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VIDEOS => D.I.Y. Guides => Metal => Topic started by: Exmortem on March 05, 2007, 06:21:58 PM

Title: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: Exmortem on March 05, 2007, 06:21:58 PM
Hey there  :mrgreen:

I'm gonna present you my recently made metal nunchakus. But first let me tell a short story.
Yesterday I ran through the house in search of metalpipes to make a sansetsukon for Amidschio.
Well, I couldn't find such long metalsticks. But I found a little chair.


I thought the legs of it could maybe have a length of 12-15" and I grabbed a folding meter stick.
To my luck they were really 14" long. The next step I did can be seen on the pic below.


You know how I went on  :-)


Enter your garage or shack and grab what you can get!
You will be surprised how cheap you can make a nunchaku in only a few minutes.
I paid around 2 euro (chain and screws) and needed around 50minutes to make them.

Today I thought of cutting a chair from our dining room to make octogonal nunchakus
but my dad would kill me if I did this  :greendude:
(simply slice the edged of the legs)

Maybe you can finish my thought and pimp an old chair
Be creative :-D
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: subzero on March 05, 2007, 07:11:56 PM

To my luck they were really 14" long.
and a cool electric blue colour too! :greendude:
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: chiral on March 05, 2007, 07:15:33 PM
Round of applause!

But here's a thing that is puzzling me that might be of help : every chuck maker tethers his sticks at the chain exit end ... which seems logical ... until you look at it from a freestylers p.o.v. ..... why noy just use a very long chain and tether it at the striking end (ie chain runs the entire length of the chuck)? I'm also sure you could tether through the caps if they were robust enough.

This has the following benefits:

1 ) no nuts to mess up your hands @ the freestylers most popular gripping point;
2 ) will make groovy chain noises as the chain scapes and clatters around the inside of the tubes;
3 ) possibly a better balanced chuck as weight will be transfered back towards the ends of the chuck;
and, dare I say it
4 ) if you have to use nuts they'll be at the striking end  :-o

but all the same, subzee is right: they are a great colour (and there is nothing to stop you making th emod I suggested either!  :wink: )
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: daveaminal on March 05, 2007, 08:41:55 PM
im working on a set of LED glow in the dark ultra violet flashy funky colors chucks :-D

i got the circut for the LED's VERY well made (im a solderer) ive stress tested them and the battery casing with a hammer, and they still work fine with only scatches no damage to the LED or circut. they can be turned on and off easily and no swithes are in the way while spinning.

only thing im having trouble finding is the ultra violet paint :-P

the thing i like most about your chucks is the color, and the plugs at the end :-D i hate when i make a set and the striking end is open and can cut you.

nice chucks dude, how many sets you got now??
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: chiral on March 06, 2007, 03:36:15 AM

(im a solderer)

Dave, I have a geek secret which I'll share as long as you a ) keep it quiet, b ) help me out. Okay? Here it is then : I'm a geek who can't .... solder! there I said it! Dave: help me! (  :lol: ). Joking aside, I really am f@@@ing useless with a soldering iron.

And here is a really stupid thing to do for dare devils. Instead of using fire, get a couple of those butane soldering irons and make a pair of chucks outta that!  :-D Now how stoopid would that be. Anyhow :

only thing im having trouble finding is the ultra violet paint :-P

try here
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: Exmortem on March 06, 2007, 10:08:26 AM
Thanks for the replies.

nice chucks dude, how many sets you got now??

Aluminium 14" Kevlar-Taped
Blue painted Metal 14" as you can see above
Hardwood (beech) 14" nunchakus, connected by nylon cord
Hardwood (beech) 10" nunchakus, also nylon corded

And my very first pair made of a lightwood broomstick, 10" and connected by metal hooks with a chain.
They are like a toy now because the metal ones are three or four times heavier  :-D
I don't count em as my chucks because they are ready for the trashcan  8-)
The glowstick nunchakus I've made some months before (tutorial) also found their way in our oven because they were to light,
so I've made my 6th pair with this tutorial (plus one pair of 14" aluchucks for my friend)

I'm nearly only using 14" nunchakus, the hardwood 10" pair is for new tricks like aerials, everything that could hurt :)

they are a great colour
the thing i like most about your chucks is the color, and the plugs at the end

I like the color, too. There was no need to modify the sticks in any way, the little chair had the funky color
plus the plugs at the end. I was really lucky with this chair  :-D

ie chain runs the entire length of the chuck

Also thought on trying this way of connecting the sticks but I don't have that money to try new things
at the moment. And because I recently began to like metal this will be an expensive try. The second thing
is that I havn't had enough chain in stock, I had exactly 22 links (and needed 22 ones  :-D)
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: chiral on March 06, 2007, 11:02:49 AM
The second thing
is that I havn't had enough chain in stock, I had exactly 22 links
(and needed 22 ones  :-D)

If getting enough chain is an issue, how's about cord-chain-cord (cord runs for majority of stick inside)?
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: daveaminal on March 06, 2007, 11:13:15 AM
cheers for that link dude :mrgreen:
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: chiral on March 06, 2007, 11:20:30 AM
Take a look at the gallery Dave, especially the javascript enabled pics that change to nightview : pretty wild!

There's one there of this all-white minimalist space that turns into a Caribbean twilight-scape. Reminds me of films where some guy goes to a club at night. The next day, for some reason he returns and all he can find is a workshop or some such. Trippy!
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: Exmortem on March 06, 2007, 11:26:03 AM
why noy just use a very long chain and tether it at the striking end

But when the chains goes through the stick I still need to attach it anywhere because of the missing screw at the top.
Fixing the chain at the caps would be a lot of work and I don't know if it's safe at the end.
By the way I don't own more of them, these caps have already been a part of the chair  :-)

I've already accepted the pain on the hands and don't notice it most time.
It's not that important thing for me anymore :-D

Maybe I am going to make a pair in the future with steel ropes which I can solder to the sticks.
That's only an idea so far, maybe dave have further thoughts about it  :-)
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: daveaminal on March 06, 2007, 09:15:41 PM
wow, those uv pics where amazing!!! cheers again for the link dude:)
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: damienangelicas on March 11, 2007, 10:16:25 PM
Today I thought of cutting a chair from our dining room to make octogonal nunchakus
but my dad would kill me if I did this :greendude:
(simply slice the edged of the legs)

why dont you just cut every chair leg to make the chux, but put the chairs back, n wen your dad asks just say "theyve always been that height" lol

cool blue chux btw
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: teno-d on April 20, 2007, 03:17:27 AM
wow, those are clean looking man.  How do you get around the metal sticking out digging into your hands though?
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: Exmortem on April 20, 2007, 05:05:48 AM
How do you get around the metal sticking out digging into your hands though?

After a time you really don't notice it anymore.
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: (DmC) on April 20, 2007, 09:08:21 AM
Round of applause!

But here's a thing that is puzzling me that might be of help : every chuck maker tethers his sticks at the chain exit end ... which seems logical ... until you look at it from a freestylers p.o.v. ..... why noy just use a very long chain and tether it at the striking end (ie chain runs the entire length of the chuck)? I'm also sure you could tether through the caps if they were robust enough.

This has the following benefits:

1 ) no nuts to mess up your hands @ the freestylers most popular gripping point;
2 ) will make groovy chain noises as the chain scapes and clatters around the inside of the tubes;
3 ) possibly a better balanced chuck as weight will be transfered back towards the ends of the chuck;
and, dare I say it
4 ) if you have to use nuts they'll be at the striking end  :-o

but all the same, subzee is right: they are a great colour (and there is nothing to stop you making th emod I suggested either!  :wink: )

yo, i made a pair of nunchuks in a similar way and i think it works very well. definately adds to the balance as the inside of the pipes gets heavier!
nice  blue nunchuks nonetheless!
on my first few airs, i also had these bolts and nuts in the way of my hand, and what i did: i put shoegoo (buy it at a skateshop) on the nuts and bolt-ends, so that it would become nice and comfortable, and also i put the wrap from tennis-raquets around the nunchuks to get a better grip. both worked wonders, even though the hands don't notice the pain anymore after a while... it is still more comfortable with some padding ;)
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: ACADAKA on September 13, 2009, 04:25:13 PM
Round of applause!

But here's a thing that is puzzling me that might be of help : every chuck maker tethers his sticks at the chain exit end ... which seems logical ... until you look at it from a freestylers p.o.v. ..... why noy just use a very long chain and tether it at the striking end (ie chain runs the entire length of the chuck)? I'm also sure you could tether through the caps if they were robust enough.

This has the following benefits:

1 ) no nuts to mess up your hands @ the freestylers most popular gripping point;
2 ) will make groovy chain noises as the chain scapes and clatters around the inside of the tubes;
3 ) possibly a better balanced chuck as weight will be transfered back towards the ends of the chuck;
and, dare I say it
4 ) if you have to use nuts they'll be at the striking end  :-o

but all the same, subzee is right: they are a great colour (and there is nothing to stop you making th emod I suggested either!  :wink: )

This is a trully briliant idea. Why didnt I think of it. it will make it heavier. IM gonna some like how you just mentioned. Ill post some pics when Im done.

ps. I love the chair nunchucks. nice color. and its got the stopping ends only thing that ruins it is the chain link.
this is also another idea I didnt think about. chears. I will be keeping an eye out for metal chairs. Metal chairs beware LOL
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: michael on September 13, 2009, 05:48:00 PM
( :lol:

Being serious though please don't necro ACADAKA. the definition of necro:

reviving old posts. so for exa,ple lets say 2 and a bit years ago :p
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: ACADAKA on September 14, 2009, 02:54:08 AM
But the ideas in this post are pure Gold.
I hod to reserect this beast of a post.
It shook me with awe and amazment I felt compelled to necro the post.
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: michael on September 14, 2009, 04:05:54 PM
 :lmfao: Nice one, and for that response ill let you get away with it this time.
Title: Re: My new metal Nunchakus
Post by: ACADAKA on September 14, 2009, 05:22:01 PM
Thanks dure, sorry about the typos by the way.
A little progress report I went down to my local miter 10 to look for some meetal piping but they only had the plastic piping.
As soon as I get some metal pipe the right size I can get started with my meetal nunchucks :)