Freestyle Forum
VIDEOS => D.I.Y. Guides => Others => Topic started by: jmvicuna on March 03, 2010, 11:00:41 PM
I made this guide to make a cord nunchaku. If you travel with them, as with 2 set of ropes, there can't be any legal problem :evil:
At the end, is a little freestyle, to test them :thumb:
Excellent idea.Also ideal for practicing aerials.
good thinking JM...nicely done...
Maybe you should look into the idea (with the right material)of creating rope fire poi heads.Just connect them to the chain
Maybe you should look into the idea (with the right material)of creating rope fire poi heads.Just connect them to the chain
sh*t!Did i say that out loud :-D
they are so cool :whahaa
love it. :2thumbsup:
:respect:very cool jm!! i bet these would be harder and heavier with warger rope!! great idea and exicution!!+k! :whahaa
:respect:very cool jm!! i bet these would be harder and heavier with warger rope!! great idea and exicution!!+k! :whahaa
Yeah, in the end, you can have countless way to modify this system. For example, you can add a thin stick to give more weight, or keep it straight, or you can do more turns of the cord in the end, to make them tapper, etc.
Also, it can be like foamies, so you can learn with them, and don't suffer so much...
The possibilities are countless!! :2thumbsup:
Nice one....+k to the wizard of rope!! :2thumbsup:
Thanks José!
Very nice Bro! Thanks for showing... now I'm going to make some. That is also kinda how you make a noose.
You know whats rediculous about this?
I watched this earlier today, somtime this morning and though "Hey thats pretty cool, whenever I go to buy cord agian I'll just buy 2 packs so I'll have enough to make some of these."
Well, then late when I went to school (I'm in college) I took my chucks with me, somtimes I like to freestyle in the nearby park by the school. Well I finished my classes and when I got out to the car my ignition wouldnt turn, like it was locked or somthing. I had to call a ride to pick me up and so I started freestyling in the parking lot, it was afterhours and there was hardly any cars in the parking lot.
Not five minutes went by and a cop pulled up. obviously he was not impressed with my nunchaku technique, And it was like he was going to arrest me. He didn't, he told me not to bring them back on campus or even carry them ever agian.
Guess I shoulda made these this morning lol.
wow you got lucky.. no tickets or nothing! good lesson learned :omg: The school I go to has cameras everywhere and they could zoom in and see what I was doing and then call the cops... Maybe that is what happened. And be careful, even though these ones are made of rope.. a cop still can, and will consider them nunchucks = tickets (or worse). It's only when they are apart (for traveling or carrying) are they not illegal.
What state are you from?
Arkansas, I cant find anything specifically in our law book or anything that states they are illegal - however a number of police officers i've spoken to have deemed them a concealed weapon.
I'm gonna just grab a conceal and carry permit and be done with it.
great idea :2thumbsup: :2thumbsup:
but in germany i think this whould be illegal too..
great idea :2thumbsup: :2thumbsup:
but in germany i think this whould be illegal too..
YOU are def right...because these can be used to produce a illegal weapon... and they added this spec in the not just assembled chux are illegal, but also things that can be used to produce such....
So never ever go in a hardware-store and ask for some wood and a cord/chain.... :craze...REDICULOUS... :fu: :evil:
So never ever go in a hardware-store and ask for some wood and a cord/chain.... :craze...REDICULOUS... :fu: :evil:
Thats rediculous. That makes it seem like the same if I were to go to a store and buying psuedophed's brake cleaner and lye zzzzz. Govt.s are crazy.
German laws=braindead thats the only thing i can say :-D
I go into the hardware store all the time and ask for things that are so obvious and I've never had a problem.. One time the employee asked me what I was making and I told him I'm trying to make some fire chucks.. He just smiled and asked me what I would need and then He said "right this way".
I love Hardware stores!
I go into the hardware store all the time and ask for things that are so obvious and I've never had a problem.. One time the employee asked me what I was making and I told him I'm trying to make some fire chucks.. He just smiled and asked me what I would need and then He said "right this way".
I love Hardware stores!
Wish it would be so easy down
I can buy all the articles I need, but from the is said that it is illegal to purchase goods, which can be used to build such an object...
Well I also bought chain, cord and some wood...even metalpipes... and they let me go! :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:...their fault! :ninja:
@aeroNinja...would love to buy in your hardwarestore...seems to have a nice staff there! :2thumbsup:
It would take some time, but maybe you could go buy one thing at a time.. Chain one day, then pipe the next and so on.. but it looks like you didn't have a problem. :ninja:
Or just hit multiple hardware stores for separate things.
oh so so so awesome! :respect:
me and thexxx1 just made a pair when we got bored xD there actually pretty good chucks :respect:
me and thexxx1 just made a pair when we got bored xD there actually pretty good chucks :respect:
Cool, if you made a video, post it as reply to the guide :2thumbsup:
Yeah me and jake did some!
their amazing!!!!
ill make a vid ASAP :]
+K Jm!
Dude! Brilliant!
i'm about to make a video like tomorrow, with my rope chux.
Beautiful chucks SMW.
German laws=braindead thats the only thing i can say :-D
Definitely... Yeah.
