Freestyle Forum

VIDEOS => D.I.Y. Guides => Cord/Chain Connectors => Topic started by: auric18 on November 05, 2010, 07:44:11 AM

Title: I wish someone would make a tutorial video on how to chain nunchaku chain length
Post by: auric18 on November 05, 2010, 07:44:11 AM
I wanted to some nunchaku that come with 7 link chains but I want to change them to 4. Some people say you break off the chain and use a adjustable link this spins to put the chain in but I want to 4 regular links not that. I've seen people on expert village that say you can do that how? Please someone make a video.
Title: Re: I wish someone would make a tutorial video on how to chain nunchaku chain length
Post by: Exmortem on November 05, 2010, 08:37:31 AM

In this case I'd completly replace the chain. Just buy one with tight gaps on each link.
You can open them easily with a screedriver or similiar when you fix them somewhere, like between a brick you kneel on and the ground.
Another way would be asking a friend to fix a link with a pipe wrench.

So basically the same thing you always know.
I don't get why not using this method, did it cause injuries to your hand?
Title: Re: I wish someone would make a tutorial video on how to chain nunchaku chain length
Post by: Yayu on November 05, 2010, 12:05:38 PM
If you've thoroughly read your "Changing my foam nunchaku chain links!" ( thread you might have solved this problem a week ago.

If that still doesn't help, rctrue made a ball bearing swivel maintenance video a while back.

That should help give you a picture on how to disassemble a pair. For chain shortening, I used a bolt cutter to clip off the excess links.

Having a second look at the video I found that Rich doesn't separate his chain from his swivels. It pretty much works the same way from when he removes the bearing caps from his sticks, but like I said from your other thread, have your swivel sit on an elevated surface from the rest of the setup.
Title: Re: I wish someone would make a tutorial video on how to chain nunchaku chain length
Post by: Marlon Bangkil on April 02, 2017, 01:37:09 AM
If you've thoroughly read your "Changing my foam nunchaku chain links!" ( thread you might have solved this problem a week ago.

If that still doesn't help, rctrue made a ball bearing swivel maintenance video a while back.

That should help give you a picture on how to disassemble a pair. For chain shortening, I used a bolt cutter to clip off the excess links.

Having a second look at the video I found that Rich doesn't separate his chain from his swivels. It pretty much works the same way from when he removes the bearing caps from his sticks, but like I said from your other thread, have your swivel sit on an elevated surface from the rest of the setup.