374 - check the post count.
Re: Count to a million « Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 01:55:00 PM »
... great game. :p
374 - check the post count.i think its because some wise guy keep deleting some of his or her posts
Hey ppl, correct me if i'm wrong: :?i dont know abouut that :-P but i guess we have a while to figure that out :greendude:
Lallaren's game started with 1 (post # 0)
Reply 1 contents the number 2.
So the number i'm counting to = reply# + 1 = 2 and so on....
Just need 999.615 more posts :greendude:i can almost smell the million :mosher:
{reply 1 = #2 >> Reply#+1=New#} right ?
And irawynn don't hate me cause I got skills
ok i have an idee we should meet some day ^^ you bring the big boobed girls in bikini and i bring real Belgian beer and then i will give you the beer and you give me the girls.
you will see after you drinked a Belgian beer you will never have to choose between a belgian beer and a big boobed girl in bikini.
:-P :-P :thumb:
A present for karatevideoguy :thumb: :thumb:
483 (my scroll isnt working anymore! :doh)
556You are no fun you gotta find a pic the represents the number. It makes this allot more fun.
591You skipped a number
No I didn't. See first post.
Please dont be difficult. It says "Simple game, each time a post is made you put the next number in sequence".
589 -> 590
593 -> 594
It's obvious because of occasional responses that are not counting it wont always correspond to the actual "post" number.
(http://www.enucuzkaca.com/urunler/beko-bdk-860-digital-fotograf-makinasi.jpg)pic isnt workning
kahdeksansataayhdeksänkymmentäyksi :-D 891:-o :-o
894It is very strange to me, i'm used to read/write only italian or english :p
Whats so weird with Finnish language Cocoon?
913 wats the point of this game?? lol... counting to a million, maybe???
trwillig I think that sorta counts as cheating... :Pthats why i said i was just kidding hehe :titter:
Dont you think that it can be better to make this "count to one hundred"?!?!? if we needed 1 year to do 1000 post, then we will need.....
1000 years to have a million! :whahaa
111 000000 8888888lol :clap :lmfao:
111 00000000 888 888
111 000 000 888 888 3
111 000 000 888888
111 000 000 888 888
111 00000000 888 888
111 000000 888888888
sorry... I'm so lazy...
111 000000 8888888
111 00000000 888 888
111 000 000 888 888 3
111 000 000 888888
111 000 000 888 888
111 00000000 888 888
111 000000 888888888
sorry... I'm so lazy...
.... i still think that this aint going to happen. ive never even counted this high in my entire life.LOLpatience, my young Padawan... :lmfao: :thumb:
Hey Sthep, I'm glad you brought this back to life :lol:
1269 's ... not one, nor two, but twelve :)!!!
yeah, i bet you couldn't wait to get your hands on that number... :lmfao::lmfao:
ok, here goes 1270 (as in 69 + you owe me one! :greendude:)
1342 omfg sean... maaaan, that's hypnotic! :craze :lmfao: :lmfao:
funny Irv :lmfao:Thanks choggy (or do you prefer tchoggy ? I think that's your YT-name, right ?)
btw... anyone seen Oz lately? I guess it's time we were a bit worried... :?
who buggered this thread up. the posts are 1 less than the post number. anywayswell... 1535 was posted twice... but the count should be "reply number" + 1, so it's been wrong for a long time lol...
Guys, don't forget to pass this on to your grandchildren. We're gonna be dead by the time we reach the million. :fu:You lame mortals :evil:
as in 16 x 69 :greendude: :greendude: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:wow, what about sixteenhundert-sixtynine :roll: :lmfao:
ahem... 1669 :roll:
EAT THIS, OZ! :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao::lmfao:
as in 16 x 69 :greendude: :greendude: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:
ahem... 1669 :roll:
Hell yeah! :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:
Hell yeah Irv! :argLOL :2thumbsup: my new concept till 2009:
superb find, Irv! :respect:I really couldn't find the number... but I don't even care :roll:
I really couldn't find the number... but I don't even care :roll::lmfao: :2thumbsup:
:lmfao: lol Oz, it's WAAAAY up and to the center... (this means you've been looking the right way :lmfao: )
Hey, nice pic Irv! is that a movie or what?
just thinking 'bout how we're gonna get pics for 892365 :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:
Oh yes, you'll get your +K for that one Irv! :bow:Thanks lots Choggy :2thumbsup:
:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: can't... stop... laughing... :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao::lmfao: incredible invention :2thumbsup: