Freestyle Forum
VIDEOS => D.I.Y. Guides => Cord/Chain Connectors => Topic started by: Misterpink1986 on June 25, 2012, 04:06:40 PM
I plan to make some new Nunchakus next month, I'm thinkin' about the triple string, are there any advantages or disadvantages to the other ones?
Or is it all about personal preference?
Did anyone try the braided cord yet?
I've used triple string some times, and it's quite good. It looks quite difficult to break, but maybe the disadvantage is that it's a bit more hard to string.
Lately I've been using airport loop, for the against reason, it's so easy to cord them, and in the case, easy to replace the used cord.
I guess I'll give it a shot :D
I was a little bit sceptical if three strings were to thick, but it seems to work good.
Also, I will never find out if I don't try :2thumbsup:
Thank you ;)
Triple string is probably the best way to go. If one of the cords snap the others won't, which you can't really say about 2-string methods. The trade-offs are worth it imho.
I personally (Going back a while since i been chuckin) used the two string method for my trads and 4 string for my pros. With the trads i tended to bind the two bits of cord together with something fine. 550 paracord, i've never had that break on me, but if you want extra security, 3 string works nice too. Only thing i can say is keep all three strings even in length, otherwise all the pressure goes onto 1.
Goodluck :thumb:
I can't really tell a difference between double and triple string. In my opinion, just go for the most secure method you can tie. My first time doing triple string went pretty well but it took me maybe 45 minutes to fully string the nunchaku my first time. It takes a bit more paracord to do triple string, but as far as the flow of the chuck, it's not like it's going to destroy it or even affect it though. It's still just one cord going through the chuck, it just goes through more times.
It's not about safety, I trust my paracord :D
I use double string on the chucks I use now, but I bought some cheap garden sticks from a hardware store to make them :lmfao:
Next month... Next week already :arg I will buy some real wood, I planned oak, bleech and maybe maple, not sure yet. And I wanna make my next chucks fit perfect, my actual ones are a little messy (couldn't wait to start) I'll post some pictures today, so you can see them.
Back to topic, I just wanted to know if there are any advantages when using three strings, I saw jmvicunas tutorials a few days ago and the triple string looks really interesting.
But if there are no differences except safety it's all cool. :roll:
I guess I will try some different methods, as I want to make more than one pair :greendude:
Thanks for the answers, brothers, I will post pictures of them when I have 'em
It's not about safety, I trust my paracord :D
I use double string on the chucks I use now, but I bought some cheap garden sticks from a hardware store to make them :lmfao:
Next month... Next week already :arg I will buy some real wood, I planned oak, bleech and maybe maple, not sure yet. And I wanna make my next chucks fit perfect, my actual ones are a little messy (couldn't wait to start) I'll post some pictures today, so you can see them.
Back to topic, I just wanted to know if there are any advantages when using three strings, I saw jmvicunas tutorials a few days ago and the triple string looks really interesting.
But if there are no differences except safety it's all cool. :roll:
I guess I will try some different methods, as I want to make more than one pair :greendude:
Thanks for the answers, brothers, I will post pictures of them when I have 'em
I remember watching a video about this guy arguing that triple stringing is actually more beneficial. His argument is that when using chucks, the swinging, grabbing, stretching, etc will actually stretch the cord because the swinging generates heat which expands the rope, yadda yadda yadda. Once it cools down, it shrinks back down. The thing about this, though, is that even though it shrinks back down, while you are freestyling, the extra cord length that is between the heads of the of the chuck may influence the balance, swing, and overall consistency.
He then shows how triple strung nunchaku does not "slip" or "stretch" as much as the double string method, thus allowing more consistency.
I personally think that triple string looks a bit cooler just because there's more string going on in between the chuck. I dunno, it's a fashion thing I guess, haha.
Here's the video:
What length of cord will I need in order to make my pair double corded ?
Depends on the length you prefer, I tied mine and cutted the rest off, when you try to plan before stringing it won't be enough :-D
I tried triple string today, I'm thrilled of it :whahaa It's just awesome, it finally feels alright :bigdance:
I plan to make some new Nunchakus next month, I'm thinkin' about the triple string, are there any advantages or disadvantages to the other ones?
Or is it all about personal preference?
Did anyone try the braided cord yet?