Freestyle Forum
DISCUSSION => Off Topic => Spam Games => Topic started by: daveaminal on May 05, 2007, 09:55:19 AM
ok, heres another wee game for us, its similar to kriztovs game only in reverse.
the way it works is the first person makes a statement about the next poster, then the next poster has to say if they where right or wrong, aand then make a staement about the next poster :mrgreen:
the next person has brown hair......
no its black!!!
the next person stays in the uk
the next person.......
so ill go first since its my game :mrgreen:
the next poster is on the top ten posters list
Nope. :(
The next poster has more than 300 posts.
Yes, it's right
The next person was at least 3 days online in this forum
Yep, but you have to say if what the previous person said was true. In this case it was. :D
The next posted has an Intermediary rank?
No, it's wrong
The next person listens to backstreet boys all day
how did you know that!!!!???? are you spying on me ex???
the next poster will be from germany
hahah, nope!
Now the next posted will be a German resisdent.
The next person will enjoy firmly gripping their.............nunchaku :) lol
I like to grip my... nunchaku...
The next person will spin fire!
naw wrong..... only kidding!! :evil:
the next person is going to say something funny
Knock knock. Who's there? Boo. Boo who? No need to cry, it's only a joke!
Yup there you go, you were wrong.
The next person is going to be online! Hahah
are you spying on me too?? lol
the next person loves this game :mrgreen:
ehm... yes :-)
The next person will send the 13th answer to the thread
yep :lol:
the next person loves spam :roll:
yes :-)
The next person will be to lazy to use capital letters and doesn't follow the punctuation rules
erm, what punctuation rules? :-D
the next person has a cat
no, I don't have any pets besides little spiders
The next person loves to wear silk stockings :wink:
I don't want to say if you are wright or not :-D
The next person has a head
Yeah, I do have a head.
The next person will loose the sifu race :-D
not on your nelly my friend!!!!!
the next person has not had a girlfriend in about a year
the next person has a computer
Not really, it's my brothers laptop.
The next person feels sad because I'm going to tidy up my room now
The person below me will be the same person as the person above the person above me.
erm :? i dont know am i!!!!!
the next person is having a drink tonight
Nah you're not.
Yep I am!
The person below me will be the person above me.
That may happen
The next person will be T.I.P.
Yep! Wait... no.
The next person will now be T.I.P.
The next person will be dave now
Naa...If you said T.I.P. one more time...
The next person had sex with a cow
eh.. no, only in my dreams :greendude:
The next person enjoys his weekend.
The next person will be a guy who has a bear in his class
I usually don't drink beer in the "morning" :-D
The next person's favorite drink is beer
I mean't -has a bear(the animal)in his class...but never mind :-D
Not really
The next person can do 50 pushups
Not in one run yet, I've recently started doing bodyweight excercises.
The next person still has to go in school for some years.
yeah I do...
the next person isn't sick like me
Mh, I don't think that I'm healthy at all.
The next person thinks he represents at least two persons :-D
I don't get that...
The next person who will be ex will explain me what he meant :-D
the next person is a woman
I may have breasts like a woman at the moment, yes :greendude:
The next person isn't perfect, too.
The next person is cool
You've got it :)
The next person has got a brother or a sister.
Yes I do,,a brother...
The next person is not older than 18
The next person is not alder than 15 :-)
yep...I will be in 6 days
The next person is a good student
Errm debatable. :D
The next person will be TIP.
the next person will be one of only four people playing this game!!!!
yeah..I think it's me..
the next person is male :-D
yep, half male half man eating plant :wink:
the next person will be kriztov
The next person will not say that the next person will be JK ,but they will think that the next person will be Kriztov ,and probably that person won't be Kriztov
I don't care :-D
The next person won't be Kriztov
the next person will be ex,,100% shure,cause noone else is playing
the next person will not be daveaminal
oh, how did you know?
The next person will have at least 800 posts
Damn wright...
The next person just wishes he has as many posts as I do
eh, you must have meant another one.
The next person's name is T.I.P.
No,you're wrong..that's just my nickname :-D :-P...
The next person lives in Deustchland near Munich
Not exactly, Munich is about 450 km away.
It's near Koblenz or the Loreley :-)
The next person lives far away in a quite unknown country.
Yeah....pretty far...and in an unknown country,,,
The next person will tell me in which part of Destchland does he liebe(south,west,north,east)
I live in southwest Germany, you can see it in the picture:
The next person might want to tell me if he ever was in my home country.
Ohh,ok I see now...
I was never in deutchland...but my dad was in Munich and somewhere else if that means something...
But I'll maybe go to live to Bruxellus,Beldium near you this summer,maybe ...that would be 2-3 years
the next person will tell me hows the climate in that part of germany
For some weeks now the weather is kickass, no rain for about 8 weeks and the sun was shining
very often, too. In year 2003 the hottest day was around 44°C, the last winter between -8° and -5°
Other climate related information shouldn't be very interesting :-)
The next person wants to tell me what temperatures he got in his home country
Sunday night
England and Wales, mostly cloudy with outbreaks of rain extending northeast across all areas. Becoming windy in the south. Scotland and Northern Ireland, clear spells and showers, some heavy later.
England and Wales, rather cloudy, rain or showers but a few bright spells developing. Windy along southern coasts. Scotland and Northern Ireland, sunny intervals and showers, some heavy and prolonged.
Some bright spells but generally rather cloudy with rain across most areas of the UK on Tuesday, especially for England and Wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland, sunny intervals and showers.
Sounds bollocks. lol
The next person is going to be... TIP.
Wrong its me :) lol
Sounds bollocks weather especially monday as Im meant to be playing an outdoor gig with my jazz band :(
The next person will post a reply in this thread
The next person will be the one after my post :-)
yep, the next person has the day off work tomorrow
Nope, I gotta go into Uni tomorrow.
The next person has webbed feet.
no, but i have an unusualy long pinki toe
the next peson has had the same shorts on for two days :roll:
dude it's the weekend before finals, can you blame me? :-D
The next person has trouble sleeping, like myself.
The next person doesn't like footbal
Wrong! Liverpool forever!
The next person hatched from an egg.
I don't know, that could be true :-)
The next person doesn't like foam Nunchakus very well
Yeah, pretty much. I only keep them around to teach my cousins and nephew.
The next person hopefully has all ten fingers
Yes I have :-)
The next person hopefully helps me to get 1000 posts this evening :-D
No ,I'm not going to help you :fu:...I'm going to help myself
The next person likes michael jackson
The next person wouldn't call himself a fan
Yeah,I wouldn't..
The next person doesn't know that there are pyramids in my country
Nope, never knew that :-D
The next person probably doesn't know what the hell is Guam
Yeah ..I do..'s an island in oceania..about 30 km long and it's a part of the u.s. and you live there
The next person doesn't know that the yet not fully discoverd pyramids in Bosnia ,are pretty big,,one is over 200 m
... :)
The next person will talk less senseless stuff
The next person will be confused.
Hey ex,I just hope i'm not the one talking senseless stuff?
Yeah I am confused....
The next person will respond quickly after me
Not really ^^ ... and no, I was meant with the one who talks senseless stuff
The next person is sitting in school and have to wait 150minutes for the next lesson like me :-)
Nope, it's bank holiday monday. :D
The next person won't forget to follow the game rules :-D
The next person will use an emoticon in his post.
:greendude: Inevitably
The next person will tell us what music they've been listening to today.
Thanks for the Memories 1 thousand million times - I'm making a video with it as the song (almost finished the video now!) and windows movie maker makes you restart the video after every time you play it, so the song is well and truly in my head.
The next person will own a pair of foam chucks.
No, I don't and I've never tried foamies.
The next person will own a pair of metal Nunchakus :-)
No, I don't - just graphite and wood, but I have used metal before.
The next person doesn't know how to do a thigh-wrap pass.
Too damn right! lol
The next person will point me in the direction of how to do one :)
I don't know how to do it :)
The next person will explain me how this move looks like :-D
ahh,that's easy,you can see it in my video.....just kidding,I have no idea what it is
The next person is a better chucker that me
To do a thigh wrap go to bounce off the inside of your thigh, but lean into it a little so the chucks wrap all the way around your thigh instead of just bouncing - then reach over with your empty hand and catch the striker on the outside of your thigh. :wink:
The next person keeps a pet lizard called Timmy in a glass tank under his bed.
Well, I keep little spiders in my room, but nice try :-)
The next person's favorite meal are frog's legs 8-)
naa..I hadn't tried it yet....
the next person has been to another country than his own
Yes, france, swiss, spain, netherlands, italy, and so on, but not so far away yet.
The next person wants to tell me what's his favorite country
Except my own country,it's the U.S. ,,cause that's the only far away country I've gone to
The next person will tell me if he knows anyting about Bosnia
To be honestly, I really don't know anything about the country.
Only the rough location and that there are many muslims and christians :-)
The next person wants to tell me if he would prefer to live somewhere else
or if he's satisfied with country, people, climate and career possibilities :-D
I am pretty satisfied ,but it could have been better if there wasn't the damn war .....
The next person will tell me something about China's people and culture :-D
Well, I don't know much about china so I will modify your wish to Japan.
Japan was very isolated for quite many years but always was open to all
cultures and religions. They invented many nice weapons which we all like :)
In comparison to china these weapons may be less effective but rule nevertheless.
The next person wants to explain me the philosophy of buddhism :-D
hahahaha...c'mon I gave you an easier one....
I know nothing about it's philosophy,but I know that the God is Siddharta Gautama-Buda ,,that there are many practicioners in China....It is a religion with many Gods...It is an old religion...
The next person won't forget to use the "The next person ..." tag ... :-)
The next person will take a rest from the PC now,cause his eyes will hurt :-D
They may be red and want to see a "1000" now :-D
The next person must read the freerun thread now and accept the offer :-D
I already I just need to go to 999
This is my 999th post, one before the sensei title :mrgreen:
Sorry for all my spamming activity, from time to time I still made some more quality posts :-)
This is my spam post for the last month :-D
It's my 999 post so you'll forgive me
The next person is called Kriztov
the next person will be a female :-D
yes, once upon there was ... NO OF COURSE NOT :-D
The next person might want to tell me what weapons he like beside the Nunchaku
I would like to try to use shuriken,maybe a katana or something else but i actually never tried anytihing really.......and while we 're on this subject,I tried using those needles that you throw at a round board and you get points(I don't know how you call it on english..and I was pretty accurate with it.. :-D
The next person will answer to the question of where did he get his weapons
My mommy? :greendude:
The next person will least likely be Bob Saget
the next person will be rellizate
Damn. Stupid psycics. >: -(
The next person will not be Rellizate (hahah can't fail that one).
The next person will be a cop when he grows up
Maybe actually. I'm thinking of it...
The next person will also be a cop.
no not me hell no
THE NEXT PERSON will be me
THE NEXT PERSON will use nunchaku
du :-P
Nope. If I can find a decent nunchaku forum I might start though...
The next person will lose the sifu race to moi!
No way dude.
The next person will be at home while writing
The next person will have less than 634 posts
Errm damn...
>:- (
The next person will be doomed for all enternity to lose the SIFU RACE! *Dramatic music*
I don't know,hope not..
The next person plays b-ball
No, don't like games with balls very much ...
The next person hates football
You,probably mean our football(soccer) I don't ,I like it ,but i'm bad at it :-D
The next person has a father older than 45 :-D
He's 45. xD
The next person is 45!
hahaha....I don't see master Lee anywhere :-D
The next person has an alive grand grandfather who's 85 years old
Holy sh*t!!! Yes!!!
The next person will be the same mind reader as the person above me.
The next person has a mother who's 41 years old
well she'll be 50 soon but would lke to think she's 41.
The next person likes to dress as a woman in secret. :-D
Na,not ma,that's damien...but I like to dress as a nurse sometimes.
the next person will be Ex
Yes :)
The next person will post when I'm already offline.
naa,you re online
The next person will be rellizate
No, it's me again.
The next person will be tired.
Maybe,I'm not shure if I am :-D
The next person is tired,I'm shure
The next person lives in virginia
hi :-D
No,you're wrong ,This isT.I.P. :fu:..
the next person will tell me where does he live in virginia\\
Windsor va right next to nowhere
c'mon man,that was easy
The next person looks like mikey teutul
you thank :?
THE NEXT PERSON likes to type
yeah I do
Yeah I do
The next person drives a chopper
no no chopper, not even a car. Not even a license, but I got nunchucks
P.S. I just booted up my voice dictation software, because I hate typing.
The next persons fingers must hurt
Yup, lost my temper about 3 days ago and smashed my hand in between a wall and a barricade. Now my knuckles are killing me. :cry:
The next person is nice and people say good things about him/her :lol:
Yep.. Im nice!
the next person has had a bruised elbow from chucks in the past 2 months :chuck:
nope its not i havent hit my elbow i just dont bruise much
the next person is the person after me :-P
Holy crap man :-o
The next person is probably no an Eskimo
Who knows, in general I prefer colder region - but I dislike fish :-)
By the way, calling them Innuit is more polite
The next person dislikes Hip Hop and rap music
Who knows, in general I prefer colder region - but I dislike fish :-)
By the way, calling them Innuit is more polite
Then Innuit it is :-D
Well I'm not a fan of the stuff made now a days
The next person thinks Big Foot is his daddy
No, I believe it's my grandpa :)
The next person likes Star Wars :-D
The next person lives in europe
yup :)
The next person likes South Park
yeah I do..
the next prson watched the movie 300
Not yet, haven't got round to downloading it! :lol:
The next person has seen the south park movie (I downloaded it yesterday :) )
naa,not the movie..
the next person watched the jackass2 movie
DIdnt see it
The next person is procrastinating finals ~
Procrastinating, yes, finals, no.
The next person once wiped a bogey on his best mate's back and laughed about it.
The next person is a long haired freaky person. xD
noa,that would be someone else :-D...
The next person is young and shorter than 6 feet
Yep, and yep.
The next person is 15?
haha,will be tomorrow
The next person is 14
Damn, almost. :D
Nope, soon. :D
The next person has a brother
The next person does have a brother.
i have 3 brothers!
the next person likes setting fire to things!
hell yeah!!!!
the next person knew i was going to say that :wink:
The next person is cool!
if you say so :lol:
the next person has been to blackpool
Nope never.
The next person is thinking of organising a mass sex-party?
naa,but tha would be nice
the next person had a close contact with a monkey
Hahah. Nope.
The best person has a large sig pic.
yeah I'm the best :-D...
the next person has atleast two good friends :-D
The person below does fire spinning.
naa,but I'll try it sometimes maybe
The next prson likes to ride his bike
Yeah t'is cool.
The next person thought nunchucks were spelt knumb-chucks for years.
the next person has his cousin and his brother in the same room now lol
No, just me in here, all on my lonesome :cry:
The next person walked in on his/her parents having sex when they were a child?
true dude how u know that
the next person is adapt at spammin it rite up he he
How I understood,NO..
The next person has a brother whos sensei
true dude
the next person belongs to a country which isnt part of the e u
Alas no, I am not T.I.P.
The next person prefers the taste of vodka to whiskey.
I wouldn't know
The next person still lives with his parents .....which isn't bad ...................don't hurt me...........
The next person is under 17.
Nope, 17 and goin' up to 18 on the 16th of June :greendude:
The next person is left handed
The next person IS left handed.
The next person better be left handed
i use my left hand when im..........alone
the next person has a good sense of humour
wow mystic meg heree
the next person is a dope spinner
Now does that mean I'm a good spinner? Or that I spin while on dope? Or that I like to spin dope?
Either way... guilty as charged.
The next person owns a Bruce Lee movie.
Nope. Never even seen one.
The next person thinks slapstick is funny.
its hilarious
the next person is addicted to fire
Well, you could say that...
The next person likes the song "firestarter".
ye i kinda did....
the next person likes to spin other things then just chux
guilty of bowstaff spinning
The next person is afraid of heights
Everyone is, it is a natrual thing. Some people are more afraid than others however.
The next person is younger than me
Yep. The next person is older than me
That wasn't hard... :-D
The next person doesn't own a cellphone
Nope, I do.
the next person, however, doesn't.
yeah,I don't....almost everyone owns one ,but I don't(I don't really know why)
The next person owns a TV :-D
The next person does.
Thank God,I do..
The next person owns a katana
But the next person does.
The next person trains some martial art
The next person does...
The next person will be rellizate,who needs to stop saying"but the next person does" :-)
wrong dong
the next person shall ask wtf buddy
WTF buddy
The next person will be freestyler
yeah that one was easy to
the next person will have three nipples and genetically modefied space chickens living in there loft which they created using space chickens and common pigeons
No,not all of that
The next person didn't run a marathon, like me ,today
Define a marathon.
The next person is in a rainy place today.
no,I'm not..
you mean to tell you how it was?
The next person will be rellizate
No, define means explain what it means, as I did do a long run today.
The next person will be TIP.
Wrong ~
The next person likes to wear dresses
uhhhhhhhhhh not so much
The next person can speak more than one language
Two ones yes. My bad ass french skills don't count :-D
The next person will be less tired as me
oh....i dont think so sunshine!
with 3 night feeds per night for a 7 week old baby, rising at 5am running two business and also having a 5 year old whilst training for 3-5 hours a day (phew) i believe i am more tired.
the person will be someone who tries on his mums undies.
Only when everyone else is out the house and all the doors are locked and curtains pulled.
The next person will have never experienced the chaotic delights of Sunday night at Reading festival...
I think..
The next person flew in a helicopter
And I've flown one, yes.
The next person hasn't. :P
no,I had flown a few times. :-D
The next person has flown in a helicopter :-D
lol ok.
Yep, how did you guess...? *Mock shock-horror*
The next person has flown a plane.
you had flown a helicopter?
aahhh,,I've just seen that I've had posted the same thing two times...sorry
yeah I had flown a plane
the next person road in a metro
Yeah i've flown one. It takes a lot of pracise, but my years of drumming, and idependent moving limbs makes it easier... :D
What do you mean?
The next person has an ACDC album.
Oh,no..I thought I had flown in an airplane,,,but did you really fly one?
no.I don't
The next person listens to rock
Yeah i've flown one as well... lol
A bit yeah.
The next person is TIP.
This is one of those rare occasions that isn't true...
The next person will be T.I.P, Rellizate, or possible Exmortem.
The three horsemen of the spamocalypse. :-P
I take that offensively! I don't spam! For my next freestlye forum, I challenge you to find a single post by me which is spammy... :D
The next person will be Exmortem.
