Freestyle Forum

VIDEOS => D.I.Y. Guides => Metal => Topic started by: ParkerNT on May 31, 2011, 09:45:02 PM

Title: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: ParkerNT on May 31, 2011, 09:45:02 PM
Two pieces of .750 inch steel hex bar, 12 inch length. 

Chain is 5 inches from pin to pin. 

The swivels are fashioned from .750 inch SS square tubing with .120 inch wall thickness. 

Pins are .187 inch steel braded over on the ends.  The chain is .090 inch steel wire wound into .340 ID rings.  Total of 57 rings in all! 

The Total weight before filing the grip section was 1,575 grams.  I’m not sure how much I lost in the filing, but it wasn't much...
The grip section began with eight .125 inch rounds filed out at .750 inch intervals starting at 3.500 inch from the pivot end with three smaller triangular file marks centered at .375 inch between the round files with one on each side at .125 inches.  All in all, there are 174 file marks on each half of the nunchaku.

My inspiration for the grip section was the edge on a serrated knife.  It looks really nice and provides very good retention…although at 1,575 grams, I’m not going to be slinging these things around much…  but if I wanted to they are ready

I had the ends of the halves drilled and tapped for a 1/4x20 SS screw and the u-swivels drilled with a .187 inch and .250 inch drill at a machine shop.  Everything else was done at home with either a dremel (the halves began as a 28 inch bar and were cut down to the final 12 inch each with a dremel and polished on the ends with 600 grit sand paper) or a hand file.

When the holes were drilled and tapped, I inserted a .210 inch steel rod into the hole and cut a piece appropriate for the 1 inch screws so that when tightened down snug there would be about .01 inch of play between the halves and the swivels.  Then I removed the screw, applied red loctite and reinserted the screws.  Those screws won’t be working loose anytime soon!


I hope you all enjoyed the build guide and pics!  This is just something to hold me over until I get my Woodalls in June!
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Kasper on May 31, 2011, 09:51:27 PM
If nothing else: it's a little piece of art. Looks dangerous and extremely cool. I can't imagine what it' like to swing 1,5 kg nunchaku's though. My heaviest pair is crudely constructed out of two galvanized iron pipes, weighing 500 grams with the chain, and I hate swinging them.

I would love to try out yours though. Good work!
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: ParkerNT on May 31, 2011, 10:20:17 PM
A Piece of Art is more what I was after.  I have no intention of trying to become proficient at manipulating these things.  I can hardly swing them with one hand...I used two to test out the swivels...) 

They will go in a display case as soon as the woodalls get here.  I just wanted to see if I could build a set of U-swivels, and turns out, I CAN!!!

Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Renato on May 31, 2011, 11:06:00 PM
This is the first nunchaku in my life that seems indestructible hahaha
Not even a nuclear bomb destroys this nunchaku  :lol:

Awesome work man. Really congrats for it !

In my opinion one if not the most beautiful nunchaku i have ever seen and the best homemade with sure.
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: qwertycoder on May 31, 2011, 11:35:47 PM
DAMN fine work man, a beast! you could prolly break some trees with this baby!
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Satriyo on June 01, 2011, 02:28:40 PM
Thats crazy :whahaa
:respect: to you for creating such an awesome work of art :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Magus86 on June 01, 2011, 03:09:26 PM
That's awesome, except I don't like the look of that kind of chain. I bet those things are deadly.
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: aeronauticalNINJA on June 01, 2011, 03:24:17 PM
Those are beautiful!!  :whahaa  :arg   Great work! I am (was) a welder and a metal fabracator for about 12 years, (I have since switched careers).  I have made a few metal ones myself!  Those are absolutely amazing piece of art work!  I have made hollow square stock chucks, and round solid aluminum chucks and those are my favorite!  I used 550 cord attached to a steel pin but I have always thought about doing chain mail for the chain!  +K    How long did it take you to make these from start to finish?

Here is some pics of all the Metal chucks that I have made!  Cheers!
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: psionics on June 01, 2011, 06:22:08 PM
 :daah: god they are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :bigdance:  :bigdance:  :bigdance:
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: daveaminal on June 01, 2011, 06:37:53 PM
 :whahaa wow they look smart!

it will be painful if you hit yourself with those!
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: danceswithsticks on June 01, 2011, 06:43:05 PM
WOW they are incredible!! you planning to knock over some telephone poles?

i found some titanium round stock and wanted woodall's to install u-swivels.... as soon as i get some disposable cash i'm on it!!

 :2thumbsup: :respect: :2thumbsup: :respect: :chuck: :chuck: :chuck: :chuck: :chuck: :chuck:
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: daveaminal on June 01, 2011, 08:22:36 PM
  I just wanted to see if I could build a set of U-swivels, and turns out, I CAN!!!


if they can withstand a swing from those things they should last forever on a wooden set :thumb:

well done :mrgreen:
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: ParkerNT on June 01, 2011, 11:25:53 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind words   :-D

From start to finishs it took about two weeks...but that's working after work in the evenings...  Going from a 28 inch bar to two 12 inch bars and getting the ends square was probably the hardest part...everything else was just tedious and time consuming. 

Aero-Ninja, I really like those twisted looking ones, what are those made of?

Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: ImThexxx1 on June 02, 2011, 02:46:58 AM
those, are amazing.  :whahaa
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: aeronauticalNINJA on June 02, 2011, 04:32:32 AM
It was some weird steel stock that we had.  It's kinda like a 3 leaf clover if your looking straight down it... but twisted.
It's about 1 inch in dia., hollow steel with about 1/16 inch (or maybe 1/8 in... I can't remember) thick walls. so it's not too heavy, just solid feeling.
I pretty much just welded some ends on them, welded a steel pin in there, and pollished them up a bit and it was all done.
Thanks man, but yours are much better! you definitely put some heart and soul in them!  :respect:
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: ParkerNT on June 02, 2011, 06:35:28 AM
Was looking over the post and noticed a mistake.  There is about .01 inch of play between the halves and the swivels, not .001 as first noted.  I wish I could get that close, but I'm only a mere mortal...

danceswithsticks, some solid titanium chucks would be pretty awesome!  Light weight and strong as all hell!  They might be light enough to actually use :)

If anyone wants, I have a PDF drawing of the swivels with measurements.  .750 is a little on the thin side for chucks, but the drawing could be easliy adapted for 1 inch or even 1.250...  square steel tubing is redily available in many sizes ;)

Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Magus86 on June 04, 2011, 05:14:13 AM
I think you should make some more u-swivels and sell them to people who want to make their own nunchaku with u-swivels. I'd love to make my own u-swivels, but I don't have the tools I'd need... But it would be really cool if I could buy some u-swivels and make my own homemade(wooden, not fully stainless steel, although that is awesome) nunchaku with u-swivels
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: ImThexxx1 on June 06, 2011, 07:00:38 AM
I think you should make some more u-swivels and sell them to people who want to make their own nunchaku with u-swivels. I'd love to make my own u-swivels, but I don't have the tools I'd need... But it would be really cool if I could buy some u-swivels and make my own homemade(wooden, not fully stainless steel, although that is awesome) nunchaku with u-swivels
i'd buy some !  :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like:
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: ParkerNT on June 07, 2011, 03:24:58 PM
Thanks!  I'm going to make another set to see the time involved, then figure on what a fair price would be for them.  I have no idea how long it took me to make the first set, I worked on the sticks a little, then the swivels a little, and so on. 

Would .750 inch or 1 inch be a better size?  I know most of everyone uses 1 inch sticks, but the .750 inch on the diagonal is right at 1 inch, so there would be no swivel "hanging over the edge".  The 1 inch would require alittle more work, but is easily doable.

I'll see what I can come up with.....

Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Stickmanwalking on June 07, 2011, 09:55:02 PM
 :respect:  I am very interested in this, they should be .750 inch, with rolled pin so it can be punched thru for chain swaps, a concave hole set that fits a tapered screw head for attaching to stick, and the edges filed down so that they are not sharp. The blueprint for the old Dolan's U- swivel is posted on Woodall's website, I would gladly purchase a bunch of those from you!
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Magus86 on June 08, 2011, 06:48:25 AM
Yeah, .75 inch would be better, and I agree with everything else stickman said.
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Aerialist East on June 08, 2011, 11:02:58 AM
Nice next time if you can you need a washer on both sides of the headpin
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: ParkerNT on June 09, 2011, 04:17:18 PM
I am going to go to the machine shop that drilled the holes for me and inquire about the cost of some counter-sunk holes in the bottom, as well as cost for drilling a bucket full of them (should be very little, especially for a bunch of them).  I had intended on putting roll pins in mine, but I decided to go with solid pins since everything else was made of solid metal.  I may still file down mine but the next batch will be more rounded...I had thought about the swivels biting or digging into the hands during rollovers, but as mine are so heavy I wasn't too concerned with that.  I had intentions of putting washers on mine as well, but I went to a lot of trouble to make sure the ends and swivels were polished and square as could be, so there was no need.

I plan on making about 10 sets for the first go around, with all the mentioned improvements, i.e., counter-sunk holes, roll pins, rounded edges.  I'll leave it up to the purchaser to procure the screws and washeres. 

Thanks for all the interest and the suggestions!  I'll post more as soon as I get a price and expected completion date.

Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: psionics on June 20, 2012, 03:50:27 PM
boom!!! that really is solid bro!!!!
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: christ uzumaki on November 07, 2012, 04:15:26 AM
it's trully fantastic work and art  :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like:
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: jengoman on April 10, 2013, 11:18:48 PM
Gorgeously. I wish to train with them. Really it is also your craftsmanship work. You have talent for it to do. Will you make by order again? Serious
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Stickmanwalking on April 11, 2013, 02:20:23 PM
Sorry, J-man, I believe I got the only pair from our brother Parker, I have tried to reach him many times, but havent been able to. He worked with me to make a super smooth U-swivel, we were working on the clevis loop when he suddenly vanished, I would really like to work with him again.....    :hmm:
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Hasani Al ilawy on April 12, 2013, 09:08:20 PM
Wow!  :arg :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: cool!  :chuck:
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Dan Voy on June 06, 2013, 01:48:52 AM
Very bieutiful!  Maybe too much heavy.
Title: Re: My home made SS u-swivel chux
Post by: Marlon Bangkil on April 01, 2017, 09:29:44 PM
Two pieces of .750 inch steel hex bar, 12 inch length. 

Chain is 5 inches from pin to pin. 

The swivels are fashioned from .750 inch SS square tubing with .120 inch wall thickness. 

Pins are .187 inch steel braded over on the ends.  The chain is .090 inch steel wire wound into .340 ID rings.  Total of 57 rings in all! 

The Total weight before filing the grip section was 1,575 grams.  I’m not sure how much I lost in the filing, but it wasn't much...
The grip section began with eight .125 inch rounds filed out at .750 inch intervals starting at 3.500 inch from the pivot end with three smaller triangular file marks centered at .375 inch between the round files with one on each side at .125 inches.  All in all, there are 174 file marks on each half of the nunchaku.

My inspiration for the grip section was the edge on a serrated knife.  It looks really nice and provides very good retention…although at 1,575 grams, I’m not going to be slinging these things around much…  but if I wanted to they are ready

I had the ends of the halves drilled and tapped for a 1/4x20 SS screw and the u-swivels drilled with a .187 inch and .250 inch drill at a machine shop.  Everything else was done at home with either a dremel (the halves began as a 28 inch bar and were cut down to the final 12 inch each with a dremel and polished on the ends with 600 grit sand paper) or a hand file.

When the holes were drilled and tapped, I inserted a .210 inch steel rod into the hole and cut a piece appropriate for the 1 inch screws so that when tightened down snug there would be about .01 inch of play between the halves and the swivels.  Then I removed the screw, applied red loctite and reinserted the screws.  Those screws won’t be working loose anytime soon!


I hope you all enjoyed the build guide and pics!  This is just something to hold me over until I get my Woodalls in June!