But all I have read on this topic so far is "two sticks of plastic/wood/metal/rubber, connected by a chain, leather strap or cord."
Technically this does not apply here.
@Stickmanwalking: What kind of string did you use (material/how thick) and how long did you make the "sticks"?
I bought some orange polyurethane rope in three quarter inch size, they are about 11.5 inches long, and heavy as pi$$! You can see my first attempt at a three sectional staff in the background, ha ha! :whahaa
first clip is my Rope chux!!!
:respect: :respect: :respect:
Mannn Jose you are a genius :whahaa
Can I call this whip-chux :greendude: I bet they hit as hard as a chuck but fast as a whip
Awesome digit spins in that video THEXXX1!! especially with the pro chucks. it looked really cool in slow-mo 8-)
I want to give a big THANKS for this guide. I made some yesterday and I love them. Only thing different I did was put a pencil thin piece of wood through the center as well for a little more stability.
You need to be thanked again, these rope nunchaku have survived drops on concrete floors better than any chucks I have ever owned! Quiet, legal, and tough as nails! These rope chucks have replaced my broken foamies as my practice pair, and I owe you 1 BIG THANX! :2thumbsup: :respect:
Awesome idea JM :2thumbsup: but i'm not sure about
travelling through Germany and having 'em in my luggage :|
In Germany Chux are already called choking woods and your cord-chux look kind of "dangerous" choking cords :doh
Maybe i would tell the autorities them being keyring pendants ?
What about a squared version like on the pictures below.
The version below would look much more like a keyring pendant ?!?
@James: Well done :2thumbsup: and very nice freestyle :respect:
The square ones are how I made mine a long time ago(but with a chain :P ) they are really cool and were made as a purse-chaku for my sister lol. I melted all 4 ends in a twist and they have a sharp spike on both ends that hurt like a motherf**ker.
That is pretty sweet! I like the skulls on there! those would make some awesome mini-travel-chux
Do you know a proper guide to braid this kind of pattern?
I tried google, but since I don't know the specific name of this pattern I didn't have any luck finding anything so far.
They look much more durable, since my first attempt kind of "disassembled" itself after heavy usage.
Would really apreciate that. ;)
I can make a short video about how to tie like that if you would like.
I can make a short video about how to tie like that if you would like.
Yep, that would be great. :3
The square ones are how I made mine a long time ago(but with a chain :P ) they are really cool and were made as a purse-chaku for my sister lol. I melted all 4 ends in a twist and they have a sharp spike on both ends that hurt like a motherf**ker.
Awesome Alex :2thumbsup:
Do you know a proper guide to braid this kind of pattern?
I tried google, but since I don't know the specific name of this pattern I didn't have any luck finding anything so far.
They look much more durable, since my first attempt kind of "disassembled" itself after heavy usage.
Would really apreciate that. ;)
These things are called Scoobidou (Square Box Stitch or another way to do it, the spiral)
I did those too, when i was 8 or 9 years old. Lots of kiddies did that in the 70ies.
Square (Box) Stitch - Starting
Square (Box) Stitch - Doing the Stitch
Youtube search results for Scoubidou
I tried google......
Niffel, Please do earth (or rather the rainforest and/or yourself) a huge favour and use this eco-search-enginge :thumb:
It uses several search-engines within. I installed the ecosia-search-field instead of google.
And via that search-field-pull-down-menu, you can add tons of other search-engines. Awesome !!!
Awesome guide. Thx. :2thumbsup:
Awesome guide. Thx. :2thumbsup:
Welcome Niffel. I was searching for and watched these video-recommendations,
There were other tuts too, but the video-quality was sooooo low (;topic=3367.0;attach=591;image)
First recorded freestyle with my rope chucks thanks to this guide :chuck:
Thanks once again for the guide.
Welcome Niffel. I was searching for and watched these video-recommendations,
There were other tuts too, but the video-quality was sooooo low (;topic=3367.0;attach=591;image)
As long as it's explaned in a way so you can understand and then do it yourself that's all that matters.
Sloth, man that was awesome work there! I loved the rebound you had in there!(@ 1:11) but i've never seen anyone spin it horizontally before! :bow: Great flow too!
Thanks man! I appreciate the encouragement. I really love these chucks and plan on using them to practice on campus without getting arrested.
sped up voices so FUNNY!!!!!! ahhahahahaha! :lmfao: THIS IS SUCH A GREAT IDEA! where i live chucks are fine, i can do them in a parking lot, i can do them on street, i can do them sitting down, i can do them on my feet! :arg
O.K., sorry to wake an old thread, but my journey started here and thanks must be given to Jose first. I had so much success with the rope chucks described here, that I dubbed them prototype 1, and since January 2nd I have been improving on them, now I train almost exclusively with prototype 4, the last proto before I make my doubles. these chucks do not break, you can run them over with a tractor, no problem. They dont break lights or damage walls, but I can break boards with them. I have learned to custom weight them for foot tricks. They are now entirely legal everywhere, as I have modified the design to look like a piece of rope. They are nearly free in cost and everyone will be able to make their own custom pair in five minutes. The only thing I dont have is video skills, so I will use proto 4 in teams tournament, where you will get the first look at them. Again thanks to Jose for the original idea! :bow: