Freestyle Forum

EVENTS => CHUCK OFF => ...all other previous events => CHUCK OFF 2011 => Topic started by: psionics on September 29, 2011, 06:53:05 PM

Title: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: psionics on September 29, 2011, 06:53:05 PM
[float=right]([/float] Chuck Off 2011 - Round 2 | "Judgement Round" is now over.

Congratulations to everyone that participated in the Chuck Off 2011! The Champions of each level are below, and now, we will find the Champion of Champions of this Chuck Off! To vote for the Champion of Champions(Final Round), please go here:

"Champions of the Chuck Off 2011"

[box title=Single Nunchaku]

R2: Single: Expert 38
Matt-Chez    - 3 (7.9%)
67Steph67    - 14 (36.8%)
Yetibutt    - 4 (10.5%)
Flowpulse    - 5 (13.2%)
nunchakstyle010    - 2 (5.3%)
ImThexxx1    - 8 (21.1%)
psionics    - 1 (2.6%)
FanToM    - 1 (2.6%)

R2: Single: Advanced 22
aeronauticalNINJA    3 (9.1%)
arnaudbedu    2 (6.1%)
fady    6 (18.2%)
zeros    5 (15.2%)
rctrue    0 (0%)
aulia    5 (15.2%)
Aerialist East    3 (9.1%)
Jayson fr13    4 (12.1%)
Qwertycoder    5 (15.2%)
spudde 0 (0%)

R2: Single: Intermediate 23
Dasalisone    - 5 (21.7%)
Lotos(XMA)    - 8 (34.8%)
kungfu_nunchaku    - 2 (8.7%)
Yayu    - 0 (0%)
Monkey-of-Nunchaku    - 1 (4.3%)
Heru418    - 2 (8.7%)
Tara    - 2 (8.7%)
theaaa1    - 3 (13%)

R2: Single: Beginner 32
Ricardo de Jong    - 4 (12.5%)
Galang    - 4 (12.5%)
Milwaukee    - 6 (18.8%)
o0oDWDNSo0o    - 8 (25%)
Choggy    - 3 (9.4%)
bilistickpitbull    - 1 (3.1%)
Arturas    - 2 (6.3%)
Mr.Zeedro    - 0 (0%)
Mr7017Y    - 4 (12.5%)
samurai z    - 0 (0%)[/box]

[box title=Double Nunchaku]

R2: Double: Expert 34
67Steph67    - 18 (52.9%)
FanToM    - 4 (11.8%)
zeros    - 8 (23.5%)
Qwertycoder    - 4 (11.8%)

R2: Double: Advanced 21
guisnouf    - 6 (28.6%)
Heru418    - 2 (9.5%)
Shiroisky    - 2 (9.5%)
kungfu_nunchaku    - 4 (19%)
ImThexxx1    - 7 (33.3%)

R2: Double: Intermediate 29
bilistickpitbull    - 2 (6.9%)
Monkey-of-Nunchaku    - 20 (69%)
theaaa1    - 4 (13.8%)
Ricardo de Jong    - 3 (10.3%)[/box]

[box title=Fire Nunchaku]

R2: Fire: Higher Tier 27
Flowpulse    - 17 (63%)
FanToM    - 10 (37%)

R2: Fire: Middle Tier 23
Heru418    - 21 (91.3%)
ImThexxx1    - 2 (8.7%)[/box]

[box title=Glow Nunchaku]

R2: Glow: Higher Tier 21
Old Mana    - 12 (57.1%)
gomartgo    - 2 (9.5%)
ImThexxx1    - 4 (19%)
Jayson fr13    - 3 (14.3%)

R2: Glow: Middle Tier 15
psionics    - 4 (26.7%)
theaaa1    - 3 (20%)
kungfu_nunchaku    - 5 (33.3%)
Monkey-of-Nunchaku    - 3 (20%)

[box title=Warrior]

R2: Warrior: Higher Tier 29
kungfu_nunchaku    - 12 (41.4%)
Ricardo de Jong    - 12 (41.4%)
zeros    - 5 (17.2%)

