Freestyle Forum

VIDEOS => D.I.Y. Guides => General Questions => Topic started by: Randy on November 10, 2012, 03:49:58 AM

Title: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: Randy on November 10, 2012, 03:49:58 AM
How do you guys think I could make Nunchaku that make those swishing noises like in the Bruce Lee movies? Or is the noise total BS?

Title: Re: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: WindUp34 on November 10, 2012, 05:00:31 AM
Sorry to say but all those noises were just special effects. Besides the chain and stick lengths and stuff like that Lee just used plain 'ol nunchucks. The sounds to me always sounded like someone swinging a really thin branch or something, I'm guessing that's how they recorded that.
Title: Re: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: TheDuke on November 10, 2012, 05:21:25 AM
Yep all special effects sorry i tried years ago drilling holes on the bottoms
To make more swish noises it didnt work as planned
Title: Re: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: OSN999 on November 10, 2012, 08:17:03 PM
I think there is a kids toy out there that is a piece of corrugated plastic tubing 2-3 feet long that makes a flute type whistle when you swing it around. Perhaps you could put 12 inches of that inside of some hollow chucks and achieve the same effect. Otherwise just swing them fast and swing them hard. :chuck: They'll make noise. :chuck:
Title: Re: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: Randy on November 11, 2012, 03:22:21 AM

 I sorta figured those were SFX.

 I guess the SFX were neccesary, otherwise the chucks would be kinda silent-ish
Title: Re: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: Randy on January 28, 2013, 02:51:22 AM

 I've had a major breakthrough on noisy chux.

 Hollow PVC pipe chux, holes drilled on the end caps. I've experimented with this and they make one sick-ass noise. If they're chain chux you can add noise maker rings, therefore you'll have whistley and ringy chux.

 Now the only thing is whether they'll get on your nerves.
Title: Re: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: christ uzumaki on January 28, 2013, 03:21:57 AM
Add little bells on the nunchucks and use stainless steel will make it noissy  :tmnt:
Title: Re: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: Misterpink1986 on January 28, 2013, 09:17:41 AM
I just made a pair with t-swivels, the swivels make their own noise, sounds pretty cool  :thumb:

My other pair of metal chucks had a few holes in them, I tried to drill some mor, to make it louder, but I made
something wrong with the holes. Guess I gotta work a bit with them again.
But holes in a metal pipe are a good way to make noise, you just have to drill them right.
Title: Re: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: Levi on January 28, 2013, 01:44:23 PM
My Chinese chux make similar sound as they have a little hole at the bottoms
 but its covered by the loud clinking (bells) noise!
light plastic pipes will do it though...
Title: Re: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: Misterpink1986 on January 28, 2013, 03:37:51 PM
The holes should be like this:


The two holes I got in my pipe are like that too, and they make a cool noise. Give it a try ;)

Otherwise you can use a flute as Nunchaku, should work too  :fu:

Title: Re: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: Randy on January 30, 2013, 01:14:23 AM
I took a pair of pvc chux I have, drilled holes in the bottom where the cap is, and put a ring on the chain and now they ring and whistle. Lol.
Title: Re: Nunchaku that make Noise?
Post by: nachtschattenvogi on August 08, 2013, 05:47:27 PM
something like that?! :D