Freestyle Forum

VIDEOS => D.I.Y. Guides => Metal => Topic started by: subzero on January 16, 2007, 11:05:34 PM

Title: My homemade aluminium nunchucks
Post by: subzero on January 16, 2007, 11:05:34 PM
these are my chucks







i made them cutting an aluminium tube for the 12" sticks
added plastic tubes that perfectly fit inside them to add weight and thickness (needed to hold the pins that lock the chain)
then i made the holes and hammered the metal pins in them, passing thru the chain

in the original idea i thought to cover the aluminium sticks with an hard rubber tube for more weight grip and diameter, but i really like the way aluminium sticks look :-D
they are ~7/8 inch diameter, do you think i should add the rubber tube?

total weight: 290g
Title: Re: My homemade aluminium nunchucks
Post by: WarDozer on January 17, 2007, 12:23:56 AM
Very nice nunchuks man  :-D

I would add the rubber.. but I have a problem with thin nunchakus, that's why I would add the rubber.
I think Freestyle is better with slim nunchakus.
Not tried that out, so I can't say..
I'm sure that some evil german or a crazy scotsman at this forum will right me at this comment  :-D
Title: Re: My homemade aluminium nunchucks
Post by: Maria on January 17, 2007, 01:46:15 AM
Cool. I never thought about making nunchakus before.....Would I have to be especially good with tools to make one? @_@ XD  I'd probably end up just trying to make it look nice though...

Title: Re: My homemade aluminium nunchucks
Post by: Amidschio on January 17, 2007, 09:05:50 PM
Looks lovely  :greendude:
Title: Re: My homemade aluminium nunchucks
Post by: Exmortem on January 19, 2007, 01:21:19 PM
Yup they look really nice and solid.
I've never tried to use a chain only, always had a swivel at each end.
My conclusion: It sucks hard, they break too early

It's not only the price for the swivels, you could even hit yourself very badly.
Dangerous thing, you solved this problem just right.

I'm gonna update my ones soon
Have fun with 'em :)
Title: Re: My homemade aluminium nunchucks
Post by: Icy786 on February 15, 2007, 02:50:26 PM
What Happenz When It Goes Into Aluminium Oxide? That Feelz Really Nasty.  :|
Title: Re: My homemade aluminium nunchucks
Post by: zeronunchaku on August 12, 2009, 12:58:09 AM
Aluminium chucks are my favorite. and your design's are dope, but I have 1 question. where do I get those pins or how do get theme. I seem to have problems finding them. also i dont know how to put them in there. but hay bro Keep up the good work and thanks for the D.I.Y. ill be making some to. PEACE! ZERO! :chuck:
Title: Re: My homemade aluminium nunchucks
Post by: Marlon Bangkil on April 01, 2017, 09:54:20 PM
these are my chucks







i made them cutting an aluminium tube for the 12" sticks
added plastic tubes that perfectly fit inside them to add weight and thickness (needed to hold the pins that lock the chain)
then i made the holes and hammered the metal pins in them, passing thru the chain

in the original idea i thought to cover the aluminium sticks with an hard rubber tube for more weight grip and diameter, but i really like the way aluminium sticks look :-D
they are ~7/8 inch diameter, do you think i should add the rubber tube?

total weight: 290g