youre not insulting anyone? I was not chest thumping as you put it, i was airing my opinion, which after experience on this forum, im pretty sure is matched by most. If you are trying to pick a fight with someone here, be my guest, if you want it to be me fine, but you will find yourself banned if you ever insult me again, or any other member for that matter, because it isn't tolerated here. If you think its a threat, it isn't its a promise, people have been banned before, for exactly the same reason
I don’t know where you are get this stuff lol?
Look at your comments-
I'm around 6 foot, and have hands like a mamoth = chest thumping
If you are such an expert why did you not accept a challange from Notherchucker? = chest thumping + when did I say I was an expert? Maybe I’m a professional lol….
pick a fight with someone here, be my guest? Your inviting me to fight?
What members have I disrespected?
You seem to think I’m insulting, but I am not in any way doing that.
Who made a BB swivel that was stronger than the Dolans U swivel? I'd like to know as most BB connections I used soon spit BBs after a few hours of weapon on weapon training. Who made these indestructible BB connections in the 80s? Speedchucks from AWMA were the strongest ones I was aware of, and while decent they didn't hold up as well.
There was no magic nunchaku back then, and obviously it’s a matter of debate bb vs u-swivel. Dolans also made BB with u-swivels, in which case could be triple the trouble, as they could spit BBs and snap the swivel or wood.
And those 12” octagon tapered oak with string were superior to a 12" octagon corded pair from Dolans how?
Or is your point now that cord connections are superior to swivel chain connections regardless of manufacture? I ask because that would be a new point of discussion and not one I entirely disagree with.
Cord connections are superior to swivel chain, but the ones I had where just medi core. My point in posting in this thread was you should get something like Dolans, but superior in design. I just thought Woodalls was best for that, as prochuxs don’t make them with chains. If you really wanted heavy duty go with chains without the swivel and string design. Nowadays we can customize them, that wasn’t so much of the case 30 years ago. Today’s chuxs are way better.
Ok Berserkergang I appologize, if I am rude and nasty, believe me I don’t know how I come off in a text based world, maybe I am and I just don’t realize it. Maybe I am a mean old fart, I dunno lol. Maybe I should NOT post online if my opinions seem to extreme to you guys...
Or maybe you guys should respect an outside opinion.
Thanks guys, he was wrong about Dolans. He might be wrong about everything else. I'll call them and look into it.
The prochux trasher series are not as big around as some traditional style chucks that is true but they are designed that way to fit the most people. If you have a big hand and need thicker around chux they can be custom made to fit you, same goes if you need longer or shorter. Lee just made some 10 inch for a customer who wanted them for the young child. That is the beauty of "custom made"
In my opinion you should try lots of different chux until you find the one that works for you, then if you want to expand your chux collection try other styles and other designs.
You can never have too many chux of nay kind in my opinion.
Like I said before contact Lee, he can make you just about any size of prochux you want with just about any kind of wood.
Some people like lighter chux some like heavier ones it is all about your preference. Back in the day if you wanted prochux there was only one kind you could get, now Lee is making them custom for each individual.
Nunchukualot I am sorry you are not happy with your prochux. To each his own.
There was no magic nunchaku back then, and obviously it’s a matter of debate bb vs u-swivel. Dolans also made BB with u-swivels, in which case could be triple the trouble, as they could spit BBs and snap the swivel or wood.
I actually have a pair. But the Dolans were more of a closed case BB design and far less likey to spit BBs. From the best I can determine regular BB connections failed when they tilted in the caps and that was all she wrote. With a screw going through the center of the BB case in the dolans that wasn't as likely. With the pinned on caps of most BB systems all it took was enough wear for the BB system to tilt in the cap.
Cord connections are superior to swivel chain, but the ones I had where just medi core. My point in posting in this thread was you should get something like Dolans, but superior in design. I just thought Woodalls was best for that, as prochuxs don’t make them with chains. If you really wanted heavy duty go with chains without the swivel and string design. Nowadays we can customize them, that wasn’t so much of the case 30 years ago. Today’s chuxs are way better.