No it's me ...many people here told me that I spam,but I still believe that it isn't true,.I just think that I post a lot,and there isn't anything wrong with that.. :-)
The next person drives a car
Sometimes yeas, the other day I pranged it though... >: -(#
The next person doesn't.
no i dont drive....yet :mrgreen:
tip, how many of your posts do you think are ABOUT spam? i dont mean spammy posts, i mean the posts where you say your not spamming :greendude:
not getting on at you dude, just pointing out something that i think is funny :lol:
i got a warped sense of humor :roll:
The next person will be daveanimal, and the next person will be posting the 500th post in this thread... :D
wrong its daveaminals younger chuker freestyler
the next person will be some one who hasnt posted in a day or two
wrong! I think
The next person will have less then 1000 posts
the next person is a baw bag
The next person will donate 100euro to my paypal account :-)
no i dont drive....yet :mrgreen:
tip, how many of your posts do you think are ABOUT spam? i dont mean spammy posts, i mean the posts where you say your not spamming :greendude:
not getting on at you dude, just pointing out something that i think is funny :lol:
i got a warped sense of humor :roll:
Yeah,there are about 3-5 posts where I say that I don't spam....and I keep saying that because people keep saying I do....
Yeah ,I will....
The next person is pretty new at the forum
wrong this person has been on the forum longer than you he he he
the next person has been defending his spamming ( only kiddin dude ) and is gonna ask me how i am doin today
yeah ,I was defending my "spaming",which I was accused of :-D
the next person will tell me how is he doing
gd dude
the next person is goin to fly to scotland from bosnia for the uk meet and he is actually going to be a teenage mutant ninja turtle to all of our surprise
hahhahaha...yeah,shure,I will..actually ,I wish...and I'm the 5'th member :lol:
the next person will lend me some money for the plane ticket
the next person should now be told that freestyler is the worst person to ask to buy a plane ticket
hahahaha...the next person will be outside in a few minutes :-)
the next person is either outside or inside ehhh
no,I'm in between..hahah
the next person lives in the north of europe
west actually mate he he
the next person lives in bosnia which i dont actually know where thast is
-'s on the Balkan peninsula near the adriatic coast.our neighbors are Croatia,Serbia and Montenegro,,we're south from Germany,Austria ..we're east from iItaly...west from bulgaria etc...north from Greece (these are the more famous countries ,so you know where I am)
I hope now you know where I am
The next person will tell me does he know now where Bosnia is :-)
I already knew man, my geography is hot enough to brand cattle.
The next person has tried to do Matt's orbital wheel and failed.
no I hadn't ..but I tried to do the wheel,but I failed...and I got some more easy(I mean easier than a wheel) stuff still to learn :|
The next person is(was)a good student
Mh... I think average and sufficent for all I need in my life :)
The next person has more than 100euro to spend per month.
£50? Yeas, but I don't.
The next person has a un/hardly used firestaff.
yeah,shure :-D
You guys mean 100 euro and 50 pounds just for you?
The next person will answer me this question
I'll try - yeah, I'm pretty sure they meant £100 a month / equiv in euros to spend personally.
The next person writes poetry but never shows it to anyone.
Yes, Kriztov said what I meant exactly. I have 40€ in total ...
I never tried writing poetries in german but twice in english.
May have another try soon, let's see.
The next person has taken a synthetic drug at least one time
wat today no at the weekend yes i think is weed synthetic if not then no
the next person is of mixed sexuality
I think,not..
the next person has grandgranparents
Sorry mate, but no. With a step-dad, I should have six grandparents, but I'm down to two grandmothers. Not had any grand-grandparents in my life.
The next person once wiped a bogey in someones hair and didn't tell them.
The next person is either God or Satan.
Well I sure aint Satan...
The next person eats all around the edge of a jaffa cake before eating the middle bit.
yo right here!. i hate stale jaffa cakes though,Tis a nasty business.
the next person has killed an insect with a magnifiying glass, and liked it :evil:
Fraid not. Frying ants isnt my thang.
The next person avoids all cracks inthe pavement/sidewalk for fear a freakish fear of his/her hair falling out.
yes,yes..(people in my country say that when they don't understand something on English,and they are usually the people who don't know what you are talking about and just say "yes,yes" :-D)
The next person is afraid of heights...actually ,who isn't
I'm not afraid of hights, hights don't kill you! It's the ground I'm scared of...
The next person has never rode a horse?
not true dude
i have
the next person studied at college
Nope not yet.
The next person has heard of Cambridge University.
Yeah, considered going there but their ultimate frisbee team sucks...
The next person is currently on a laptop.
yep,that's my only choice(but a pretty good and satisfying one) :-)
the next person has held more than 20.000 euros in their hands
Was that 20 euros or 20,000 euros? Considering we still have pound sterling I think the most euros I've ever held is about 50...
The next person is wearing odd socks (and proud of it)
how true was that then
the next person doesnt do poi
wrong!!!! it was me who showed you it :-D
the next person has had chicken pox
I meant 20 thousand euros...
I don't know,probably not..
The next person lives near a laundry machines factory lol
the next persons name has to of the initals used to wipe ure bottom
hahahhaha...naaa,thank god
The next person is not going to go for a spin at 9 pm in front of his apartment building like me ina few minutes :-D
the next persons name has to of the initals used to wipe ure bottom
he means TP short for toilet paper :lol:
the next person has farted and has been proud of the smell
how true
the next person is dave
hi dave
-'s T.I.P.
no,no didn't need to share taht with us :greendude:
The next person is not cool :fu:
its quite cold here but i was only playin dawg lol
the next person should know that i am sorry and i dont think his name ressembles toilet paper i was just stating that t i p has t and p init which is the initials of toilet paper (tp)
don't worry about problem..
and by saying "the next person is not cool",please don't think I was thinking of you,,it just popped up in my mind(I don't know why)and I had to say it
The next person will be freestyler who is not cool....errrrmm,I mean ,not a fool... :-D
iam kl and i am a fool i am a kl fl
the next person (andthis is an obvious one) will be online while there next post
The next person will be cheesy mc fly.
i suppose but its mcdougall not mcfly
the next person will be a sensei
The first :lol:
The next person likes football more than rugby.
Cant bloody stand either of them. i think they are both a load of balls (boom boom).
the next person preferes margerine to butter. HARDCORE! :chuck:
Lol ermm I can't eat butter... :(
The next person likes ham sandwhiches.
wrong again.
you boys are rubbish.
I cant stand the thought of freaks me out. Im not veggie, but i am wierd.
The next person has a secret collection of vanilla ice and chesney hawks albums.
My love for Vanilla Ice is no secret, but Chesney Hawkes is a no-no.
The next person has been to beach party themed fancy dress.
Hahah as if.
The next person is C.J. (J.C.).
what's ,who's that?
The next person practiced more than an hour at a time
Errm no, but I do more than an hour a day.
Don't worry about it, only CJ will know... :)
The next person WILL be CJ.
the next person was born as a girl
The next person will now live in eternal fear.
whatta heck,,,was that meant to me?
The person above me is not alone in thinking Rel just lost it...
T.I.P.'s from Bosnia man... goldfish memory perhaps?
hahahaha...yeah ..yayu is from guam. thanx K-man
3 second emory....maybe a devil got into Rellizate :greendude:
The next person will be rellizate
wrong dude the next person will be tip
whack whack ooops! ITS ME!
The next person will be T.I
ha ha got ya back
the next person will be tracie
the next person will be someone who is desperate to get into a US double 'o', to be friends with the in crowd in LA.
i hope the next person is tracie givin me that again in dumb guy speek
Sorry mate, I didnt get it either :lol:
The next person wants to be naked and famous.
naa,not really...I've got better plans for my life :-D
The next person will be Tracie who rememberes of T.I.
hah needs more garlic mate
the next person will be tip askin wtf
yeah man...what the F?
The next person is gonna be freestyler whos gonna say wtf did he mean by that :-D
yeah it is me man how u guess but i aint askin wat the funk
the next person will be tip then me then tip then so forth so forth
dang it,you got that one...
the next person will be hopefully someone else("new") :-D
wrong u cant get rid of me that easy
the next person wont be tip because he doesnt like me any more ( boo hoo) :fu:
- should be dissapointed ,,it's me....and I didn't mean to offend you in any way(I'm not saying you are offended)...I just meant that it would be nice if another person got into the game
The next person listens to rap
ma slo flo is so remarkabl
peace to matio,
now i smoke weed like tony montana sniffs the yayo
the next person will be tip again
You wanna see some rap videos?
The next person will be syco who obviously likes rap
not really very picky when it comes to urb muzic
the next person should download some bus driver preferable the track called imaginary places or some artifakts
ok ,I'll check it out later...
the next person will go and practice outside soon
ps:there is 40 people online,hope we break the record :-D
We did - today has a new record of 44 online at once. Huzzah!
The next person has considered stabbing someone with an icicle because then the murder weapon would just melt away...
Hahah no, but that sounds very cunning... *Looks towards sister's room*...
The next person is JC. (and it better be after all this guessing... :D)
666th post!!!
crazy! ive thougha bout that before, would have to be a cold day so the ice would stay sharp, then i'd leave it over a drain so the blood/water just drip's away, plus the police wouldnt be able to figure out what the hell the guy was killed with, and while they were searching for the weapon i'd have emigrated to new zealand, where i would assume the name horatio geigenheimer and dye my hair black...
the next person thinks im a murderer....
Yeap too right. :D
The next person is the almight nunchaku move inventor!
Hell yeah!! Oh wait... you probably meant Matt :chuck:
The next person has never wondered why world war 2 kamikaze pilots bothered to wear crash helmets...?
Hahah nope, but now I do... :-S
And for the reference the person above is CJ.
