Freestyle Forum

DISCUSSION => Off Topic => Topic started by: mrschux on December 18, 2007, 12:05:31 AM

Title: what does your username mean?
Post by: mrschux on December 18, 2007, 12:05:31 AM
thought this would be a fun little topic to see the meaning behind all those creative usernames!!!  :respect:

ill start.

mrschux = M.R.S. are my initials, chux is my hobby.

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: karatevideoguy on December 18, 2007, 12:47:32 AM
karatevideoguy is what I do for a living  . . . if you can call this a living
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: GMGuyver on December 18, 2007, 03:07:49 AM
GM - my initials
Guyver - one of my favourite manga's and also what I got called by a few people when I was at school years ago.

Nothing too imaginative about mine then.  :-)

Btw nice idea mrschux,
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: rctrue on December 18, 2007, 04:14:54 AM
Good topic dude, Ive been wondering what some of your SNs  ment
Mines not original at all. Rc is my first and middle initial and True is my last name.
 :chuck: :lil: :ninja2: :matrix: :dart :eyebrow
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Yayu on December 18, 2007, 06:27:29 AM
I got my nickname from my grandmother (who passed away just recently, god bless her soul)
I don't know how she got "Yayu" from Ryan but I guess it stuck with me pretty well.

But sadly I just found out on youtube that there's some weird Yaoi (Homosexual Anime fan stuff) Yugi-oh videos with my name as a title. Supposedly it's some abbreviation: Yami + Yugi = Yayu? :complain
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: EleManT24 on December 18, 2007, 07:35:38 AM
My username has kind of a weird meaning. I was really obsessed with the Elephant Man ( ) a few years ago. I read every piece of literature about him I could find. I was going through a rough time in my life, and I suppose I looked at him like a kindred spirit of sorts. Anyway, I abbreviated that, then added a "t" to the end because I thought that sounded better. But that name was taken on youtube, so I added "24," which is my birthday in April. I wanted my forum name to be the same as my youtube name so it would be easier for you guys to find my videos. And that's the story of my rather bizarre name.

Sorry about your grandma, Yayu. I lost my grandfather this year.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Dragon_Long on December 18, 2007, 08:08:49 AM
Dragon Long

My username is actually taken from one of the character in Dragon Tiger Gate (http://"") film...
The only character that use nunchaku as his main weapon...
He's always bring his nunchaku everywhere he go (his boot have a special pocket to put his nunchaku on both of his leg)... :chuck:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: irawynn on December 18, 2007, 10:28:35 AM
Irawynn is NOT my real name  :-P one of the members (dont know who.) asked me from wich country my name came  :bang: :doh

so Irawynn is my nickname i use all over the net just look up on google, you will find vids, games, Websites of me, everything !!


and then if you look up for picture you find porn  :-o i was shoked myself when i found this out but actualy it s because one of my blog was bombed by spam and then somehow my website link appeared on a porn site where someone bombed it too with all sort of website link (inculded mine)

Quote from: +18
:bang: :bang: :bang:

But so Irawynn is just my name translated into elvish (you know the little guys in Lord of the rings :p)

 :thumb: :thumb:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Matt-Chez on December 18, 2007, 01:03:35 PM
mines just an abbreviation of my name,,
 Matt Csesznyak is my full name, it was previously Zymonyak, but had to be changed to escape detection during world war 2 when my grandfather fled Austria.
 his sister was shot and he was put into a camp even though he wasn't Jewish (he never talked about why), where he and 3 of his friends escaped after about 2 weeks of imprisonment, one of his friends was captured, another froze to death in a ditch where they hid for a night, the other one just went his separate ways, so i don't know where he ended up, but my grandfather somehow made it to england, (missing a few toes :P)

so,, i put my name as chez so it can be roughly understood, seems most people cant pronounce Csesznyak!!
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: pvhotrodmonkey on December 18, 2007, 01:11:13 PM
hmmm know that this is gonna be interesting folks...=\

lets start with the PV its and abbreviation of my step-dad's buisness which builds the good ol' fashion cars, dont know why but he named this buisness Pure Vision.
some of you may see it in a car magazine or some thin..he mostly does custom cars and all that jazz, like once, he built the first muscle car with paddle shifters.  was REALLY cool.
i could go on about this but this about (read above) usernames.. pm me for more info and stuff...

The Hot Rod part...well i just explained that i guess O.o

and lastly is the monkey part
it was right before i made my email account that i found out what my animal was in the chinese zodiac, I'm a 1992 man myself so that plops me right guessed it, THE MONKEY thus making it my favorite animal (go figure)

and that folks is the story of my wicked cool user name

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Rellizate on December 18, 2007, 04:59:00 PM
Errrm I was looking for a new new alias and some suggested it while messing around with letters. I thought it was cool... :D
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Kriztov on December 18, 2007, 05:40:01 PM
When I was signing up for my first e-mail address (aged about 12) I asked for

Surprisingly, that was already taken.

I started trying alternative spellings


I used as my alias for online games and forums ever since.
Also, as Chris is a fairly common name a lot of people have me saved as Kriz on their mobiles so I get it in txt messages a lot too.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: psionics on December 18, 2007, 06:35:19 PM
nice topic!

"psionics" is my main purpose in life.. actually this is a very rare old book which covers all the possible future which came true: credit card system,barcode, UKACO, radionics, government etc.... some sort of scientific and paranormal partly. i had this once but my friend lost it while being borrowed. i had it written up some great part of this book btw. this is my future plans.

psionics = psi(mind or magic) + ionics(or machine)

which leads to decoding psychic language to machine. the great part of it is that i was a psychic healer from my teen life. i am part of a secret group in my country name CKS aka club of knowledge seekers. its founder's father is the one who brings up the the "sylvia mind conrol program" or the alpha level of conciousness to the philippines. now as the sub-level of philippine information agency to which it is made legal to search information in such areas prohibited to normal people. the CKS is for internal knowledge not found on websites, books  and known paranormal groups. psionics or radionics is already existing today, but much more on the electronic side. i wish i could lived up my life to finish my experiments when i grow old. now, im currently so busy for my career growth and money to which i am currently short. my name psionics is what i am and not related to nunchaku.

"hapuzi" is my cybername and used it from playing counter-strike, i got this one from random keystrokes and mild edit. i need a name which is unique.. a real name without relation to existing names. i dont wanna relate it to anything like "Hey! Pussy!" its nothing but a name. now, im gonna use it for a comical character.. this would be a demon hapuzi. an entity which came from the negative thoughts of people. but this is just a plan or idea.

Howard Lee is my real name, it should be "Li" but same thing with Matt, the government changed it to Lee. only my father has the "Lee", his brothers is still "Li". Our ancentor according to my father is genghis khan (i dunno the spelling). i maybe related to jet li, but not bruce lee.. i dunno..
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Exmortem on December 18, 2007, 08:11:27 PM
Alright, time to explain my username.

Ex: stands for "(going) out (of)"
mortem: simply means "death"

Well, I got in contact with a PC when I was only four years old. Since then I really missed a lot social contact in my life.
After I've stopped wasting my time in playing computer games for hours (12-14yrs) I closed a chapter in my life.
The process of "going out of death" (or getting active instead of wasting time) is what my username represents.

Of course it also brought some positive aspects (unlimited access to information, learning how to use a computer, getting in contact with people anonymously ...) but it's really hard to work against the negative aspects. Today I'm very optimistic about my future.

PS: The Nunchaku does help me to build additional self-confidence, it's nice to discover your own potential and peoples' reaction about it. It's good to know that there's something in your life where you can't fall back.

That's my story :)
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: rctrue on December 18, 2007, 08:43:39 PM
This is one of the coolest topics Ive seen in a long time. Thanks for starting it. Thats insane about your Grandpa Matt, He must of been one tough fellow.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: mrschux on December 18, 2007, 08:53:25 PM
This is one of the coolest topics Ive seen in a long time.

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Numbnuts on December 18, 2007, 10:18:10 PM
The meaning behind my username isn't all that deep but I'll explain it anyway.

Numbnuts is another word I use for nunchux. We have seen people misspell nunchaku as numchucks, and sometimes numbchucks.

They say a sport is characterized by it's type of injuries and with nunchucks, one can easily bash their nuts.

I found this on that "uncyclopedia" website, that RC showed us.
   "Numchucks" are for Numbnuts.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: teno-d on December 18, 2007, 10:19:06 PM
cool topic =P

teno-d is short for Tenodera, which is the form genera of a few species of mantids.  The chinese mantis is Tenodera aridifolia sinensis, and since I've done mantis kung fu for a while I thought it appropriate.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Yetibutt on December 19, 2007, 12:17:32 AM
I came up with mine trying to log in to play Crimson Skies online.  After typing in a dozen names that were already taken, even with numbers etc..., I got frustrated and typed "yetibutt" and, not surprisingly, no one had it.  Now I use it for everything so I don't have to remember a dozen different user names.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: sebricci on December 19, 2007, 02:19:20 AM
"sebricci" is just simply for "Sébastien Ricciardi", my name...
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: mrschux on December 19, 2007, 04:34:40 AM
"sebricci" is just simply for "Sébastien Ricciardi", my name...

hey, you have a pretty cool name!  :thumb:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: sebricci on December 19, 2007, 01:43:43 PM
Have I ?
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Niall on December 19, 2007, 03:14:27 PM
mines just my name. Niall
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: MikiP on December 19, 2007, 07:16:37 PM
My real name is Mihailo, but everybody know me and call me Miki (short version)  :roll:
P is the first letter from my last name Pavlovski...  :-P

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Toxictears on December 19, 2007, 08:00:59 PM

psionics = psi(mind or magic) + ionics(or machine)

which leads to decoding psychic language to machine. the great part of it is that i was a psychic healer from my teen life. i am part of a secret group in my country name CKS aka club of knowledge seekers. its founder's father is the one who brings up the the "sylvia mind conrol program" or the alpha level of conciousness to the philippines. now as the sub-level of philippine information agency to which it is made legal to search information in such areas prohibited to normal people. the CKS is for internal knowledge not found on websites, books  and known paranormal groups. psionics or radionics is already existing today, but much more on the electronic side. i wish i could lived up my life to finish my experiments when i grow old. now, im currently so busy for my career growth and money to which i am currently short. my name psionics is what i am and not related to nunchaku.

thats VERY interesting .. I got a question(it maybe sounds weird but I readed it somewhere and I tried it) :

There are Websites Thats says You can make PSI-Balls with energy, Can you do that too ? (My english is bad so I don't know if I mis understood it all haha) 

oh and my name.. : about 4 years ago A friend of mine told me that I should buy a game so that we could play it. I did .. it was a MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role playing game) something like that. He told me that I should get a nickname .. after 2 days of brain storming I found one .. ToxicTears :) Now I use it everywhere on the internet. thats my little story. Interesting topic by the way
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: staff savvy sista on December 19, 2007, 08:29:04 PM
tracie.....cos thats my name.
tricky isnt it. :ninja:...although now im thinking of changing can you do that?
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Kriztov on December 19, 2007, 08:46:22 PM
If anyone wants to change their display name they need to PM me and I'll do it for them.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: psionics on December 20, 2007, 03:03:10 AM
thats VERY interesting .. I got a question(it maybe sounds weird but I readed it somewhere and I tried it) :

There are Websites Thats says You can make PSI-Balls with energy, Can you do that too ? (My english is bad so I don't know if I mis understood it all haha) 

thanks.. i don't know how to create a Psi-Balls. that would be cool  :lol:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Numbnuts on December 20, 2007, 10:21:24 AM
Psychic Tea-bag!
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: girdhar on December 20, 2007, 12:31:01 PM
  actually my name  giridhar  Giri= mountain, dhar=to hold.It is the another name of god Krishna.As  per Indian mythology he held  the mountain mountain on his finger tips to protect the people from  storm and rain.
thats all.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Rellizate on December 20, 2007, 12:31:55 PM
Wow, nice girdhar. Pretty deep username.... :)
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: nunchakux2 on December 23, 2007, 12:06:47 AM
= nunchaku=times=two   8-) 
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: kamus on December 28, 2007, 04:51:36 AM
Kamus, the right writing is camus, if you know the knights zodiacs, the acuarium´s name is camus, so like my zodical sign is acuarium i choose it.

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: staff savvy sista on December 28, 2007, 04:55:26 PM
well now i have changed it due to this thread...
staff - my primary weapon as i have trained for soooo long with it and can literally do aerials with my eyes shut.  Chux however.....not so clever!  :|
savvy - cos im a cheeky biaaaatch
sista - cos im not a hater (unless you ask for it) :omg:

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Hotaru on December 28, 2007, 05:48:29 PM
Hotaru is a character from the manga series Samurai Deeper Kyo - i'm a little obsessed with feudal Japan, particularly the time period around 1600, involving the Sengoku-Jidai period and the battle of Sekigahara that ended the civil war. Consequently I tend to love anything relating to this, and SDK is my favourite of the many manga series inspired from this period.
In the books, Hotaru is one of the Four Emperors, a ludicrously powerful group of samurai. I like him because despite being an outrageously violent assassin he's also completely scatter-brained, and does odd things like forgetting where he is in the middle of a battle because he's seen a caterpillar and is concerned it might get trodden on. In that respect he is very similar to me! Though I sadly am not much good with a katana.

(The TKD at the end relates to taekwondo, but I think I may ditch that as it's a bit clunky.)
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Niall on December 28, 2007, 08:27:54 PM
im thinkin of changing my name.... hmmm..... ideas?
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Rellizate on December 28, 2007, 08:51:54 PM
Hmm Barbra Banana-Hammock? Was my second choice... :P
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Niall on December 29, 2007, 04:08:41 PM
hows about no?
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: staff savvy sista on December 29, 2007, 05:50:44 PM
Banana hammock its a wicked name.  phoebe on friends changed her surname to that once! woz brill.
i think rez should be brave and go for it!
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Niall on December 29, 2007, 08:04:50 PM
meh.... rell can have it lol
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: power13 on December 30, 2007, 04:18:56 AM
mine has almost no meaning, really. I made my email acount when I was 13 yrs old, for some reason i came up with the word 'power'
so I have power13 for almost everything now.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: crazy_monkee on January 12, 2008, 08:36:14 AM
this is a really cool topic   :thumb:

well, when i used to do TKD, i was really small and nimble, so everyone there used to call me "monkey".
then i would do crazy trix with the chuks, so they called me "crazy monkey". As i got older, i wasn't really that nimble anymore, but the name kinda stuck.

then i changed a letter to make it look cool  :-D
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Wild Industry on January 12, 2008, 10:56:56 PM
I've used a single alias for every single thing until a bit recently. When I came to the forum, I wanted to separate this from other stuff, so I had to think of a new one.

I was signing up for YouTube. I thought of Cleer (a fusion of my first initial plus last name and the word "clear"), which is another new alias I came up with originally for my new blog. That name was taken on YouTube, so I needed yet another name.

I wrote this somewhere here before (my intro thread?)

There are three reasons for my name:
1. It though it sounded neat at the time.
2. It represents the out of control industrialization of the modern world.
3. It also relates to what I do at the site, which is produce images and videos.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: rents on February 24, 2008, 11:34:31 AM
Wow very interesting to read all these!
As for me, a few years ago when I was registering myself on a website I didn't have a clue
what would be a good user name. Well, I had just watched the movie "Trainspotting" and the main character
of the movie was Mark Renton. I chose my name to be "Renton" and thought that I'll change it when I come
up with a better one. Even today, I'm "renton" on that same site.  :-P
Err.. I don't really have to have a cool name for myself so when I registered myself here I chose "rents" as my name..
Renton is also called "Rents" in the book.. My user name is nothing but a joke really.
Oh, and if you've seen the movie and you liked it, I highly recommend the book!  :thumb:   :lmfao:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: u9k13 on February 24, 2008, 07:23:50 PM
U9k13 - my old (keele) university log on username. I use it because its always accepted on any forum anywhere first time, so don't have to think of clever alternatives when my depressingly normal given name is taken.

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Ebenezer on February 24, 2008, 08:05:25 PM
Ebenezer Scrooge from the Charles Dickens story A Christmas Carol. I feel close to the scrooge guy for some reasons.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Notherchucker on February 24, 2008, 09:59:39 PM
My user name just means what it says, I'm just another chucker, therefore Notherchucker :greendude: :lmfao:Great idea btw :thumb:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: WrathOskvro on February 24, 2008, 10:12:17 PM
Wrath Oskvro started out as just a fictional character that I had made. It eventually became my alias when a friend and I had started a Black Metal band. Then it just became the name of a music (solo) project of mine, but I tend to like to keep it as an alias for places such as forums.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Aras on March 28, 2008, 11:41:38 PM
Aras is simply my first name.

I was named after the Aras River (

I have no idea why I was named after this river though, my dad said that his favourite author (who was also an author) was drowned in this river...and I don't see that as a good reason to name me after Aras  :|
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Panda on March 29, 2008, 12:16:19 AM
Panda... Well I like pandas, they are so cute and cuddly! ^^
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: never_crying_soul on March 29, 2008, 01:57:39 AM real name is means who never fades away. in a social networking site i wrote in my profile caption-> amlan...a soul that never cries.after then most probably someone called me the never crying soul.n still m the never crying soul... :wink:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: thievingscoundrel on March 29, 2008, 02:39:57 AM
Thievingscoundrel is what I'm yelling at my bullmastiff everytime he steals my cup to drink whatever I'm drinking.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Sandwhale on March 31, 2008, 09:41:58 PM
Sandwhale originates from the manga GTO (great teacher Onizuka). There is a character who uses Sandster as a nick.

It could also originate from my hatred toward lakes, seas or any large water areas. Well I don't really hate them, I hate being in them. I like boating but can't stand being in water. So I'm just a whale in the sand who loves those long showers but who doesn't really want to go and swim.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: flexoduss on March 31, 2008, 11:05:18 PM
Flexodus is the title of a dutch regea song that i was listening. :smoke:
So i made a hotmail account with the name but it already exist so i made flexoduss and it remaind my nickname on the web ever since. :thumb:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Riel on April 06, 2008, 09:21:01 AM
648 means GAB, cause i'm an archangel
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Yayu on April 06, 2008, 09:44:09 AM
as in Gabriel?
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Riel on April 06, 2008, 02:22:59 PM

come to think of it, that make me the unofficial kriztov's father lol

edited: i forgot the lol :p
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Xfactorlight on April 06, 2008, 08:12:36 PM
Me... well. I have quite a vivid imagination of sorts. Well you know that gatorade brand thats called xfactor? Well I was looking at that one day. And I thought xfactor + martial arts element = awesome team. Whether it would be a demo team, or a world defense team. I have no clue. But thats what went through my mind. So thats how I got xfactorlight.  :eeeh :ninja:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Neonninja on April 06, 2008, 08:15:54 PM
My user name comes from a Demo team made up of master lee Bardens blackbelts. we are called the neonninja's and i love the name so i use it for everything. Neon refers to the blacklight shows we do, and the ninja isnt a reference to ninjitsu but the fact that we wear all black during the shows in order to keep from glowing in the blacklight.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Niall on April 08, 2008, 07:05:28 PM
My user name comes from a Demo team made up of master lee Bardens blackbelts. we are called the neonninja's and i love the name so i use it for everything. Neon refers to the blacklight shows we do, and the ninja isnt a reference to ninjitsu but the fact that we wear all black during the shows in order to keep from glowing in the blacklight.

awesome i love light shows
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: moomin-mama on May 27, 2008, 08:57:16 PM
well, not very original mine but have you heard of the moomins??

it was a dated japanese half french cartoon about thesepinky white hippos that lived on a farm and did little family things together. moomin mama was always the kindest moomin and wore a stripey pinney. i dont know why. apparently you wear pinneys or aprons if your a woman... ??

i used to watch it when i was a kid but it scared the bejesus out of me. i say it is STILL scary. i hated the cartoon but watched it because at the time the only cartoons on uk kiddies tv programs were that, sooty and sweep, rosy and jim, or wizzadora. OMFG i HATE wizzodora, it would have been a blessing to have todays cartoons available when i was a kid!

so anyway i used to have nightmares about the moomins, and had a reoccuring one where the main moomin, the young boy was came beside me while i was sitting on the roof (dont ask why) and then obviously pushed me off and i fell into an eternal void constantly falling. one of those dreams. he betrayed my trust!

but seriously that was VERY scary at the time even when i dreamt it a few times. im still easily scared.

anyway the reason i use moomin mama is because its just another word i use for mum, and i always call my mum that and she calls me that as an affectionate way to refer to each other. awwww!  :clap

..but yes the cartoon was very creepy to a child even though i still watched it. i fricken hate the moomins. but moomin mamas nice!
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Matt-Chez on May 28, 2008, 01:58:53 AM
moomins was messed up.,  all i remember is that the episodes werent in any kind of order and they ended up jabbering on about a plot that i couldnt follow.

i totaly understand the nightmares  :hide:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Shoguns Decapitator on May 28, 2008, 08:59:15 AM
From a line of the movie Shogun Assassin (cut from Lone Wolf and Cub)  :bleed
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Flowpulse on May 28, 2008, 04:28:35 PM
Soulwire is also the name of my musical alias.  I chose the name to represent my thoughts about life.  I see life (our subjective interpretation of it, at least) as this gigantic, webbed tapestry that we have created (consciously or not) depending on how we have reacted and perceived each succeeding experience.  Each of these webs are like threads that are interwoven and strengthened through those active choices we make.  Soulwire is just a reflection of one thread, one piece of the that fabric...  Well, that's the thought behind the name.  It's a symbolic representation of how we create and interconnect our perception of life one choice at a time.

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: KillerBee on May 28, 2008, 09:30:22 PM
One day I just were sick of thinking about online nicknames and I taught that KillerBee would be something pretty I'm KillerBee pretty much everywhere.
Arabianintiaani (yes..he is on this forum) is my best friend these names have became a real thing for us. He even has nunchakus i made for him to birthday. Theres pretty cool "graffiti" on it that say "From KillerBee to Arabianintiaani"
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: blue anarchist on June 01, 2008, 06:03:13 AM
mm...anarchist cuz i was feeling rebellious at the time an what with the russian revolution an all... :-) cuz it adds a nice ring to it an its my fav colour
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: A$H on June 01, 2008, 06:09:14 AM
Ash cause Ashraf is my real name and Ash would be a good nickname lol :lol:

A$H cause im cool! :mrgreen: 8-)
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Torre on June 01, 2008, 05:04:24 PM
Wow I just realized I haven't posted in a long while :-) Anyway, my username is my first capoeira nickname, it means tower in portuguese and it refers to my height (206 cm/6'9").
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: jockodundee on June 04, 2008, 10:08:33 PM
This one comes from one of my favorite movies from 1984.  "Johnny Dangerously"   Peter Boyle  played the part of "Jocko Dundee "  He led a team of gangsters named after him  " The Jocko Dundee hit squad"   :omg:   I always thought this was a cool name, and once again after looking for a log on name that took for ever because they were taken,  Jockodundee allways was open.  But not anymore!!  :fu:   And what a cool subject this was,  Its fascinating to read all of your reasonings behind the names.

PS. the bald guy in the pic is  Peter Boyle "Jocko Dundee"
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: ArabianIntiaani on August 18, 2008, 03:55:28 PM

Arabianintiaani (yes..he is on this forum) is my best friend these names have became a real thing for us. He even has nunchakus i made for him to birthday. Theres pretty cool "graffiti" on it that say "From KillerBee to Arabianintiaani"

Yes our nicknames are real thing for us  :greendude: but I thought that I would change that old ArabianIntiaani nick to something that everybody would understand (ArabianIntiaani means ArabianIndian)

I m thinking something like "Psycho Johnny"   :-D
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: TuKongChucks on August 18, 2008, 06:33:59 PM
Kinda self explanitory, TuKong(Martial arts I take)and Chucks, well you get that part.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Heru Pyrkagia on August 18, 2008, 09:37:07 PM
     he he i was hoping i would come across something like this! its always cool to see the inspiration behind the handles.  so mine is pretty deep so bare with me. i will be quoting relevant info that i have found on the internet because if i explained it i dont think it would be as coherent. 

 "The half of the word of Heru-ra-ha, called Hoor-pa-kraat and Ra-Hoor-Khut." Liber AL vel Legis 3:35
The name Heru-ra-ha addresses a special Egyptian god that seems to be the two images of Horus in one body. Thus they are Ra-hoor-khuit, the hawk headed warrior, and Hoor-pa-kraat, the crowned and conquering child Harpocrates, seated on a lily pad.
Heru signifies Horus. Ra is the sun god. Ha is an Egyptian phonetic that seems to denote praise.
Crowley wrote that "the language suggests that Heru-ra-ha is the true name of the Unity who is symbolized by the Twins, Harpocrates and Horus." He added that "The doctrine of the dual character of the God is very important to a proper understanding of Him."
In the Book of Troth, Crowley introduces us to Heru-Ra-Ha when he comments on the Aeon Tarot card. He wrote:
"Around the top of the card is the body of Nuit, the star-goddess, who is the category of unlimited possibility; her mate is Hadit, the ubiquitous point-of-view, the only philosophically tenable conception of Reality. He is represented by a globe of fire, representing eternal energy; winged, to show his power of Going. As a result of the marriage of these two, the child Horus is born. He is, however, known under his special name, Heru-Ra-Ha. A double god; his extraverted form is Ra-hoor-khuit; and his passive or introverted form Hoor-pa-kraat. He is also solar in character, and is therefore shown coming forth in golden light."

article by: James Donahue

                                              From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

     Heru-ra-ha (literally "Horus sun-flesh", among other possible meanings[1]) is a composite deity within Thelema, a religion adapted from the philosophy of François Rabelais in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley.[2] Heru-ra-ha is composed of Ra-Hoor-Khuit and Hoor-par-kraat.[3] He is associated with the other two major Thelemic deities found in The Book of the Law, Nuit and Hadit, who are also godforms related to ancient Egyptian mythology. Their images link Nuit and Hadit to the established Egyptian deities Nut and Hor-Bhdt (Horus of Edfu).
Active aspect
     Ra-Hoor-Khuit (Egyptian: Ra-Har-Khuti or possibly Ra-Har-Akht), more commonly referred to by the Greek transliteration Ra-Herakhty, means "Ra (who is) Horus on the Horizon."[4] An appellation of Ra, identifying him with Horus, this name shows the two as manifestations of the singular Solar Force. Ra-Hoor-Khuit or Ra-Hoor-Khut is the speaker in the Third Chapter of The Book of the Law. Some quotes from his Chapter:

    * "Now let it be first understood that I am a god of War and of Vengeance." [5]
    * "Fear not at all; fear neither men nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything. Money fear not, nor laughter of the folk folly, nor any other power in heaven or upon the earth or under the earth. Nu is your refuge as Hadit your light; and I am the strength, force, vigour, of your arms." [6]
    * "I am the warrior Lord of the Forties: the Eighties cower before me, & are abased. I will bring you to victory & joy: I will be at your arms in battle & ye shall delight to slay. Success is your proof; courage is your armour; go on, go on, in my strength; & ye shall turn not back for any!" [7]
    * "There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt." [8]

Within Thelema, Ra-Hoor-Khuit is called the Lord of the Aeon (which began in 1904 according to Thelemic doctrine), and The Crowned and Conquering Child.

According to the instructions that Crowley claimed to have received from the 8th Enochian Aethyr, the five-pointed "star of flame" symbolizes Ra-Hoor-Khuit in certain contexts.[9]

"Khuit" also refers to a local form of the goddess Hathor at Athribis,[10] who guarded the heart of Osiris.[11] "Khut" refers to the goddess Isis as light giver of the new year,[12] and by some accounts[13][14] can also mean the fiery serpent on the crown of Ra. This last meaning serves as a title of Isis in one of the hymns to "Isis-Hathor" at the Temple of Philae. Hathor also has the titles "Uraeus of Ra" and "Great Flame".[15]

 Passive aspect

Hoor-pa-kraat (Egyptian: Har-par-khered), more commonly referred to by the Greek transliteration Harpocrates, means "Horus the Child"; Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris, sometimes distinguished from their brother Horus the Elder,[16] who was the old patron deity of Upper Egypt; the worship of the two gods became confused early in Egyptian history and the two essentially merged[citation needed]. Represented as a young boy with a child's sidelock of hair, sucking his finger. The Greeks,[17] Ovid and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn attributed Silence to him, presumably because the sucking of the finger is suggestive of the common "shhh" gesture. The author of The Book of the Law introduces himself as "the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat."[18]

Also known as "The Babe in the Lotus", Hoor Paar Kraat is sometimes thought of as the baby Ra-Hoor-Khuit[19] and sometimes as the younger brother of Horus.[20] The former view in the works of Aleister Crowley portrays Ra-Hoor-Khuit -- in place of the Golden Dawn's Osiris/Jesus -- as a model for the initiate, and thus describes attainment as a natural growth process, de-emphasizing the metaphor of death and resurrection. In the second view, the Golden Dawn placed Hoor Paar Kraat at the center of their Hall of Ma'at while the officers of the temple (one of whom represented Horus) revolved around him.

 Combined form

The Cry of the First Aethyr in Crowley's Liber 418 presents Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child, as the union of many opposites.

    It is a little child covered with lilies and roses. He is supported by countless myriads of Archangels. The Archangels are all the same colourless brilliance, and every one of them is blind. Below the Archangels again are many, many other legions, and so on far below, so far that the eye cannot pierce. And on his forehead, and on his heart, and in his hand, is the secret sigil of the Beast. (fn: Sun and moon conjoined) And of all this the glory is so great that all the spiritual senses fail, and their reflections in the body fail.(...)This child danceth not, but it is because he is the soul of the two dances, --- the right hand and the left hand, and in him they are one dance, the dance without motion.

ok so the Heru is just a shortened version of Heru-Ra-Ha, but what about the 418?...
                                       From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

     Abrahadabra is a word that first publicly appeared in The Book of the Law, the central sacred text of Thelema. Its author, Aleister Crowley, described it as the "the Word of the Aeon, which signifieth The Great Work accomplished." [1] This is in reference to his belief that the writing of Liber Legis heralded a new Aeon for mankind that was ruled by the god Ra-Hoor-Khuit (a form of Horus). Abrahadabra is, therefore, the "magical formula" of this new age. It is not to be confused with the Word of the Law of the Aeon, which is Thelema, meaning Will.
 Mystical interpretations


As with most things found in the mystical works of Aleister Crowley, the word Abrahadabra can be examined using the qabalistic method of gematria, which is a form of numerology, whereby correspondences are made based on numerical values.

    * ABRAHADABRA = 418
    * ABRAHADABRA has 11 letters
    * ABRAHADABRA = 1+2+2+1+5+1+4+1+2+2+1 = 22
    * The five letters in the word are: A, the Crown; B, the Wand; D, the Cup; H, the Sword; R, the Rosy Cross; and refer further to Amoun the Father, Thoth His messenger, and Isis, Horus, Osiris, the divine-human triad.
    * Also 418 = ATh IAV, the Essence of IAO
    * 418= BVLShKIN, or Boleskine
    * 418= RA HVVR, or Ra Hoor
    * 418= ∑(13-31)
    * Abrahadabra is from Abrasax, Father Sun, which = 365 [5]
    * 418 = 22 x 19 Manifestation

 Other interpretations

In Aramaic this word roughly translates into "I will create as I speak."

    * Had is the keyword of Abrahadabra. Had is another name for Hadit, the second Speaker in Liber Legis.

    * "ABRAHADABRA is "The key of the rituals" because it expresses the Magical Formulae of uniting various complementary ideas; especially the Five of the Microcosm with the Six of the Macrocosm." [1]

    * "Abrahadabra is the glyph of the blending of the 5 and the 6, the Rose and the Cross." [2]

 Quotes from Liber Legis

    * "Abrahadabra; the reward of Ra Hoor Khut." (AL III:1)
    * "This book shall be translated into all tongues: but always with the original in the writing of the Beast; for in the chance shape of the letters and their position to one another: in these are mysteries that no Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try: but one cometh after him, whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all. Then this line drawn is a key: then this circle squared in its failure is a key also. And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child & that strangely. Let him not seek after this; for thereby alone can he fall from it." (AL III:47)
    * "The ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra." (AL III:75) 418 is the numerical representation of the Word of the Aeon of Heru-Ra_ha. there you guys go. and Heru418 is explained!  :thumb:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: moomin-mama on August 19, 2008, 01:00:50 AM
wow - you sure know a lot about egyptians!

 :offtopic: i remember when i was 8 years old at school and we had history lessons - i always thought the egyptians and hieroglyphics were cool - much cooler then the romans or medieval times and other things we had to learn about.

the egyptian gods just look cool dont they? what brought about the pharoah's demise i wonder?? we never got past grade school teaching lol.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Heru Pyrkagia on August 19, 2008, 01:37:06 AM
 :lmfao: ( i see what you mean, those guys are creepy looking!
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: PockyChucks on August 19, 2008, 03:35:28 AM
Ah wow they really are creepy..specially the one in the back.

Anyway my username comes from nothing in particular. I use "pocky" in other usernames and this site has lots of chucks so I put them together. Even though I never even eat pocky. Most of it tastes like crap. Strawberry is good though. But it has to be the right kind of strawberry.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: moomin-mama on August 19, 2008, 05:58:39 PM
especially that creepy little bastard there. she gave me nightmares lol.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Lallaren on August 19, 2008, 06:34:16 PM
Ah wow they really are creepy..specially the one in the back.
If you mean the blueish/purple big fellow, then you have no idea how creepy he is. He is the definition of "nightmare", haha i remember so many moomin episodes where i feared that that guy would appear!
By the way, whats he called in english? In swedish he is called "Morran".
EDIT: Oh and correct me if im wrong but isnt he a she?

My name is just gibberish :-P
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: ayr3s on August 20, 2008, 08:30:15 PM
Ayr3s ...

Ayres is my last name and the three really do look like an "E"

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: NinjaRick on August 28, 2008, 06:28:24 AM
Mine is simple, most of you will figure it out the moment you start reading my post.  :doh
I'm a Ninja :ninja: and my name is Eric  :thumb: put the two together and you get.... NinjaRick! :clap Yeah I know there's no K at the end of my real name but the k just makes it look better for some reason... :|
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Rellizate on September 02, 2008, 11:35:43 AM
Oh lol, that's different to what I was expecting Eric, I thought it was like you're a ninja and your name is Rick! :P
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: ferret on September 07, 2008, 12:57:53 PM
in highschool I was 6 foot tall, 65 kg's, really flexible and very fast on my feet. Just like a ferret.

Oh I'm much cuter then a ferret tho :P just ask my wife

strangely enough, in a school of 2600 kids, only my family knew my name. oh and a couple teachers. to everyone else I was simply ferret.

so what's my name....that's secret squirrel information lol  :ninja:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: njanimal on September 08, 2008, 02:02:19 AM
my state, last name reversed, birthyear :mrgreen:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: njanimal on September 08, 2008, 05:47:15 AM
my state, last name reversed, birthyear :mrgreen:
used to be my online name for proskater 4 and thug1
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Jam£$ on September 14, 2008, 10:34:05 PM
mine is my name James and then Cider Mad is like a joke thing that me and a bunch of my mates came up with in 2005 cos we got drunk on cider all the time and shouted cider mad at passing cars .come to think of it we havnt changed much since then .and finally sk8 comes from skateboarding which is another of my hobbies ive been skating for 6 years . so mines kind of a combination of everything
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: jmvicuna on September 15, 2008, 01:57:37 AM
jm is for my name, vicuna for my last name....
 :craze  yes, its boring, i know!


Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Gomartgo on September 15, 2008, 02:38:01 AM
Mine is pretty simple...I'm a big hockey fan..being a french Canadian...I'm actually a big..biggest Montreal Canadiens fans but The Ottawa Senators had the for the series couple of years ago...wich said go sens go... I just changed it to gomartgo wich my name is it always stuck with me since then...

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: pablopenguin24 on October 23, 2008, 02:08:29 AM
pablo the penguin is from the backyadigans
(inside joke)
and 24 is my lucky/uniform number
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Rellizate on October 24, 2008, 11:56:16 PM
in highschool I was 6 foot tall, 65 kg's. Just like a ferret.

Dude... You knew some pretty hardcore ferrets. The biggest i've seen were like 1 kg...


Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: jiaoyin on October 25, 2008, 01:26:15 AM
all my nicknames are based of philosophy and the real me...

Jiaoyin is my chinese name
it's also my username here and elsewhere around the web

Jiao = Horn of the Azure Dragon, one of the 7 mansions of the Azure Dragon (i'm talking about astrology)

Azure Dragon = Seiryu
Seiryu = the Eternal Dragon known in chinese, japanese and other asian cultures...
he's also the dragon in Dragon Ball,Z,GT

yin = the dark side

their's a more deeper meaning to why i choose the name, but yea....

another reason is because i'm a loner...
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Chux Smith on November 03, 2008, 12:40:29 AM
Mine is pretty simple I love making chuxs, swinging them too just better at making them
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: account disabled by owner 1 on November 03, 2008, 02:13:51 AM

Mine is pretty bland, I just started using it when putting in high scores in for video games and it stuck with me, everyone used their initials but I was lazy and happier with some z's.  :greendude:

Formerly Shadowskater, still using the shadowskater youtube because I'd rather not make another, but that username is from when I first got a hold of a computer when I was very young and used to skate religiously, I concocted the name up from the current stealth game I was involved in with my passion for skateboarding, and began using it to sign up for everything.   :-P

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Irv on November 04, 2008, 12:44:46 AM
My name is Irvin and my Staff- Chuck- and Poi-
students called me Irv or Irvmaster since years.

Irv and Irvmaster weren't availeable, when i created my YT-Account.
So i just changed it into IrvMstr. To achieve Master-Level, i need to
pass 3 more Kobudo examinations.  :hide:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: saluta on November 05, 2008, 07:10:36 PM
My username is very significant to me right now for the reason that it's my mother's maiden name. No reason there why I chose it as a username just want to try something new that's all.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Paragon on November 06, 2008, 12:22:11 AM

Its meant to be ironic. And self depreciating.
It means (or a least one meaning is) 'a perfect embodiment of a concept', so its a little dig at all those self proclaimed masters out there.

But most importantly I like the sound!
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Heru Pyrkagia on November 06, 2008, 02:19:14 AM
all my nicknames are based of philosophy and the real me...

Jiaoyin is my chinese name
it's also my username here and elsewhere around the web

Jiao = Horn of the Azure Dragon, one of the 7 mansions of the Azure Dragon (i'm talking about astrology)

Azure Dragon = Seiryu
Seiryu = the Eternal Dragon known in chinese, japanese and other asian cultures...
he's also the dragon in Dragon Ball,Z,GT

yin = the dark side

their's a more deeper meaning to why i choose the name, but yea....

another reason is because i'm a loner...

thats awesome bro! a name can be as laden with meaning as we want so its nice to see others that use more of a philosophic approach as i did.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: tanjatuulia on November 14, 2008, 09:07:21 AM
Mine is boring.. it's just my name (tanja) and my middle name(tuulia). :-P
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: X on December 15, 2008, 12:09:41 PM
Nick = X or -=X=-

I have Play Soccer for a long time.. and i shot many times over cross... and we say to this shot X (Shot)...
and my Nick was born.. all other Soccer player call me X ^^
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Lukeaxx on January 10, 2009, 09:24:11 PM
Luke is my name..

Axx... has a kinda boring story.

When I used to play World of Warcraft, my friend made a character on a private server called "Jimaxx"... his name is Jim... and i thought... hey, Lukeaxx sounds pretty decent... unlike Jimaxx.

And now I use it for everything!

If you meet someone called Lukeaxx, it's likely me =D
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: dogfighter on January 15, 2009, 05:22:30 AM
I like to fight at "Dog" stick fight gatherings with mixed weapons in Los Angeles.    :chuck:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: NaR on January 15, 2009, 03:09:28 PM
The NaR story

I was 16 yrs old boy. My teacher was slap me in the school. I threw it at its head my teacher with an ORANGE.  :2thumbsup:

(The Orange is NARANCS in hungaryan language)

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Steph [TDO] on January 15, 2009, 04:52:55 PM
Stéphane is my name, so Steph is my surname.
67 is    my department number in France (67 is Alsace)
==>> 67steph67 ^^

It was my last nickname on a game online, so i use this one since.

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: psionics on January 17, 2009, 06:50:31 PM
The NaR story

I was 16 yrs old boy. My teacher was slap me in the school. I threw it at its head my teacher with an ORANGE.  :2thumbsup:

(The Orange is NARANCS in hungaryan language)

lol  :lmfao:  vitamin c  !!   cool!!!!
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Teggen on January 27, 2009, 12:59:02 AM
only two names have ever made me satisfied as usernames, Teggen( teh gen) i saw when I was really young in another game my friend played, for hat ever reason I liked it and the other is bewacher(german for guardian) I have liked that sense i found it very much...
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: $e@n on February 17, 2009, 09:04:33 PM
$e@n it's just my name Sean.  I wanted to use my name, but wanted it to be a little different so this is what I came up with. 
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Kuyper on February 18, 2009, 08:28:15 PM
I use Kuyper because it is my last name. It's dutch. I am proud of my bloodline and represent my name anywhere I exert myself.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Satriyo on March 02, 2009, 12:18:49 PM
My username = my real name  :-D
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: rctrue on March 03, 2009, 01:51:34 AM
I know Ive answered this before somewhere.  :-)

Mine is my first two initials and my last name.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Choggy on March 03, 2009, 08:25:17 AM
woah, it's gonna be difficult to explain...
well, here goes nothing... actually it should be CIOGHI (in Romanian) which my friends used to call me. it derives from the Romanian word Harciog.
so it was Harciog -> Ciog -> Cioghi. Harciog means Hamster btw :D
and for English speakers to pronounce it like we would in Romanian, i kinda changed it to Choggy (or sometimes, rarely Tchoggy)...

there you have it! :P
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: theraven39 on March 04, 2009, 08:59:42 PM
Well, mine's fairly shallow.  When I was in middle school we read some Poe, and I always really enjoyed the way the verses flowed in the raven.  I was also kinda casual goth back then.  Guess philosophically I still kinda am, but I wear colors now.  Anyway, I memorized the entire poem and could spout it off by memory.  There was a certain darkness and longing to it, which I felt portrayed the state of humanity as a whole, so when I got my first e-mail account, theraven, the_raven, and whatever else were already taken, and the_raven39 was a suggestion by the site, so I took it and just kinda kept it.  I'm a creature of habit.  I also like the concept of the raven as a creature.  It's dark and strong, and unlike the crow, it has the advantage of size, and a more aggressive temperment. Crows are just surly little rabble birds.  Oh, just as a side note, in the movie, The Crow, the bird was actually a raven.  Not important, I just always thought it was funny, like how in Karate Kid, the kid was taught Kung Fu.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Numbnuts on March 04, 2009, 10:31:56 PM
Mine is just a cuter way of saying nunchucks. Sometimes people mistake nunchucks as numchucks. Nunchucks are dangerous because guys are prone to hitting themselves in the nuts which can make their nuts go numb.

Therefore, Numbnuts was born.

It has nothing to do with me personally as some may think.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Choggy on March 05, 2009, 07:18:41 AM
Nunchucks are dangerous because guys are prone to hitting themselves in the nuts which can make their nuts go numb.

ooooh, you have no idea... none at all  :doh :lmfao: :nutkick: :lmfao:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: OB1stunna on March 11, 2009, 10:46:52 PM
Originally set my ID as NIRRO because i used to use that for most of my accounts when i was younger
It is my name backwards Nirro = Orrin

But I changed it to OB1stunna because thats the new ID that i use, and its my Xbox Live ID.
O + B are my initials. the rest just sounded good.

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Oz on March 13, 2009, 12:34:46 AM
Originally set my ID as NIRRO because i used to use that for most of my accounts when i was younger
It is my name backwards Nirro = Orrin

But I changed it to OB1stunna because thats the new ID that i use, and its my Xbox Live ID.
O + B are my initials. the rest just sounded good.

lol, I thought it had something to do with the power of the Force or something   :roll:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Heru Pyrkagia on March 13, 2009, 12:58:09 AM
I was also kinda casual goth back then.  Guess philosophically I still kinda am, but I wear colors now. 

lol thats awesome. goth definitely goes beyond what you wear. i am in the same boat. i dont have a wide range of colors, but i still have em lol.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Choggy on March 13, 2009, 06:58:25 AM
lol thats awesome. goth definitely goes beyond what you wear. i am in the same boat. i dont have a wide range of colors, but i still have em lol.

good point... still see myself that way too...
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: batman221 on May 22, 2009, 12:01:35 AM
im the caped crusader

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Dark Oasis on June 07, 2009, 12:09:56 AM
well, it might seem a little nerdy, but i got my name off of a video game...
Dark Oasis is that name of a room in the game Metriod Prime 2: Echoes.
my first choice was The Plains of Dark Worship, but it is a bit too long to use in most places and i didn't wanna have to use 2 names..

also, i HATE it when people say 'num'chucks. i live here in the south and everyone says it.
even my mother who i correct on a weekly basis.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Jimdare on June 07, 2009, 02:20:24 AM
My real name is james dare, my friends call me jimdare coz they r dickheads.  On youtube my name is nautilusjames.  My flatmate created this for me because my computer was called nautilus on the network.  Nautilus = cool type of cephalopod, kind of like a squid in a shell.   
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: michael on June 13, 2009, 03:37:20 PM
um my name is michael. god im clever :lmfao:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Southpaw on June 13, 2009, 06:57:06 PM
Southpaw, as in left handed. The best thing I could think of describing myself with  :|.
Who else likes their left hand? This guy.  :thumb:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: gothic-chux on June 30, 2009, 01:13:42 AM
i just love reading gothic i just wanted to put in two things i like in my username,ie. chucking  :chuck:  and gothic i was like thinking of a name with some gothic-ness in it and something thats gotto do with nunchucks...i first thought of putting it as gothic-chux-user but then it sounded really odd  :craze i guess my username doesnt have a meaning or anything, just a random username i guess....
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Nathaniel Legionis on July 10, 2009, 04:45:04 AM
Nathaniel = my name

Legionis, genitive singular of Legio meaning legion in Latin...

"Nathaniel of Legion"

legio mihi nomen est, quia multum sumus.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Choggy on July 10, 2009, 06:08:55 AM
Nathaniel = my name

Legionis, genitive singular of Legio meaning legion in Latin...

"Nathaniel of Legion"

legio mihi nomen est, quia multum sumus.

My name is Legion for we are many...  one of my favorite  quotes... :respect:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Nathaniel Legionis on July 10, 2009, 05:23:29 PM
Quote from: Choggy
My name is Legion for we are many...  one of my favorite  quotes... :respect:

One of my favorites too. It just rolls off the tongue so fluidly in Latin.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: CalamityJain24 on July 10, 2009, 10:13:25 PM
Mine comes me waxing philosophic about names.  My first name is Jeromy.  This got changed to "Jane" because I like this name, (yes I know it is predominately a female name). and I changed the spelling to "Jain".  Like rain but with a "j"  The Calamity bit is all about the old west crack shot Calamity Jane, it seemed like a nice fit.  24 was just my age when joined youtube. CalamityJain24.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: NinjaCW on July 11, 2009, 07:15:50 PM
I just found NinjaCW from a gaming competition. It sounded cool, so I used it. :line:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: auric18 on July 13, 2009, 11:08:13 PM
I just put mine as auric because I do spirirual meditations and it sounded pretty cool.  :bigdance:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: NinjaCW on August 24, 2009, 07:33:47 PM
I dunno, I just got NinjaCW from a gaming contest thingy. It sounds awesome though.  :-D
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: damon1698 on November 11, 2009, 12:00:54 AM
Damon = my name and 1698 is just a combination of numbers I've been using as screen names since I first used AOL.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: customworkshop on January 01, 2010, 02:32:48 AM
Mine means that I work too hard and customize almost all things in life. :wink:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Dasalisone on January 01, 2010, 02:57:24 AM
 :thumb: this topic is pretty koos koos

my name i made up when i was about 17 18 and it started out as dasalis one not together then i startded to use it for all my gamng and stuff and one of my friends asked me how to pronouce it and i told him that its pronouced like dah-sah-lis  one and he started to laugh and told me it sounded like they were together so he then went on telling me that it also sounds like some kinda helucinigen like dah-sah-lisone which then i started to laugh and used it that way from then on so i sometimes put it as helucenigenic dasalisone but yeah it was just somethingi made up for characters i thought it sounded like the character was evil and disturbed or something like that i had a fasination with vampires and power at that time  :craze lol i thought i was
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Seventh_He4ven on January 01, 2010, 02:23:17 PM
Tifa's bar from Final Fantasy 7 :hide:
I've always used and will always use it now 'cuz it's been too long.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: psionics on January 03, 2010, 07:06:29 PM
Mine means that I work too hard and customize almost all things in life. :wink:
  :greendude: nice
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Tiokiko64 on January 10, 2010, 08:50:08 PM
My username: Tiokiko64.  Tio=Uncle, Kiko=Diminutive of Francisco (My real name) and... 64= the year I was born   :thumb:

So, Tiokiko64=Unclekiko64
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: ImThexxx1 on January 19, 2010, 02:07:14 AM
im - me being
thexxx- idk... been my username since i had a computer! starting from when i was like 7 XD. no idea where i got it.
1- my favorite number.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Arturas0705 on February 04, 2010, 08:25:45 PM
Artūras [Artooras] - this is my name
07 - july, the month of my birth
05 - 5th, the day i was born  :-)
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: liqnitrogn on February 05, 2010, 02:44:39 AM
its liqnitrogn  cuz im soo coool

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: RYOUKAN on February 21, 2010, 08:01:41 PM
Ryōkan Taigu. Ryō means "good", kan means "broad", and Taigu means "great fool"; Ryōkan would thus translate as "broad-hearted generous fool", referring to qualities that Ryōkan's work and life embodies
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Stickmanwalking on April 07, 2010, 04:57:25 PM
I used to carve walking sticks while I was recovering from surgery in the 90's, so I was the "walking stick man" and there was a movie called "Dead Man Walking", and when I got my first E-mail address my wife suggested stickmanwalking and it stuck! My real name is Duane.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: xabbiey on June 02, 2010, 08:50:32 AM
xabbiey iis modification from my nickname zabi , i think xabbiey is sound cooler than zabi  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: flippy on June 02, 2010, 05:08:46 PM
Flippy , well my real name is aditya which means the sun

flippy is a downright cartoon character which i love in the series happy tree friends
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 02, 2010, 09:26:07 PM
Italian Stallion
Rocky Marciano- the real italian stallion and the only boxer to even go 49-0-0 with 43 knockouts.
Also im Italian and when i was younger i got into a fight with the school bully and broke his nose and hand. ever since its been like a joke among me and my friends.
my real name is Michele Rocco Caniglia tho.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: psionics on June 02, 2010, 10:42:21 PM
Italian Stallion
Rocky Marciano- the real italian stallion and the only boxer to even go 49-0-0 with 43 knockouts.
Also im Italian and when i was younger i got into a fight with the school bully and broke his nose and hand. ever since its been like a joke among me and my friends.
my real name is Michele Rocco Caniglia tho.
Nice to meet you bro  :-) We are very honored to meet you here.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Arturas0705 on June 03, 2010, 05:46:07 AM
Nice to meet you bro  :-) We are very honored to meet you here.
Nice to see you in  :thumb:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 05, 2010, 07:39:55 AM
Thanks guys. I am honored to get to learn here. Maybe ill be the champ one day. (not likely though)
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Arturas0705 on June 05, 2010, 11:41:39 AM
Thanks guys. I am honored to get to learn here. Maybe ill be the champ one day. (not likely though)
Maybe you will :thumb:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Ralhod on July 23, 2010, 09:53:18 PM
Nerd history:

Ralhod is a character of mine in a role playing game that i used to play, he was my alter ego and when the journeys ends ( a couple of years later) i decided to take his name for me and try to be what i ve always want to be.  i hope you understand what im writing, my grammar sucks

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: nunchaku64 on December 05, 2010, 10:47:46 AM
Hello everybody,

I want to know if it's possible to change his username ?

Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: The Magician on December 05, 2010, 01:52:33 PM
The Magician.

This dates back to when I first started performing with a circus group.
 Because i started with only magic, no-one would call me anything else but for Magician, so it stuck.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: psionics on December 12, 2010, 04:22:18 PM
vinke64, you can change the name you want for forum profile posting but you cannot change the account login name.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: psionics on December 12, 2010, 04:24:37 PM
that was so awsome bro! i love magic! :D
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: dig on December 12, 2010, 07:26:53 PM
Digory is my name....  :whahaa
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: psionics on December 13, 2010, 02:25:30 PM
Digory is my name....  :whahaa
  :whahaa that's a unique name bro!
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: xabbiey on December 13, 2010, 03:02:12 PM
Digory is my name....  :whahaa

so you are a native with cedric digory  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: dig on December 13, 2010, 05:59:15 PM
ah, but cedric has two Gs, and my name has one.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: The Magician on December 13, 2010, 06:29:30 PM
psionics: yeah, its pretty cool stuff, might just put a cardistry vid out.  :arg
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Mackelangelo on November 17, 2011, 12:25:55 PM
Growing up my favorite ninja turtle was Michelangelo and he was one of the reasons I thought nunchakus were cool as a kid. My last name is Mack so I just put cool and cool together and came up with this.  :chuck:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: ChuckinWitHarry on November 17, 2011, 04:47:01 PM
My name is Harry.....pretty self-explanatory lol  :-D
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: russman on December 27, 2011, 05:20:50 AM
You sad it RC I'm facinated to learn all this about all my chucking bretherin,thanks for sharing. Worldclassish is just how I feel my skill is best described I have been at it almost 40 years
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: OlsAlty on December 27, 2011, 10:30:25 AM
My Last name sounds similar to the Saltytoes. And And after many years of kids making jokes and i was younger it kinda stuck with me And everyone just called me Salty for short. Found out one of my closest friends now started the Saltytoes back when we were younger when we were enemies. Over the years my name kept Adapting from Salty, To OldSalty , And even Cap'n Salty. So OlsAlty Is just Shortened OldSalty.

Very nice Thread idea!
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: junfan on January 01, 2012, 06:24:35 PM
 :-) my username "junfan" was the original name of Bruce Lee in Cantonese because he is my idol in terms of martial arts and his bone-breaking nunchaku techniques.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Oddstorm7 on April 14, 2012, 06:20:46 AM

  first you have to know that when I was a kid, most of the boys my age made up "codenames" or nicknames they called themselves or introduce themselves as. I went through a few weird ones but I didn't keep most of them.

  When I founded my parkour team back in high school, I kinda introduced this idea that the name your born with is simply what your parents choose to call you. that you should go by what YOU call YOURSELF. you can choose anything you like, first,middle, last name, a nickname, a spiritual name, a screen name, anything.

  at that time I was Squall. I always enjoyed that name, being it was what I used in ceramonies back in my pagan days. then...I droped it because of the similarities between me and the videogame charater (final fantasy 8 / squall lionheart). I had deleted my old e-mails, and was changing my facebook at the time. so one day it came to me while staring at the clouds day dreaming.

Odd = my unconventional personality. I've always been recognized as weird, bizzare, akward, and VERY unique. I was bullied in school for acting different, but I did it cause I always follow my heart and be myself. so nowadays, I wear the title "freak" with pride.

Storm = I'm a HUGE nerd when it comes to things like elements, mythology, astrology, and things like that. I've always felt like I associated with Wind and many of my habits and my overall personality had been described as being that of an "air type"...even though I'm a leo (fire sign). I feel most comfortable when its raining or cloudy outside. I've study meteorology since childhood (early pilot job fantasy) and most importantly, some of my most productive, impressive, and most EPIC experiences and sessions in using the nunchaku have been during severe thnderstorms.

[Odd+Storm = Oddstorm  (Fourteen is my favorite/lucky number) two words (odd/storm) 14/2 = 7 ] = Oddstorm7
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Linck on April 15, 2012, 05:45:45 AM
Comes from the main character of the "Legend of Zelda" videogame series, "Link". I just put a "c" to look more original. I have been using this nickname on the internet for some years already.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Misterpink1986 on June 06, 2012, 07:22:57 PM
A few years ago I was thinking about a new username because my standard one was already used. (I guess the platform was Ebay :-P)

While I was considering I remembered a German  :smoke:-movie  :-D

Here's the link:

Activate the subtitles and watch from 8:50 minutes, it will explain itself, if you speak German you won't need the subtitles.
And if you want to watch the whole movie, do it, it's pretty funny. (For the subtitles you have to watch it on YT)

Back to topic, I just added the year of my birth and now I use this name almost everytime I make a new account  :2thumbsup:

BTW, nice thread ;)
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: metalbird on September 14, 2012, 04:30:35 AM
Interesting topic and fun to read on the many ways we self-identify!

Metalbird comes from 22 years of flying aircraft (ie. metal birds) in the U.S. Navy. I liked it because I most of my flight experience is in the P-3C Orion, a submarine hunter. Most of our time is spent at very low altitudes between 50 to 1000 feet. At these altitudes over the ocean, you hit lots of pockets of cool and warm air which makes most of these flights quite bumpy, almost like the plane is flapping it's wings. Kind of a running joke among the crew, especially when we had a new junior pilot at the controls. ( 
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: metalbird on September 14, 2012, 04:33:28 AM
My Last name sounds similar to the Saltytoes. And And after many years of kids making jokes and i was younger it kinda stuck with me And everyone just called me Salty for short. Found out one of my closest friends now started the Saltytoes back when we were younger when we were enemies. Over the years my name kept Adapting from Salty, To OldSalty , And even Cap'n Salty. So OlsAlty Is just Shortened OldSalty.

Very nice Thread idea!

Ha! And I was figuring you for an ex-mariner as the "Old Salts" are those with many years at sea! lol
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: s3ct10n on September 14, 2012, 05:20:49 AM
Its a great topic Nd I often found myself thinking the same things about certain names

My sign is s3ct10n but iv always liked whitedeath and as far as some legend go or at least one iv heard was that the chinese call sugar whitedeath because it is good for you but too much of it can kill you Nd well i like my sugar and if I dont have a regular meal in that day sometimes Ill eat sugar packets for the energy.
So since I couldnt have either name for youtube I combined the two but here I just wanted section
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: christ uzumaki on October 26, 2012, 02:50:22 PM
Christ is my name..and uzumaki is anime caracter from movie "naruto"..the name of the main caracter is 'uzumaki naruto' means hope, faith and spirit on never give up on anything :thumb:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: ginko on June 01, 2013, 12:24:24 AM
i was about 12. my name is "david könig" so i went from könig to ginkö, and ended at ginko, thats pretty much all there is. never had an urge to change it since then.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: sityiatage on December 13, 2013, 03:34:01 AM
through username user can login
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Scorpion Ninja on March 03, 2014, 12:06:54 AM
Scorpion Ninja is a Ninja from the Scorpion clan in Legend of the Five Rings

Ichigun Ichimi
One District - One Band
Natori Ryu

"You never fail until you stop trying."
Grandmaster Tae Eun Lee 9th Dan Moo Kwang Tae Kwon Do
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: nunchukachaka on January 29, 2015, 06:08:59 PM
I just wanted something that sounds a bit stupid and not too tryhard.
Mission accomplished...i guess :greendude:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Debasish on February 19, 2016, 12:30:05 AM
it's my actual name given by my parents. it means 'blessings of god'.
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: NunchuckNick on December 15, 2016, 01:04:13 AM

my name is Nick, and I like Nunchucks  :ninja:
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: sasha1961 on March 16, 2018, 09:39:34 PM
Sasha is a short form of Alexandra which is my real name
Title: Re: what does your username mean?
Post by: Rhal on September 13, 2018, 07:52:39 PM
Long time ago when I played MMORPGs, I often used the name Rhaligar so this is just a shorter version of Rhaligar.