Like I said, I'm not going to debate that point. I know from personal experience that most cord connections outlast any chain system. I'm just wondering what made you declare Dolan's corded nunchaku inferior to other corded nunchaku. They are virtually the same design and despite your assertions to the contrary Dolans used high quality woods.
And as for Woodalls, again it looks like a premium weapon. The "improvement" may or may not be significant. It just isn't cost effective because even after you factor in inflation they are still 2 to 3 times as expensive as what a pair of Dolans sold for. Not exactly something that you can easily buy 12 pair of.
Guys, last warning, please chill out, or I must lock this topic. :omg:
As long as we can all talk here with respect, every post is valid.
Guys, last warning, please chill out, or I must lock this topic. OMG
As long as we can all talk here with respect, every post is valid.
I have been trying my best.... though I don't think anyone gets my point lol.
Nunchukualot I am sorry you are not happy with your prochux. To each his own.
No no nooo… lol I never said I was not happy with my prochuxs, I said they where dinky in my hands, like holding a pencil lol… I have no problem with smaller chuxs, they have their place. We where talking about heavy duty chuxs. You guys are making this to complicated… :P
I'm just wondering what made you declare Dolan's corded nunchaku inferior to other corded nunchaku. They are virtually the same design and despite your assertions to the contrary Dolans used high quality woods.
I didn’t declare anything on Dolan's corded nunchaku, I simply didn’t buy from Dolans again after my experience with the u-swivel. Back then It was only natural to think it was the wood that was bad, when in fact it was the swivel. Just to be clear, the only Dolans I had where two u-swivels.
And as for Woodalls, again it looks like a premium weapon. The "improvement" may or may not be significant. It just isn't cost effective because even after you factor in inflation they are still 2 to 3 times as expensive as what a pair of Dolans sold for. Not exactly something that you can easily buy 12 pair of.
12 pair!!! Really…. You know there was an 80s recession, and that lasted a few years, besides nowadays we have online and quality, even if the economy suxs, 50 dollars is not bad for a custom made nunchaku.
Guys, last warning, please chill out, or I must lock this topic. :omg:
As long as we can all talk here with respect, every post is valid.
Jose.the forum needs threads like this.It make it more interesting
Lol thats why I just stopped posting, I thought both sides proved their points. Did get quite blown out of proportions there.....for a long time lol
Lol thats why I just stopped posting, I thought both sides proved their points. Did get quite blown out of proportions there.....for a long time lol
lol i looked right sa it got blown up :lmfao:
so i couldnt really post, feared being flamed out lol.
No no nooo… lol I never said I was not happy with my prochuxs, I said they where dinky in my hands, like holding a pencil lol… I have no problem with smaller chuxs, they have their place. We where talking about heavy duty chuxs. You guys are making this to complicated… :P
Ok my misunderstanding. I think it was the word "dinky" that irked people.
If you really wanted heavy duty go with chains without the swivel and string design.
I have a pair of those. I think is was quoted recently in on thread.
What I did was to solder the chain to the inside of the tube.
Here are some pics:
The pipe was just a metal pipe, a bit rusted, and the chain was a normal chain of 7 links.
The chain was solder to the pipe, like this:
Now those are made for breaking things!!!!! :clap :clap :clap :omg: :omg: :omg: :bigdance: :bigdance: :bigdance: :eeeh
Oh they're pipes! I thought they were bars! Now if they were bars... they'd just be damn heavy.
Jose.the forum needs threads like this.It make it more interesting
Yes, I totally agree that we need the most possible points of view in everything, so we can progress faster. But I must ensure a respectful tone in the topics, so the discussions are made by true and facts, and not by the hot thinking of the moment :happy-firey:. That's why I'm keeping an eye here :omg:
With a respectful talk we go ahead 3 steps, with no respect we go ahead 1 step, and at the same time 3 steps backwards :thumb:
Oh they're pipes! I thought they were bars! Now if they were bars... they'd just be damn heavy.
well 680grs (if I remember correct) is a lot of weight :roll:
Yeah it still is. 8-)
Yes, I totally agree that we need the most possible points of view in everything, so we can progress faster. But I must ensure a respectful tone in the topics, so the discussions are made by true and facts, and not by the hot thinking of the moment :happy-firey:. That's why I'm keeping an eye here :omg:
With a respectful talk we go ahead 3 steps, with no respect we go ahead 1 step, and at the same time 3 steps backwards :thumb:
Jose.Who do you think is being disrespectful here?
I didn’t declare anything on Dolan's corded nunchaku, I simply didn’t buy from Dolans again after my experience with the u-swivel. Back then It was only natural to think it was the wood that was bad, when in fact it was the swivel. Just to be clear, the only Dolans I had where two u-swivels.
Actually you said...
Dolan's used to sell cheap nunchaku because it was cheap wood and design...
I even asked specifically about corded Dolans in reply on page two and this is the first time you've stated nothing is wrong with Dolans corded nunchaku. Of course they use exactly the same wood on both configurations. So I guess it is safe to say you were incorrect about Dolans having cheap wood and that is just a conclusion you arrived at. Now your only complaint is you feel the U swivel chain was inferior and weak.
12 pair!!! Really…. You know there was an 80s recession, and that lasted a few years, besides nowadays we have online and quality, even if the economy suxs, 50 dollars is not bad for a custom made nunchaku.
Ok, let me try and help you again.
In 1983 Dolans base nunchaku Rock Maple corded was $4.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $10.77
In 1983 Dolans base swivel nunchaku Rock Maple was $7.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $17.30
In 1983 Dolans mid range nunchaku Rosewood corded was $10.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $23.82
In 1983 Dolans mid range swivel nunchaku Rosewood was $12.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $28.17
In 1983 Dolans best nunchaku Cocobolo corded was $15.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $34.70
In 1983 Dolans mid range swivel nunchaku Cocobolo was $17.95 which in 2009 dollars would be $39.05
These were Dolans prices from 1979 until about 1986 when they went out of business. The prices were the same before, during and after the 80s recession. As you can see in every case they are much more affordable than a $50 pair of nunchaku today.
Furthermore we are in an economy so bad we are yearning for the days of the 80s recession. So in this economy even if the Dolans were the same price after inflation (which they are not) it would still be less cost effective to buy a $50 nunchalu today than a $22.99 nunchaku in 1983 which is how expensive they would have to be in 1983 to be a $50 pair today.
If I could get a Maple U swivel nunchaku for even $20 from Woodalls (which is actually slightly more than the Dolans price adjusted for inflation) I'd grab a dozen.
I have a pair of those. I think is was quoted recently in on thread.
What I did was to solder the chain to the inside of the tube.
Now those are really heavy duty jmvicuna, those will be around a long time, that would be ideal for some heavy use. A welded chain definitely wins over swivel or a cord setup. :chuck:
Ok my misunderstanding. I think it was the word "dinky" that irked people.
I see, had I said poor old dinky chucks, then I could understand… But I’m only using dinky as for the size, my slanguage may not be forum suitable lol.
Actually you said...
I'm not really saying anything different.
I’m not sure I said anything about Dolans corded nunchaku, that was a few pages back lol. Yes I said cheap wood and design... If Dolans was still around and selling the same swivel chuck, people may still think the wood is cheap. I guess a cheap nunchaku would be less than $50.
Still, custom made is better than, compared to Dolan prices.
I'm not really saying anything different.
I’m not sure I said anything about Dolans corded nunchaku, that was a few pages back lol. Yes I said cheap wood and design... If Dolans was still around and selling the same swivel chuck, people may still think the wood is cheap. I guess a cheap nunchaku would be less than $50.
Still, custom made is better than, compared to Dolan prices.
Well first the wood was bad, then there was nothing wrong with the wood - just the swivel and now the wood is once again bad.
Exactly what kind of politician are you in real life?
And custom expensive nunchaku are superior to Dolan's production nunchaku why exactly? Custom just means limited production without the capacity for standardization. Making them one at a time doesn't necessarily mean they are better. That has more to do with the actual difference in price than anything else.
In any case, given my personal experience I'm going to say I disagree with your opinions and conclusions and leave it at that.
I dont know why you guys hate stadard bbs. I will try to get a vid done today showing they are just as hard as any other type of nunchaku, there are hard as hell wood, nothing special, bought from an online martial arts store, and you can drop them from 20-30 ft and all it doest it chips abit of paint on them. they weigh like 450g, and with the new antipop bearings i recon i could do pullups with them and the bbs wouldnt break. Just an opinion, ill try to make a vid and post it later.
Well first the wood was bad, then there was nothing wrong with the wood - just the swivel and now the wood is once again bad.
Yes, for example if your Dolan u-swivel nunchaku wood was fractured, the wood would seem bad. And maybe the wood was bad, that was my impression 30 years ago. However, no matter how good or bad the wood was, the swivel can destroy the wood, that is a fact. As a person who purchases nunchaku, you do not want to take chances with a defective wood or design.
Exactly what kind of politician are you in real life?
Why, should I be one, or is that a insult lol.
And custom expensive nunchaku are superior to Dolan's production nunchaku why exactly? Custom just means limited production without the capacity for standardization. Making them one at a time doesn't necessarily mean they are better. That has more to do with the actual difference in price than anything else.
In any case, given my personal experience I'm going to say I disagree with your opinions and conclusions and leave it at that.
Why again? first, a custom made nunchaku today, is not as "expensive" with the general rise of prices since the 80's compared to Dolan $$$. If Dolans was still around today inflation would raise their production price with certain woods, unless they are using defective wood to beat a pushing inflation, in which may have been the case in the 80's, who knows.
Second, custom doesn't necessarily mean limited production, it could mean better than the standard, and not just for personal specification, a customer's specification doesn't necessarily mean a rise in price too. The actual difference in price can be up to the customer, in which case is better than what Dolans had to offer, much better than just selecting wood choice. The wood and design of the u-swivel nunchaku was left with uncertainty and controversy, as there was a problem with them. I really can't understand how you couldn't have known about the cheap vibe back then, giving there is evidence about the defective u-swivel?
To each his own, I guess...
I dont know why you guys hate stadard bbs. I will try to get a vid done today showing they are just as hard as any other type of nunchaku, there are hard as hell wood, nothing special, bought from an online martial arts store, and you can drop them from 20-30 ft and all it doest it chips abit of paint on them. they weigh like 450g, and with the new antipop bearings i recon i could do pullups with them and the bbs wouldnt break. Just an opinion, ill try to make a vid and post it later.
I don't hate bb, they are the best to goof around with.... yeah like to see your video 8-)
I dont know why you guys hate stadard bbs.
I don't hate them. I've had a lot of them over the years. I've just found they don't hold up to abuse as much as a simple cord connection or a U swivel. The other problem with BB systems is they range in quality from really strong to will come flying apart depending upon who made them and when. I had a pair of speedchucks from about 81' that I bought from AWMA that took almost 20 years to die and outlasted many of the same model from the same place bought in the early 90s.
I dont know why you guys hate stadard bbs.
Well, there are many examples when ball bearing have broke. Yayu once posted a picture of his BB broken.
The cord, in the other hand is better because you can see when it actually will break (if you check them, you can see when it start to fry)
The U-swivel have been prove that breaks with strong use, Matt-chez and Yetibutt have broken them.
The metal nunchaku I have (the pictures in the previous page) can brake at any minute, and I won't know until it happens, because is difficult to see a metal with a soft point.
In the end, every system will die, but at least with cord you know when is time to replace.... with metal, that can happen any day.
I wish to see a nunchaku with ball bearings in angle, I think that will give more force to the nunchaku itself, and will last longer:
I see, had I said poor old dinky chucks, then I could understand… But I’m only using dinky as for the size, my slanguage may not be forum suitable lol.
I get it now you are always right and even though I tried to be nice and apologize you still feel the need to be right and justify your comments, just accept my apology and move on.
I get it now you are always right and even though I tried to be nice and apologize you still feel the need to be right and justify your comments, just accept my apology and move on.
I don't think it has anything to do with being self righteous, however nothing wrong with that, who isn't overly opinionated in this forum? But hey I rather accept your apology and move on, not that you needed to apologize or be nice, I have no problems with what you or anyone said.
I dont know why you guys hate stadard bbs. I will try to get a vid done today showing they are just as hard as any other type of nunchaku, there are hard as hell wood, nothing special, bought from an online martial arts store, and you can drop them from 20-30 ft and all it doest it chips abit of paint on them. they weigh like 450g, and with the new antipop bearings i recon i could do pullups with them and the bbs wouldnt break. Just an opinion, ill try to make a vid and post it later.
it only takes one bb chuck to pop and fly into a babys face, eradicating the baby and ruining your life. so please think of the children.
but on a serious note... it just depends on the manufacturer some BB chucks might just be the bees knees.
fell asleep while reading this discussion....boaaaaring...
why don´t you just try some pairs....oh, forgot: white-collar-business-people do not have money in these sorry you won´t try Woodall´s....
hey and one more thing: fantastic that people can calculate and compare prizes from 1980 to now...really impressive... so better find a solution to get back to this 80´s-shop...
hope nobody sees my sarcastic
nuff said,
it only takes one bb chuck to pop and fly into a babys face, eradicating the baby and ruining your life. so please think of the children.
but on a serious note... it just depends on the manufacturer some BB chucks might just be the bees knees.
Thats why i don't chuck with babies around.
Lol hell thats the reason ill barely chuck with my mom in the room :lmfao: (OPEN YOUR EYES!)
fell asleep while reading this discussion....boaaaaring...
why don´t you just try some pairs....oh, forgot: white-collar-business-people do not have money in these sorry you won´t try Woodall´s....
hey and one more thing: fantastic that people can calculate and compare prizes from 1980 to now...really impressive... so better find a solution to get back to this 80´s-shop...
hope nobody sees my sarcastic
nuff said,
Well if you took the time to read what I wrote you would have learned two things and saved yourself a lot of time and sarcasm.
1. I intend to get a pair of Woodalls and I believe they will be very high quality.
2. It isn't that this "white collar" person (although I'm actually not so you were wrong about that too) can't afford a pair of Woodalls, but they aren't cost effective enough for me to be several (probably a dozen) pair. That comes out to $600 plus shipping and isn't a simple purchase.
2. It isn't that this "white collar" person (although I'm actually not so you were wrong about that too) can't afford a pair of Woodalls, but they aren't cost effective enough for me to be several (probably a dozen) pair. That comes out to $600 plus shipping and isn't a simple purchase.
Yea lol, if you could afford 2-3 of the rifles you own, then Woodalls doesnt seem like it would be a far stretch :P Almost looks like chump change, but hey everyones situation is different.
when i tell people the price of my woodalls and the price of my flowtoys, i get some raised eyebrows, but i dont mind spending money for quality when it comes to what i love. :lol:
Yea lol, if you could afford 2-3 of the rifles you own, then Woodalls doesnt seem like it would be a far stretch :P Almost looks like chump change, but hey everyones situation is different.
Well a couple things.
1. Rifles tend to hold their value or increase in value with time. So it is a safe place to put a lot of money. Additionally certain firearms are a "betting all the marbles" item that can protect your life so it makes sense to buy the best. And finally my occupation is related to firearms so they are something of a necessity not to mention a write off.
2. I'm not looking for a single pair for myself. If I was I'd just get a nice set of Woodalls and be done. I probably will do that by the way just so I have a pair for me as they look nice. I'm looking to grab about a dozen for a long term supply and when I buy in quantity I try and get the best "whatever I'm buying" for the money. Sound buying practices is what allows me to have money to spend.
3. For me traditional weapons are sorta squandered money. I don't derive any income from them and they are slowly worn out over time so they are not an investment in any way. So getting a dozen slightly overpriced custom weapons for general use probably isn't a sound idea.
when i tell people the price of my woodalls and the price of my flowtoys, i get some raised eyebrows, but i dont mind spending money for quality when it comes to what i love. :lol:
And neither would I if I was buying a single pair. But as stated before, looking to stock up and on several good sets that will be for regular hard use (meaning likely to hit other weapons, get dropped, etc.) for my own practice and instruction of students.