The next person will be the person above.
Just because you've said that I'm now going to not post to make you wrong!
How'd you know I'm a CJ?
The next person once poured boiling water down his friend's throat because they were choking on ice cubes...
hahahahha....nice idea...but,no
The next person missed the toilet while he pied :-D
true but i was drunk
the next person will come out with something spectacular as a preminition
Maybe. *Looks shifty* :D
The next person will have done firechucks in the last week.
wrong nearlly one and a half mate
the next person will bring his fire staff to the uk meet
Yeap. The next person won't.
true i will bring my glo chuks tho
the next person is gonna bring 4 litres of parafin to the uk meet
Yep. God damn it!
The next person also will...
8 mate
the next person will be shocked when he sees some freeky fire sh*t
naw, ive seen it all before :lol: only kidding i bet you guys are much better live!!!
the next person has never shaved there bawls
only once but i feel more at home bein hairy i still trim lololol
the next person will be mortified by that
OMG too right, if my fella came in to the bedroom one night with shaved balls i would think he was motel/ hotel.
the next person wears eyeliner
no eyeliner here sorry !~
The next person is still in school
yeah the school of stoned
the next person will not post here for quite some time
yeah,I will
the next person has a laser mouse
no, i dont.... but i might steal one from work cos this one is doing my head in!!!
the next person has given blood
Nope, unless you count to the sink.
The next person has STOLEN blood!
no but u aint a real man till u have blood on your sword
the next person will be me
Nope! Hahah.
Bet I got you while you were posting... xD
The next person will not be me.
the next person will come out with something truley original
the next person has killed a man with a bannana that he foundin his pocket , it original enough? :-D
Be silent. I still have the bannana.
The next person once stole an apple.
yeah many times....when we are kids we go to other people 's gardens and steal fruits,and the people chase us with axes :-D
the next person likes to milk cows
Never done it.
The next person has more than 1000 posts.
of course I have.....
The next person rode a horse or donkey or a camel or all or just a donkey and a horse or just a horse and a camel or just a donkey and a camel... :-D
I've ridern horses yes... xD
The next person has a sex partner.
naa,not yet :-D
the next person has learned about sex organs today,in school
I had
Errm no, that's primary school stuff. :D
The next person learned about the Endocrine system today in school.
wrong! today i slept. then got up and played with chucks for a few hours..
the next person has recently thought about sniping a celebrity. :evil:
damn,again a unfamiliar word....what's sniping? :|
the next person will remind me what the endocrine system is about(I don't know what it means in english,but I think I 've heard of it)
no idea, i must have been off that day :-)
the next person is old enough to drink in holland
no,I'm Bosnian and yet not old enough to drink here....but here if a pliceman saw you drinking(for example me)he probably wouldn't do anything...
the next person watches discovery channel
Na man, I don't have sky.
The next person once wished for a pet penguin when he blew out the candles on his birthday cake.
Never wished on my candels.
The next person plays the drums.
hahaha ,kriztov,where do you get ideas like that?
no I don't...
the next person will tell us something about the WW II :-D
WW2 had the 'night of broken glass'. pretty shite evening where a whole town of jews were beaten,raped and killed. nice....not.
the next person always leaves a little bit in the bottom of a cup of tea or coffee.
yeah the jews got the baddest part in the WWII :|
hahaha,I think I do leave a little tea in the cup :-)
the next person lives in a big house ,atleast 100m 2 (by"2",I mean square )
Back home yeah, at uni no. Well actually yeah, the house is big but I share it with 7 other people so it doesn't seem so spacious!
The next person still has a soft toy from when they were very young.
yeah i do, i got all the stuff i got from ex gf's in the wardrobe :wink:
the next person has never eaten squid
I think not,but one time I could have eaten it but I hadn't.. :-D
the next person has held a little aligator in his hands
the next person lives in a bungalow
no,but I'm gonna spend some time in one on monday(they have them where we're going to a field trip) :-D
the next person had a war in his country(and I don't mean like 50 or 200 years ago,I mean in the rescent10-20 years)
Erm... Falklands war? Technically it was over British soil and was in 82, 5 years ago. Nothing comparable to what Bosnia's been through though.
The next person prefers cats over dogs.
oh,ok,but that's a long time you know some things about the war too, know I was born a month after the war has started...
hmm,,,,probably dogs would be my choice...
The next person (as long as it's not T.I) should read all about the complex war here:
it is me,but i'll still check it out alittle bit know the serb general Ratko Mladic?My dad had flew him with a helicopter from Belgrade to Mostar(another citie in Bosnia)...and Mladic gave my dad some fuel and amunitions and stuff like that...long story...but this happened before the war when the army of Bosnia and serbia were as one..and later in the war my dad flew injured soldiers,soldiers ,important people during the war with a helicopter etc.
the next person knows that bosnia is an hour behind the UK,so the game starts at 16:00 here
I wasn't sure if you were one hour off or two. Now I know :-)
The next person will tell us an interesting story about their parents...
hahaha.....hmmm,mein father is a pilot(but now he does something else),he trained kung fu and the chux etc..and my mom is a salles person(doesn't work now)....
what about the next persons parents
my mums cool and so is my dad :mrgreen: thats where i get it from :wink:
the next person has read green eggs and ham by dr zuess
i think iam said sam i am
the next person has downloaded pornographic images recentlly
:roll: well oki i have but dont tell serena!!!
the next person has also looked at porn today....
not really....
the nxt person has downloaded videos..
nah thats wat youtube is for
the next person is really bruce lee after goin into hiding
I don't get that :?...sorry mate..
the next person has a dog
yeah but i ate it this morning cause i was famished
the next person has had a peenieplast
what's taht....I probably can't find that in the dictionary,,,
the next person plays computer games
the next person should really watch more southpark
maybe...but there 's no more southpark on the TV :|
the next person watches Oprah show
ps:does anyone know what's with Exmortem?
oprah isnt my bag baby
i dont know wat you mean wats with exmortem
southpark is still on the tele
the next person should get cable or something
I mean ,he wasnot on the forum the last few days... :|
not here not.....and I have cable...
I'm going to watch the game
the next person is going to watch the game
no chance FOOTBALL SUCKS!!!!!!!
the next person dont like football ether
kinda rite mate
i own a football
the next person has a fire sword
yep, and i love it as much as my real sword :mrgreen:
the next person wants a fire sword :evil:
it is true i do
the next person will have paint on there hand s
:-D true
the next person is watching me through some kind of secret bunker, and has cameras all over my house
yes i do have a seceret lair underneath your hoose
the next person will be mortified by this fact
no,not really :-D
I thought you guys liked football
the next person wears a cap
sometimes i do.
the next person is someone who wears stilletoes with army socks.
damn it my seceret is out
the next person teaches martial arts
no,not a few years maybe
the next person does cause the next person will be tracie
ha ha wrong dong
the next person will be tip
It's me!
the next person will be freestyler...
It's me! :-D
The next person lives in a country where the weather is bad today
yeah the weather cannot make its mind up today
the next person likes the weather
If you mean the weather like it is now..NO....
the next person likes to watch science shows
i like to watch documentrys about the oceans and ocean wild life so yeah
the next person is going to start learning staff
oceans,nice....I always wanted to know what lives in the great depths
no,probably not
The next person works as a construction builder
The next person is unemployed.
yeah,,,actually no,I'm making a living on Metacafe ,I'm eaning money from my video :lol:
the next person uses or used wikipedia a lot
whats a wikipedia
the next person will find the fact that i dont know what a wikipedia is quite funny
lol yes, as it isn't a noun.
The next person now knows what it is.
not really ill check it later tho i now know that it isnt a noun
the next person shall be assured that i will check it out later
I think now he knows...
the next person road in a car faster than 160 km/h
Errm that's 100 mph right. Yeap I have.
The next person has riddern a donkey.
yeah 100mph
no ,I hadn't ridden one...but I wish to ride a donkey,but a horse would be even better
the next person watched bruce lee movies
You havn't ridden a horse?
The next person will remember to stick to the rules this time around. :D
no,or maybe I remembered...but that was like 10 years ago for just like 10 meters...
which rules man? :?
the next person will be rellizate who likes to mess with me :omg:
the next person will be tip who forgot the next person
when did I forget it?
the next person will tell me which next person
the next person will ask some crazy question about the next person
what's your grandma's name? :-D
Errm which one?
The next person will have a sig pic.
wrong the next person will be rolling a joint
???what does that mean
the next person got in a fight less than 6 months ago
it means the next person will be smoking a doobie.
i have sparred since giving birth so i gues your right!!
the next person will be a black belt.
yeah in origami lol the next person will be a black belt
well have a, would love to be a black belt in tae kwon do too- thats my next bb
next person will have no MA experience but will brill at the chux
yeah tae kwon do looks kewl as
personally i dont rate it too much but i like to collect black belts. the next person has webbed feet
the next person is batman
oh yeah ..roll a joint,I can't believe how I didn't know what that means,,,my brain was blocked for a moment probably....
The next person is an experienced martial artist
the next person enjoys pickin there nose
naa..really not my thing...
the next person plays basket ball
the next person has over 300 posts of pure spam
probablly if you ask people who cannot read txt talk
the next person is psyhcic
i knew to come here at this moment, with my psychic powers. lol
the next person, is the person after me
nah its me
the next person will use psychic powers to predict who the next person is
the next person is freestyler
the next person isnt freestyler
is it dave then?
the next person wishes he was a ninja
ninja me up.
next person has just learned a new move
woot i can do a a full roll with my left hand
the next person wears thongs....
the next person also wears thongs
*dodgy looks, closes curtains*
The next person will live in the UK
yep. the next person. was thinkin ov makin a nakid fire nunchuk video
Already done.....