R2: Warrior: Middle Tier 24
Stickmanwalking    - 20 (83.3%)
Arturas    - 4 (16.7%)[/box]

[box title=Director Nunchaku]

R2: Director: Expert 31
nunchakstyle010    - 10 (32.3%)
Lotos(XMA)    - 4 (12.9%)
aeronauticalNINJA    - 3 (9.7%)
fady    - 8 (25.8%)
gomartgo    - 3 (9.7%)
psionics    - 3 (9.7%)

R2: Director: Advanced 22
guisnouf    - 1 (4.5%)
zeros    - 7 (31.8%)
Monkey-of-Nunchaku    - 7 (31.8%)
Jayson fr13    - 5 (22.7%)
kungfu_nunchaku    - 2 (9.1%)
gabriellamas007    - 0 (0%)

R2: Director: Intermediate 21
Choggy    - 10 (47.6%)
bilistickpitbull    - 4 (19%)
Arturas    - 6 (28.6%)
Mr7017Y    - 1 (4.8%)
Leo Marinho    - 0 (0%)[/box]

* For the prizes, a tie-breaker will be opened. All the prizes are for the higher category only(Expert or Advanced) due to we lack of time to call for the sponsor this time.

* maximize your browser window for better viewing of the chart.

* Champion of Champion (CoC) will be next along withe(duh) tie-breaker for awards
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: kungfu_nunchaku on October 01, 2011, 08:51:51 AM
Im waiting for you!  :arg....Have a nice weekend!  :eeeh
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: psionics on October 02, 2011, 06:08:45 AM
* For the prizes, a tie-breaker will be opened. All the prizes are for the higher category only(Expert or Advanced) due to we lack of time to call for the sponsor this time.

* maximize your browser window for better viewing of the chart.

* Champion of Champion (CoC) will be next along withe(duh) tie-breaker for awards
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: psionics on October 02, 2011, 06:52:48 AM
please check help for consistency thanks  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: Ricardo de Jong on October 04, 2011, 07:27:20 AM
Hey Howard
When you are champion in the Higher Tier do you get an prize???
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: o0oDWDNSo0o on October 04, 2011, 09:31:45 AM
please check help for consistency thanks  :2thumbsup:

recheck singles beginner... :thumb:
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: Renato on October 04, 2011, 10:03:03 AM
The entries of Singles Advanced are equal Directors Advanced
Director Expert NS won
Doubles Expert Steph won
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: psionics on October 04, 2011, 01:38:58 PM
* Corrected the winners that slips from my eye (Thanks Renato ;) )
* Next Battle Set Would Be:
1. Champion of Champion =




Old Mana

Ricardo de Jong


2. Prize Tie Breaker = Warrior: Higher Tier | kungfu_nunchaku VS Ricardo de Jong
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: zeros on October 04, 2011, 07:36:08 PM
nice , but why fady is out here in single /advance ? :?, what happen ?
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: psionics on October 04, 2011, 09:19:28 PM
the least we can do bro to keep it fair for everyone. It's not a good, thinking that the tournament is about friendly battles, we better not mention it though its quite obvious. But hey, this is what we're here about.. Respect Friendship, Inspire and Shapeup Skills.
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: Renato on October 04, 2011, 10:21:27 PM
Nice work Howard  :thumb:
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: zeros on October 05, 2011, 03:54:13 AM
the least we can do bro to keep it fair for everyone. It's not a good, thinking that the tournament is about friendly battles, we better not mention it though its quite obvious. But hey, this is what we're here about.. Respect Friendship, Inspire and Shapeup Skills.
ah , i understand , and you  are right  :wink:
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: Ricardo de Jong on October 13, 2011, 08:44:32 PM
When can we voted???
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: psionics on October 14, 2011, 01:53:51 PM
pls wait when i get back to my pc, still on mobile.
Title: Re: ROUND 2 | Results | CO2011 WINNERS
Post by: psionics on October 14, 2011, 07:14:17 PM
Up!  :2thumbsup:

Chuck Off 2011 | Champion of Champion :  up :thumb:

R2: Warrior: Higher Tier | Prize Tie Breaker! :

Please cast your votes!

take note that only members with 70+ up post can vote