2. I'm not looking for a single pair for myself. If I was I'd just get a nice set of Woodalls and be done. I probably will do that by the way just so I have a pair for me as they look nice. I'm looking to grab about a dozen for a long term supply and when I buy in quantity I try and get the best "whatever I'm buying" for the money. Sound buying practices is what allows me to have money to spend.
I agree with your thinking, but probably I use it in a different way: I like to buy in pairs or more the good stuff, so if it ever breaks, I have a replacement. I have regret many times not buying something in more quantity. But I use this, only for myself, and if I understood you correctly, you do that to gift or the sale later.
But, if you have never seen a Woodall's before (or wathever nunchaku you want to buy in big quantity) I suggest you to buy one first, so you will know exactly what it is :thumb:
Hello guys
I guess I should answer a few things here. Sorry I haven't been on lately we have been extremely busy. I see that some of our customers have been trying to answer your questions for me so thanks to one and all. :respect:
Our Dolan Reproduction U-Swivels are machined at our shop by us. The design has been improved from the old Dolan ones because there were some flaws in its design. The reason the cost is more than you expect for those caps is that the cost of metal has jumped tremendously in the 30 years since they were started originally by Dolan, It cost more for the chain than it used to, we use more steel than he did and we do not mass produce the caps as he had them done which makes it cheaper but also flaws because quality control is not the same..
Our nunchaku are the highest quality and craftsmanship available. You can read our reviews and see our customer video reviews for verification of this. Additionally we offer the best customer service that you will ever find anywhere. This is of course what our customers say and we appreciate their kind comments. :respect:
You want to purchase large quantity from a Nunchaku company, we offer discounts for volume orders (orders of 6 or more) We buy only the best quality and heartwood of all woods we carry. We accept no imperfections. We hand craft our products (in our workshop) and do not ship out to other people to make as others in the business do. Our options are sometimes limitless due to our stock of woods and abilities. Our Nunchaku is not only beautiful to look at they are also very usable.
If you are wanting cheap Nunchaku that will not last then your options are limitless since many companies out there make substandard Nunchaku and they also state you are buying one kind of wood when they are selling you a cheaper wood and mask it as the real thing you ordered. You do get what you pay for in most instances.
If you have any questions you can contact me and we can discuss what options you have. I don't normally like posting the reasons to choose us but it seems that too much has been said without me commenting about our company. I usually stick to offering my opinion about Nunchaku when it is asked of me in order to help the forum members here. No matter what company you choose good luck in finding exactly what you need in the specifications that you need. With enough research you will eventually find exactly what you need and desire. Yes, even if that company isn't us :2thumbsup:
Have a terrific week,
Woodall's Custom Workshop
:respect: I'm liking woodalls
Look I don't know if this has been mentioned yet in this long thread but even if it has its worth restating:
The "improvement" of Woodall's U-Swivels over Dolans more accident prone models is that there is no longer a bolt going down into the core of the chuck from under the swivel. Dolan's design made the top part of the chuck prone to weakness, Woodalls attaches their caps to the batons similarly to a ball bearing cap, against the grain, with a brass pin. Its a safe, useful change to a design that was good but flawed, and now, they actually ARE better and safer than ball bearings. The only reason Matt and Yeti's U-swivels broke anyway is because the two of them are inhuman speed demons that prefer heavy woods.
Nothing against Lee or Prochux, but woodalls are the closest thing you can find today to Dolans.
Silver Fire NUNCHAKUS from China, Silver fire of the World!!
I am sure this will not disspponit you! :bigdance: :gogogo :happy-firey: :chuck:
Silver Fire NUNCHAKUS from China, Silver fire of the World!!
I am sure this will not disspponit you! :bigdance: :gogogo :happy-firey: :chuck:
WORD Alex!! :2thumbsup: ... these will not disappoint any chucker!!! :clap :chuck: :gogogo go and get them!!
Oh, that's messed up. Here's nine circles:
great site, just what i was looking for