The next person wears drag for his videos
yes i do. u posted that? you could probly challenge for freak of week?
the next person has hit himself in the groin with nunchaku at least once.
yes i do. u posted that? you could probly challenge for freak of week?
As tempting as it is, I think I'll pass on that one :-P Wouldn't want to put you to shame :lol:
the next person has hit himself in the groin with nunchaku at least once.
unfortunately, luckily I learned from that mistake quickly!
The next person uses chain chucks
i think you may shame yourself in the proccess.
the next person wants to go out right now n play wi there chux, as im about to
i use chain and corded btw
lol :-P
I do.....but Im stuck doing revision for an exam on tuesday :(
The next person spins for fun
so your actually doing revision? i spin for fun nothing but
the next person is a bloke
Well when I say doing revision I mean I have it in front of me but am on the forum
The next person will be going out for a spin in the very near future
in two secs.
the next person might fail his exams. lol just kiddin
lol thats true :-P
The next person will most likely be Damienangelicas
nope im not sorry
the next person is gonna be the person that the person before me said was gonna post after him
the next person will be da
The next person will secretly have a 'blankey' that he cant live without.
how do u know that
the next person will also have a blankie
its true
the next person will be tracie
no, tis me this time :-D
the next person will be firespinning tonight if the wheather stays good :roll:
well the weather is pretty crappy otherwise i would def set my nunchaku on fire to make you right :lil:
the next person to post uses hardwood nunchaku for freestyle
nope. plastic fantastic all the way.
the next person would love to snog michael jackson.
Ew. Bad Tracie!
The next person has watched NunchakuX2's new cascades tutorial.
No,not really...I don't watch tutorials too much,but If I do I watch some less complicated stuff... :-)
The next person lifts little 5 kg weights every day :-D
nah mate the current weight on my barbells is 75kg
the next person is heavier than i bench press
Yeah,close..I'm 75-78...
I don't do benchpress..but I can probably lift 50 kg now,whit no practice(maybe less,maybe more)
The next person lifts more than 80 kg..
well i have not got enough weights here to do that but i would be able to if i had the resorces
the next person likes fried bannanas
Try puttin bottles full of water :-D(just kidding)
No,never tried that...but do people really do that?
The next person is more than 18 years old
i am 21 dude
the next person is only 15 yr olds
c'mon You knew it would be me....but you were wrong...I am 15 years and 9 days old :-D :-P
the next person has seen a snake in person(and I don't mean in a zoo,or some show)
yep, ive seen about 20 or so grass snakes on a rock at the glenniffer braes.
i was told that the gather in big numbers to mate, and that they like to do it on rocks that have been warmed by the sun all day.
it was quite fasinating :-)
the next person has seen fear and loathing in las vegas
Nope though I want to! lol
On the topic of snakes, I almost managed to stand on about 3 snakes on dartmoor a few weekends ago lol
The next person has seen Grindhouse
no, soz
the next person is good at doubles
not good no. but i try and that counts!
the next person will learn a few nifty bo staff moves from me at the mee.
nope on account that i dont live anywhere nere the uk
the next person is gonna be wild industry
Muahahahah <--- That was an evil laugh.
The next person wil be kyou.
ya dam right its kyou
the next person is good at single nunchaku freestyle
Ermm yeah, i'd say so.
The next person will marvel at my skills of guessing the next person.
Hell yeah I'm marveling.
The next person prefers Marvel to DC comics.
ya dam right i do
the nezt person knows what nunchaku were originally used for
there's debate over this,,! some say it was a rice flail, but ive seen pictures of the authentic flails that they used,,, nothing like chucks, also some say it was a horse bit,, i reckon this is wrong too, i think they were developed in a totaly unique way. an adaption of a staff..
the next person has at one time spat out of an window and it landed on someone,
eeeewwwww gross. No - i weed, not spat.
the next person like peanut butter on his eyelids.
I've heard the rice -nunchaku story...the nunchaku were 2m long (each stick) and the connection between them (chain or something ) was proportional to the sticks too.........This is only a story I've heard ,I'm not saying it's a fact :-)
No...not really..never tried it,and will probably never try it :-D
The next person lived in a foreign country to his own,I mean not in his home country, more than 2 years
Nein. The next person comes fro Guam.
no man..You already once thought that I come from guam...short memory ,maybe :-)...taht would be yayu
the next person's country has more than 20 million people
Really you don't come from Guam? Damn it. I've got a load of new people I added on msn, and they are all merging into one!!!
Yes, we have almost 70.
the next person doesn't come from Guam.
the next person wears ladies underwear and calls themself "sally" at weekends
How do you know man? :oops:
The next person loves his best friend's sister
The next person has a cool avatar.
shure I do..atleast I think so..
the next person partially uses martial art(a particular one) philosophy in life
The next person has never punched a guy seriously.
no,,I had ..but almost never straight in the face(I wasn't much of a fighter)
the next person is the strongest kid in the school
Nope, that would be the bear.
The next person ISN'T!!! from guam.
hahahhaaahhahahahahahahaha.....whenever someone compares a person with a bear I've got to laugh :lol:
Yeah I'm not...form guam :greendude:
you broke the chain dude :?
the next person will be eating something that contains hooves.
while typing
the next person has made their own pair of nunchaku before
only about 10 pairs so far! the other one was storebought,.
the next person has seen an old lady fall over, and laughed rather than helped :greendude:
yes i have and i know im a horrible person :evil:
the nexy person has hit someone in the face with a rather large fish.
Nein, but Im thinking of it.
The next person like sugar!
you broke the chain dude :?
the next person will be eating something that contains hooves.
while typing
A lot of people done it before...And I forgot it, cause I was thinking about something else probably...
hmm, sugar..sometimes I do, but sometimes I get sick of it :|
The next person has done hooligan things in life(for fun)
Errm occasionally.
The next person once shot someone with a replica gun out of their window.
To TIP: Sure. For example, I can't remember anything between ordering another round of Sambucas at dusk till dawn on Thursday night and waking up on the sofa Friday morning. Whenever I have memory gaps it's because I've been a hooligan... :lol:
To Rel: Na, shot rabits with an air rifle in fields near me, and once shot a mate by accident, but never out my window
The next person is only a few posts away from this thread getting locked!
I knew guys in the UK like to do hooligan stuf,,same as here :-D...but I know we never mean harm, we're just having fun :lol: :-D
Yeah,as is the next person
The next person closed the "the person above me thread" :-D
Yep! Finalie!
the next person will be tracie
no...Tip here,,
the next person will be freestyler who's gonna be the before last poster here(i think)
wrong! this post is old,,, getting stale.
the next person has sold property that wasnt theirs,,
or maybe this is thread of this thread..? hhmm??
Na, I never sell my own stuff let alone other people's.
The next person gets to make the 500th post and declare this thread CLOSED!
ME :-D
closed yet? heh :lol: :-D
Alright, you sneaked another one in before I spotted you!
Game unlocked!
Now fly my pretties, fly!
The next person possesses nunchaku :lol:
Thats right im very possesive over my nunchaku :lol:
The next guy likes kentucky fat children
Thats right im very possesive over my nunchaku :lol:
Dude, it's your turn to predict what the next person is has or does
the next person is talented at biting toe nails
omg how did you know
the next person picks their nose
the next person lives somewhere where it's over 30 degrees celzius(maybe 90+ degrees Fahrenheit )
the next person lives somewhere where it's over 30 degrees celzius(maybe 90+ degrees Fahrenheit )
The next person has eated frog's legs.
No, but I had Kangaroo, thats pretty nice :)
The next person will be a spam monster :lol:
Muahaha... I'm coming to spam you to death!
Ahem... anwyays...
The next person loves the new spam game board :greendude:
Errm, t'is ok.
The next person has a cord going through their hand in their sig?
WTH...NO :lol:
The next person has a casio wristwatch that they use
Nope not casio.
The next person is a monkey?
There's a move in my singles comp vid called the MONKEYFOOT...
The next person will be a sifu before summer's out?
The next person IS a sifu.
well - i suppose in real life. on here....Nope!
the next person like cliff richard and has all of his albums......
Nope never heard of him. He is?
The next person owns a gym?
sure do!
ps:old cliff is a very smarmy dude from the uk who only pops up at christmas time to release cheesy singles.
the next person has moobs.
wtf how did you know
though i have actually lost alot of weight i am now 14 and half stone
the next person is lesbian
True, true lol
The next person needs liposuction
yeah but not the kind you are thinking off mate
the next person is a hippie and rides around on a magic carpet made from hemp
You knows it boyo!
The next person will be the grand champion of the chuck-off :-)
i don't know about that.... *turns red*
next person knows how to use at least 3 weapons
sure do....just not the ol chucks so much! damn.
the next person sectretly would like a very sparkly silvery pair of chux.
the next person sectretly would like a very sparkly silvery pair of chux.
errrm no comment on that but I do know that the next person is from the Philippines
The next person once masturbated in public... Rofl
the next person has a dirty mind
yor right, i dont clean it that often!
the next person is going to share a dark sectret about themselves
i don't know.....
not in front of all the guys :wink:
the next person still has to make a chuck off vid
Nope sadly. :(
The next person is female.
ur right! :-) (what are the odds of that)
the next person is at least 20 years old
the next person is a bus driver
The next person is errm 17.
hah mate
the next person is
The next person is 24.
no way, i'm way younger
the next person is male
i dunno who the next person is
Me again?
