Freestyle Forum
DISCUSSION => Off Topic => Spam Games => Topic started by: Naufal Bintang on January 30, 2016, 08:58:22 AM
How often do you play nunchaku every week?? :lol: :-D
Several years ago, almost everyday.
Nowadays, due to work and real life stuff i only play several times in a week.
I do still visit local nunchaku communities on a regular basis, though.
Nunchaku is love, nunchaku is life <3
nunchakus are scattered inside my room and plays it randomly
In 2009 - 2010 everyday, 4 hours a day or more.
now - about 8-9 hours / week. I might practice 2 hours a day and none the day after...
But always wanting for more :thumb:
E V E R Y D A Y :mrgreen:
Training nunchacks is one of my daily ritual, duty , exercize. I can't miss it. After hard days coming home and training is so joyful, relaxxx....
I practice at less 2 day per week :chuck: :chuck:
Hahahah :clap :clap :clap...... I hope we can play nunchaku together.. :respect: :respect:
In 2009 - 2010 everyday, 4 hours a day or more.
now - about 8-9 hours / week. I might practice 2 hours a day and none the day after...
But always wanting for more :thumb:
Woww....... if i be your self, maybe my hand can dislocate...hhahahaha :respect: :arg :whahaa