Next person is 15.
no not yet
still waiting for september
the next person does not live in the US
no.. i dont live in US
the next person is hungry
how did u kno?
the next person somewhere in asia
The next person is over 15.
the next person is older than 21
Nein. But the next person IS!
the next person is a lephrucaun (sp)
the next peson is hott
nah its feckin freezing over here i wish the weather was better
the next person is a yeti who eats toe jam and bark
Damn. Yep
The next person has at least 3 awards.
do i
what did i get a third for are you sure
the next person is rellizate
Haha no!
Wait, damn.
The next person is monkee?
the naxt person is a guy whos been on the forum at least a year
Nope. The next person has 110 posts.
112! the next person has cool parents
the next person is CrAzY
noooo im not that crazy
the next person has been smited at least once
right... AXE MURDER TIME! :omg:
EDIT: oops... next person will have a monkey pic ava :mrgreen:
the next person for sure isn't burned as me(from sun)
dang, foiled again! Ill get you meddlesome kids!
(you will probably only get that if you watch scooby doo :mrgreen: )
the next person.... has more than 100 posts?
The next person has more than 2000 posts.
oooh gutted ;)
Next person will have a pic in their sig
of course...the tippin point :-D
the next person lives in England
nope scotland
the next person will be tip
you wish :mrgreen:
the next person will like... PIZZA!
my only weakness
the next person will be tip
the next person will be some crazy, wicked UK guy :greendude:
the next person has an alter ego who wears womens underwear
how did you know! :-o
the next person... lives on planet earth, but was not born there...
the next person has a ass for a face
*mumble muffle blah*
im sorry, its hard to talk out of my ass... what with it being on my face :roll:
The next person used to be a woman! :-o
the next person will be kucifus
the next person WONT be Fredde Murcuary but will LOVE his songs :omg:
the next person likes barbara striesland and whitney houston
the next person likes van damme
oooh, maybe...
The next person is a GUY
The next person isn't?
YEP....I'mean no man, WTF :roll:
teh next person knows where Panama is
The next person has broken something.
Only my enemies spirit.
The next person had a tail amputated soon after birth and has a little scar.
next person is not a girl
the next person has a tutu
when i was 4 i wanted one, but then i grew out of that ballerina phase (good thing)
the next person was born on planet earth
gotcha, im from Mercuary ;)
Its fun, but the sunburn is just SO depressing... Next person has an AFRO? or had one...
no man...
the next person reads one book a week
The next person once sat on their chucks & broke them.
the next person will be an aquarius
the next person uses a laptop
nope but the next person wont be third to reach sifu status
no...I will
the next person is a SPAMMER
maybe the next person is a bawbag
no,I don't know what that is...but, NO...
the next person likes Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy
aye orite the next person will not be third in the sifu race there are ten of me working at the same time just now
hahahahahah..............damn I gotta spam a lot ,so you don't beat me :|.....
the next person will be someone who is jelaous of me cause I'll be third in the SR
nope cause i will be third ya 4th place no trophy winning bawblaterre
the next person has a ferrari.. :-D
I bloody wish :(
The next person will be over 20
nope...only 16
next person has blue belt in karate..
I do have a belt that's blue... but nothing to do with karate.
The next person has mastered the FF2F wrist roll
MAYBE... maybe... FF2F? dont recognise the wording :P what is it?!
The next person will answer my question
FlyingFront2Front? Where you do it on an airplane?
The next person will use at least 1 smilie?
ooh can i go a whole post without using a smilie?!
oooh! aaah! NO i cant do it! :ninja:
the next person will die before they can post
nope not dead yet
next person can speak 2 languages
yeah Bosnian, English, some German and a few words on some other languages................oh yeah Serbian, Croatian(they're like 99% same as Bosnian :lol:)
the next person lives somewhere on the country side
Hell yeah!
Contryside for the WIN! :respect:
The next person practices a martial art
Heck yeah :-D
the next person has both parents
oooh psycic
then next person is TIP
yeah man....I'm spamming on the waves (like surfing) :lmfao:
hey, maybe they could make a sport out of it?!
Speed spamming?
could catch on :D
The next person will be a pro SPAMMER
I hope not :|
The next person will be entering the competition
will be will be
the next person will be a fire chucker
the next person has a turtle as a pet..
no man......
this is my 2000 post and 4'th in the race :-D
the next person feels ad for me cause my chest itch really bad :lmfao: :-P aaahhhhhh :bang:
nope suck it up ;) no pity here...
The next person has hair
Holy crap dude, how in the world did you know?! :lol:
The next person witnessed a birth
bloody hell no...
the next person was not born in the conrty he lives in?
I was born here actually
the next person believes in god
nope not at all....if there was i would fall out with him anyway for dealin such a crappy start in life! :bang:
the next person has fathered 3 children from not using condoms and doesnt know it. sorry bout telling you like this by the way but the social services made me do it.
I could have a 2 year old son roaming around the streets, and it haunts me every week. That's as far as I'll say for now :|
The next person had played with a condom
lol...I'm not sure
the next person is older than me
You bet your sweet minor skin I am :wink:
The next person is kinda freaked out about what I just said
not much freaks me out anymore!
the next person has shot an animal with an air gun... and liked it! :evil:
naah, never shot anythingI(nothing alive), but tried to shoot a rabbit once(although with a real shotgun )
the next person likes national geographic channel
ps:Yayu man,, WTF :| :lmfao:
god no
but i have shot many bunnies with an air gun and i didnt like it
next person is... not english
lol man
I'm no English
the next person likes Discovery Channel :-D
still no...
i dont watch much tv :P
The next person DOES watch a fair bit of tv?
Yeah, you could say that
the next person will be Kuci(like the nickanme? :lmfao:) who is a fast poster
Then next person will be TIP who is also a fast poster babe ;)
scared now huh?
Dan,, I didn't understand anything you said, wtf were you talking about man :? :lol:
the next person will be sensei in like 1 months or less
ha, even I dont know what i said...
and you bet your ass ill be sensi within a month! Better! Ill be a sifu!
the next person already is a sifu
the next person will be K-fus who will link me up to his channel on Youtube
have a ball...
not much there at the mo though ;)
buuut ill link ya up with a fairly awsome clip with me in though :D
the next person will be in awe at my acting skill
- was that movie about :? :lol:
the next person is bored now
no, im watchin a movie...
the next person is half drunk
Nope, pretty much sober here
The next person doesn't know what lumpia is
i think they're some sort of pastrie...
next person doesn't know what runescape is
I do, but i've never played it.
The next person has a moto.
hmmm......not really, but there are some sayings I like
the next person likes cars
i do i do!
The next person agrees with me that the best car in the world is the Aston Martin DB9
I have no idea. :P
The next person doesn't like monkies.
i do... specially when theyre drunk :D
the next person will google aston martin db9 and then stare at it for hours.
better than porn
Wow. You're right.
Thats an odd version of the db9 :| I saw one at the motor show a few years back, they're really nice :) Relli, you forgot to post your next person bit! lol
Next person will be Rellizate with the other half of his post :)
The next person will now like the Aston martin what's-it.
the next person will like Salt n Viniger crisps
The next person once drank a litre of water in 5 seconds for a bet?
Not water.....and not for a
The next person will be attracted to spam
i like spam!
the next person still has to see my chuck off vid
nope, i seen it, very impressive
The next person won't forget to start with "The next person"
thanks for reminding me
the next person still needs to turn in a chuck off vid
nope, I've just made my last one
The next person is the green smily on this image: :hug:
i'm usually the pink one :wink:
the next person looks like this guy :smoke:
I've worn a bandana but I'd like to jump like this guy ^^
The next person has got a sister
yes, 1 older sister
the next person has a brother
Nope 2 sisters. :(
The next person has both?
Nope, only one brother
The next person has got a child.
maybe in about 10 years, i'm way too young for that
next person is an only child?
Wrong also, my brother is still alive ^^
The next person would like to live in a small village
that'd be nice
next person lives on planet earth
Sometimes I really wonder if I do or not.
The next person wears white socks :-D
actually, i do
the next person wears black shirts
Yeah I do, I nearly only wear black T-Shirts 8-)
The next person has got a tattoo
no, i'm not old enough
the next person lives with his parents
Yes I do. To be exactly, with my dad only because my mother moved.
The next person does have a driver license
no, not old enough
next person has a dog
Nope, and I plan to get one.
The next person would like to have a spider
not really...but i dont go out of my way to kill them!
Next person is afraid of snakes
Next person watched DOC WHO!
Next person didn't?
I didnt! You win!
The next person submitted a vid for the competition
Yeah but then deleted them.
The next person mist a vid to submit?
The next person won't use the "I'm with stupid"-smiley
The next person forgot to submit a vid to the chuck off.
Nope :) I have promised four ones, signed off for two ones.
And now I've uploaded the Doubles and Freestyle Intermediate entry
The next person also got punished for his bad behavior in "The Stefan Situation"
nope, i dont even think i was here when the steffy situation was even on.
the next person was a girl in an earlier life
Yes. I mean no... :-/
The next person loves... a pig.
my ex-boyfriend was a pig, does that count?
next person sleeps with a teddybear
hmm... thats one hairless tall teddy...
wait... ha... cough. Ill let you draw your own clonclusions :mrgreen:
The next person... has seen Firefly?
:? whats firefly?
the next person usually sleeps until noon
damn straight i do!
and... and... did you ask what firefly is?
your american! you have no excuse!
may i just point out the 9.5/10 rating? Single. Best. TV. Show. EVER
i was only 10 when it started, there's no way i would have known about it!
thats no excuse, i lived an ocean away! I ORDER you to get down to a local vid store and buy the box set... once you go Firefly you never go back ;)
maybe later, i'm going chucking now
:offtopic: :-D
the next person likes big engines in cars
vroom vroom
the next person cried at the bit in bambi when they shoot bambis mother
never watched it.
The next person is a deer.
i'm no deer
the next person is a shallow dog who won't ask anyone on a date unless they have a big :-o
you know who you are...
The next person owns a digital camera
they have a big WHAT? :-o
and i do... ;)
The next person is an alien
Too right. :p
the next person is a cardboard :ninja:
aah so THATS why my arm keeps falling off in the rain...
the next person has an afro :mrgreen:
the next person is matt damon
matt damon
How did you know... :respect:
The next person got arachnophobia
The next person has sociophobia!
just a little bit....
the next person has a car
no i dont
the next person has a pair of chux
yes around 4 or 5 at the moment
The next person has to stand up very early tomorrow
wake up my friend....NO
the next person has a girlfriend
i dont think i've ever had a girlfriend, but i had a boyfriend
it didn't work out :|
next person knows how to ride a bike
the next person lives in a house
- a apartment
the next person slept in the same bed with his friend and brother yesterday :lol:
the next person has eleven fingers :-o
no eight
the next person is a stoner
nope, dont wanna get into that stuff... besides, im so strapped for cash id probably end up as a backstreet jigalo or something :P
the next person is a back street jigalo 8-)
noooooo :lol:
the next person knows a guy from Kazakhstan
Only in a past life ;)
the next person is BORAT
the next person will have good comedy tim (not)ing.
ps; sorry if you havent seen the film.....this will no sense whatsoever!!!
the next person owNOOOOOT SHUT UP BORAT. the next person owns a karate club
kickboxing, boxing and weaponry.
the next person likes to dip hob nobs in coke floats.
Id love to learn boxing, i really would... but nowhere does it near me :@
Iv always wondered what a hob nob IS
lol... i MIGHT like to do it? you never know ;)
The next person is blue :lmfao:
only when its cold :-D
the next person will tell everybody what a hob nob is
A hob nob is a type of biscuit
Don't like the things myself but nevermind! lol
The next person will be loving the sunny weather we're suddenly getting in the UK
yay i finally got to cut the grass and chuck outside in the sun..... then it rained :x
the next person will spin fire chucks
lol..I watched Borat and I use the "NOT" thing a lot from then ......NOT!!!.......actually I do
no, no fire
the next person has held a squirle in his hand today(I did :-D)
I too like to hold my squirrel every morning :fu:
The next person has tried (and failed) to lick their elbow.
yes but only because its impossible
the next person has licked somebody elses elbow in the last hour
the next person is alchocholic
I hope not yet :|
The next person will laugh at my pathetic joke :)
Two fish are in a tank. One says to the other, "you man the guns, I'll drive"
Yes I am looking for the awful kind of jokes found on penguin bar wrappers! :)
dude :? W...T....F :lmfao:
the next person will be LIL who will make an excuse for this stupid joke :lmfao: :-P :wink: JK
I make no excuse for my stupid joke :) lol Well ok I will, I was bored and it was raining outside so I couldn't chuck, and for that reason I decided to look at pathetic jokes! :) lol :P
The next person will tell me what tunes they're listening to atm, I going for a bit of Fischerspooner having watched Kriztovs director entry for the comp :)
lol ok..I was kidding
I ain't listening to nothing right now
the next person has never seen snow (in person)
I've seen snow before, but I don't think its snowed here this year....last time was skiing in France last new year :)
The next person have never seen a tornado (in person)
No... never... want to though. just to say i have...
The next person agrees with me that skiing is the greatest sport ever. :thumb:
One of the greatest :) Only on real snow though, dry slope is crap :( lol
The next person will have been skiing
many many times...
the next person wont have
i have, hurt my back once :greendude:
the next person have never hurt themselfs :-o
lol...I did....when we are talking of skiing, I also almost twisted my ankle once :-D....
the next person has a father who is over 195 cm's tall :lol:
my dads a shortass, im bigger than him by almost 2 foot
the next person will probably be T.I.P
The next person won't be rellizate!
(Haha didn't see THAT one coming did they!)
Damn it....
The next person is not Seb?
thank GOD :lmfao: (WHY T F Is this funny to me :lmfao:) (JK Seb )
the next person is n ot taller tahn me(who is on teh forum :? :lol:)
I might be.. im 6 foot.
Then next person has three nipples.
muahahahaha.. I'm 6'2...hahaha....(this isn't funny...right :? :lmfao:)
the next person isn't taller tahn me either(I'm a big mother*****r :greendude:) :greendude:
correct - i a m a mere 5'8, although thats quite tall for woman i suppose, average height i believe is 5'4...anyway...
the next person like jam in his/her porridge.
yea but only raspberry
the next person will have a body-piercing
the next person is not taller than me :lmfao:
dont know dude, we might be the same hight :-o
its been a while since i messured my self
the next person is not t.i.p :lol:
ok enough of taht "TNP is not taller than me" :lol:
TNP is white
whiter then most people :greendude:
no way man, its not over by a long shot
the next person is not taller than tip :roll:
Nope, im 6' 0
the next person is taller than me :(
yaay i am :fu:
the next person has an afro
Bastard. :omg:
taller than me mutter mutter
HAD an afro... long time ago
the next person is bald as a babys bum
haha that made me laugh :lmfao:
dude sweet :lol:
nah im bald as an old mans but :roll: jk :-P
the next person has hair longer then him/herself
i did, then some lady came and cut it off... thus all my strength went leaving me a wreck.
then i got killed
now im incoporeal.
the next person is also incoporeal
nope im quite solid
the next person is as mad as kucifus :-D
noone is mad as that madaf***er :lmfao:
the next person will be heavier than me :lol:
14 and half stones dude
the next person has three nipples, only one of which is on his chest...
the next person has crabs
lol WTH
the next person likes T.I. :-D
Dont do rap
The next person likes QUEEN
some of there stuff is ok but only some
the next person will have cake and punch later on whille sittin round the camp fire with a buch of silly cowboys
too late i did that last month
next person likes to spam
kinda spam is like my addiction
spam spam spam spam spam
the next person is an innuit
I was
then i died.
the next person is a DEAMON!
yep but its spelled demon
the next person is a pony
- did u know?
next person remembers when I TOOK OVER THE SPAM BOARD! :greendude:
not really
the next person uses batteries for there toothbrush
nope, good old fashioned elbow grease
The next person uses batteries for something else...
yeah my digi camera
the next person sees them self as a jokke
A jokke?
thats either a joke or a jock...
i see myself as ME
The next person sees as themselfs as YOU
the next person cant see my balls
i'm glad about that
next person is short
5 9 and 4 inchs wide
the next person will type the next person ;)
the next person
the nest person is about to come out of the closet.
Yeah, i got lost in there tryin to find my shoes ;)
The next person dosnt have a closet.
uh uh! X
we have 5. thats fair as a family suppose,.....
the next person takes the gherkin out their macdonals big macs....
I don't know what that is
TNP lives in a apartment
Nah, house. Technically i live in the lounge... my old room was too small so i hjacked this place :D
The next person is a PIRATE!
Oh aaaargh! I sail the seven seas etc etc blah blah blah, thats only my day job being a pirate :wink:
The next person owns a computer (hence you have an account on here)
Nope. Wait.... Damn.
The next person once ran into a glass door/lamppost.
nope a regular door :oops:
the next person will come up with a wackie statement
and by wackie i mean wierd :greendude:
the next person will be the person before the last person who farted against the wind while spilling beans up there down stairs
Errm i'll just say no to that one.
The next person worked out that if
E = MC^2
E/M = C^2
But if E/M = C^2,
E must not equal MC^2.
yeah and i am a monk
the next persopn butters there toast with toe jam
I do i do!
I make it EVERY night and scrape it off in the morning.
What the hell?
Shut up Kucifus, you smell, bitch.
The next person has nunchaku.
WTF dude , WHY would I Want those HAIRY Animals ??!!!? :bang:.......... :lmfao:
the next person will sell a bike to me lol
it is a nunchakucycle
and it wont be cheap
the next person can ride a unicycle
sounds familiar, but I don't know what it is
TNP posseses a fire weapon
yeah my fire willy lol
the next person is going through there monthly cycle
I know that was meant for me....NO
TNP has more than 24 spoons
yeah dude true
the next person is gonna pm me n tell me why they are pissed off today
TNP is kinda afraid being close to cows
yeah incase i get horny and try beasting it lol jk
tnp is 1000feet tall
naaah..thank God
TNP lives in a big house
i do!
well, biggish...
tnp is tip
wrong baw bag
tnp will type somfin about tnnp
tnp = the next person :)
tnp knows what tnp stands for
Of course, I made it!!! muahahahaha :lol:
TNP will know how old Kucifus is :lol:
I have no idea...
TNP will talk about TNNP who will talk about TNNNP
ooook I wiilll...
TNP loves his mother :lol:
tpam has a son he dosnt know about! :O
Duude...the wrong thread!!! :lmfao:
but let's answer to that question :lmfao:: I hope not...never got a chance :lmfao: :bang: :greendude: :-D :? :evil: :-o :lmfao:
TNP knows a good part of the song" Motivation" :fu: :lmfao: JK
tnp is tip!
mayybe i dontg quite know yet
tnp will tell me if i am
youre Ghandi reincarnate
tnp will agree
yeah sure whatever
tnp have seen ghandi :greendude:
the next persons life ambition is to try and right hook the queen in the jaw, then shout
" thats what you get,,, thats what you get!" in a crazy/deranged sort of voice then laugh uncontrollably,
dammit my secret plan is out, who told you?!
tnp will be a deranged hobo looking for some change
I guess not...whats that :?
TNP is a Catholic
deranged=mad, hobo=homeless, change=extra money :-D
i am not catholic, not even religous
tnp is an alcoholic
not YET but i plan to be a lovable scamp like Bernard Black :)
the next person loves Black Books
as much as any other colour!!! :-D
the next person likes to bite the outside bit off of a crunchie bar and then suck the a 10yr old!!! (but its fun)
- you know what I do when eating something: I first eat the "bad "parts then save the best for last :-D :lol:
TNP rode a car more than 150 km/h
The next person is male
last time i looked i was
tnp has just bought new chucks
nope, but i wanna
the next person has over 3 sets of chucks
i think i have about 22 now...or 23? not sure...
the next person prefers smooth peanut butter rather than crunchy....
true,, ive been know to eat whole jar's of it :-)
the next person sells other peoples property without telling them about it
if that involvs food then yes. ALL the time.
the next person likes food
the next person has eight legs
Mrs Spidertrace. did you know??
the next person trims hedges for theire nan. ah bless.
I started to but had to stop because i accidently cut through the power cable cos i was watching the girl nextdoor sunbathing
the next person was hopefully that girl next door
hi howz it goin?
breasts? no. overwhelming desire to sunbathe half naked. no. long blond hair? no. hmm
i DO have the bikini though...
shut up kucifus. :)
the next person DOES have breasts :)
only man boobs :| :greendude:
the next person is giggles like a girl everytime they hear the word "nipple"
well that would be me :) But nipplemaps is even better :)
The next person likes to spend ages watching ridiculous videos on youtube
only Robot Chicken :D
The next person will search for Robot Chicken on the Tube ;)
nah not really :P
next person doesn't possess a single good old vinyl record
i got dozens... beatles, bob dylan... a huge boxfull :)
the next person dosnt like beatles and will be hit by lightning three seconds after they hit 'Post'
you're right, can't stand em ;) "the beatles killed rock'n'roll" end of quotation :D
bout the lightning i'm not quite sure :lmfao:
next person is not gonna have bbq this evening like me :fu:
tnp is a sweet chuker
Not true XD
well... not yet anyway ;)
tnp is going on HOLIDAY
unlucky. not a chance.
am renovating the house <<<yawn blah blah...lips are moving <<<nothing interesting coming out of mouth ect.....
tnp is busy making breadcrumbs. :-D
i am more of a batter type a guy
tnp wil be of homosapien origins
HOW VERY DARE YOU! :-D ok then, i admit it....
TNP dies his ginger pubes dark brown.
nah i dont i like it natural, its strawberry blonde anyway :fu:
tnp has more posts than me
but not as many as the super spam monsters that lurk within the forum!
the next person has more smites than me :bang:
yay! still dont know what half of me are for though! :-D
TNP wears glasses/contact lenses
TNP is pretty happy now
absolutley!! just had a TOP night out with my mates
the next person likes to practice moonwalking on a sunday afternoon.
nahhh, i don't moonwalk
i finally found a computer!
tnp is kinda bored right now
naah....I'm pretty satisfied with my day today , so it would be rude from me to request some more fun or something :lmfao:...nicely said, ain't it :lol:
TNP will go to the seaside this summer
I wish!
mine is going to be easy. Anyone can take it!
the next person is better at chucking than me
mmmm you never a newbie myself to the old chux!! :ninja:
TNP is likley to watch bad soap operas as a guilty pleasure
naah...those shows't watch them :lol:
TNP likes martial arts
lol damn straight
tnp is eating apples
not...I ate one today :lol:
TNP likes the PC game"The Godfather"
never played it :|
tnp like the hitman series and is going to watch hitman the movie :-P
tnp has never swung 4 sectionals
correct my friend. 2 and 3.....but never 4.
tnp likes to dunk hob nobs in his/her brew
tnp has met kriztov :fu: :omg: :chuck: :tmnt:
nope.. :-P :doh (love the new smileys) :yah
tnp is less then 20 years old :licky
Nope - 27. I feel old :-D
TNP can play a musical instrument
tnp is irawynn
:mosher: nope its me!!!
the next person is more scared of the fear of diarrhea, that the actual diarrhea itself :roll:
lol no :smoke:
(why always everybody think i'am the next person ? :p)
tnp will think i am the next one :clap
The next person is irawynn
tnp likes my photo
It's good yeah. Where did you get it from?
TNP likes the new emotions.
a picture of a friend using fire poi when i visited new zeland.. love the new emoticons
TNP does not speak english as their mother tongue
Nah, i'm english.
TNP is Niall.
tmp is me
how did i know ??????????? :-o
TNP is Niall.
you betcha
TNP is secretley fancyin Tracie
Yep. Just kidding Tracie. :P
TNP likes Niall's picture even if it is stolen. :D
the playpoi one? i know its stolen but i really like it.... lol
TNP agrees with me
Lol yea it's good.
TNP is a willy-face.
how dare you? it is known as extruding facial penis actually... its a terrible problem ive had since i was a child!!!
is youyou
nope its MeMe
TNP favorite colour is green
sorry.. I like that color, but it's not my favorite...
The next Person likes beer!!
True :thumb:
The next person likes nunchucks.
the next person drinks Coffee every morning...
TRUE! :arg
The next person doesn't live in Romania :lmfao:
your right I don't
TNP has more than 3 piercings
sorry.. only 2.
The next person has been hit with nunchucks.
correct twice on the back of the head and once right underneath my right eye. n all happened yesterday in the space of 5mins lol
the next person has a crush on their friends sister :thumb:
well, you could say that, since i'm good friends with my future brother in law :2thumbsup:
the next person... doesn't live in Europe...
mmmm are you spying me?? lol
..... The Next Person loves Hamburgers....
Hell yeah, almost all I eat. No cheese, just the meat, bun + red sauce mnnn.
TNP can do the SNS
Nope I tried but couldnt get it right .can do lots of other stuff tho
TNP likes the simpsons
Prefer Futurama and Family Guy though.
TNP is in posession of at least 4 differend kinds of chux (identical ones for double chucking just count as one).
nope, just got 2, a wooden one and a foamed one....
TNP is obssessed with Transformers II
nope... actually I fell asleep with transformers 1 :lmfao:
TNP is allergic to cookies :whahaa
nope... actually I fell asleep with transformers 1 :lmfao:
I probably would too if Id watched it in a cinema .too long
TNP is allergic to cookies :whahaa
nope and i'm glad i'm not :whahaa is right :thumb:
sorry guys as usual ive cocked it up by not saying tnp
TNP likes aerials and can do at lesat 5 different ones
TNP has atleast 2 chux
TNP WANTS more chucks!
TNP can 8 fig wrist-roll for a minute continuously!
you got that right :thumb:
TNP likes to chuck more than hanging out with friends
yeph... chuking aaall the day!!! :chuck:
TNP is sitting in the toilet with his/her notebook writting this post xD
since i'm at work right now... you might say so... it's a HUGE toilet :fu: :fu: :fu:
tnp is a smoker
TNP is listening to music
yeah, Metallica ftm...
TNP looooooves Mary Jane :greendude: :arg
TNP does not own a nunchaku!!
Sorry I thought there should be an end for this game. :roll:
Mwahahahahaaaa :lmfao:
I'd say that I don't own ONLY a nunchaku or that I don't own a Woodall's nunchaku...
Otherwise... nope!
TNP can chuck both on the beach AND in snow in his/her country...
Thaats right...
TNP is having problems with women :-D
Sorry... no problems here...
TNP spends sundays watching TV and doing nothing useful.
hell yeah (well, spinning isn't useless if you ask me but if you ask my g/f... that's another story) :lmfao:
tnp loves Heavy Metal :mosher:
Hell uyeah! gotta love abit of tallica
TNP loves me :-P :greendude:
- wish
TNP is rebellious
Depends on where im at :-o
TNP is eating a Ho-Ho
i only eat oh-oh's
TNP will look at his life and smirk happily
i look at my life and frown miserably :x
tnp has swore to never drink again...
and gotten drunk again.
yeah once I decided to quit booze
we all do stupid things :lmfao:
I lasted a week and then got W@nk£red at a sesh ,
The next person is first language is not english
I guess literally thats true, my first language was Baby. Then I learned English.
The next person, has killed a guy in protection of his village.
if it includes video games, that's true... :lmfao: :lmfao:
tnp has a cold right now
yup, and a little fever......
the next person is under 25
yup but only just , i'm 23
The next person has won a trophy at something
- quite a few actualli...
TNP wants to go on a date with someone
very true :clap
the next poster will own a pair of prochux
yup, if you count diy
TNP hates his pet name.
Worng! I am the "chinaman" 8-)
TNP has some paracord in their tool box
Nope :lol: TNP will be under the age of 23 :lol:
Not anymore! :lmfao: Sadly (or not)
TNP will have practiced MA