:bang: :bang:
This is one of the coolest topics Ive seen in a long time.
"sebricci" is just simply for "Sébastien Ricciardi", my name...
psionics = psi(mind or magic) + ionics(or machine)
which leads to decoding psychic language to machine. the great part of it is that i was a psychic healer from my teen life. i am part of a secret group in my country name CKS aka club of knowledge seekers. its founder's father is the one who brings up the the "sylvia mind conrol program" or the alpha level of conciousness to the philippines. now as the sub-level of philippine information agency to which it is made legal to search information in such areas prohibited to normal people. the CKS is for internal knowledge not found on websites, books and known paranormal groups. psionics or radionics is already existing today, but much more on the electronic side. i wish i could lived up my life to finish my experiments when i grow old. now, im currently so busy for my career growth and money to which i am currently short. my name psionics is what i am and not related to nunchaku.
thats VERY interesting .. I got a question(it maybe sounds weird but I readed it somewhere and I tried it) :
There are Websites Thats says You can make PSI-Balls with energy, Can you do that too ? (My english is bad so I don't know if I mis understood it all haha)
My user name comes from a Demo team made up of master lee Bardens blackbelts. we are called the neonninja's and i love the name so i use it for everything. Neon refers to the blacklight shows we do, and the ninja isnt a reference to ninjitsu but the fact that we wear all black during the shows in order to keep from glowing in the blacklight.
Arabianintiaani (yes..he is on this forum) is my best friend these names have became a real thing for us. He even has nunchakus i made for him to birthday. Theres pretty cool "graffiti" on it that say "From KillerBee to Arabianintiaani"
Ah wow they really are creepy..specially the one in the back.If you mean the blueish/purple big fellow, then you have no idea how creepy he is. He is the definition of "nightmare", haha i remember so many moomin episodes where i feared that that guy would appear!
my state, last name reversed, birthyear :mrgreen:used to be my online name for proskater 4 and thug1
in highschool I was 6 foot tall, 65 kg's. Just like a ferret.
all my nicknames are based of philosophy and the real me...
Jiaoyin is my chinese name
it's also my username here and elsewhere around the web
Jiao = Horn of the Azure Dragon, one of the 7 mansions of the Azure Dragon (i'm talking about astrology)
Azure Dragon = Seiryu
Seiryu = the Eternal Dragon known in chinese, japanese and other asian cultures...
he's also the dragon in Dragon Ball,Z,GT
yin = the dark side
their's a more deeper meaning to why i choose the name, but yea....
another reason is because i'm a loner...
The NaR story
I was 16 yrs old boy. My teacher was slap me in the school. I threw it at its head my teacher with an ORANGE. :2thumbsup:
(The Orange is NARANCS in hungaryan language)
Nunchucks are dangerous because guys are prone to hitting themselves in the nuts which can make their nuts go numb.
Originally set my ID as NIRRO because i used to use that for most of my accounts when i was youngerlol, I thought it had something to do with the power of the Force or something :roll:
It is my name backwards Nirro = Orrin
But I changed it to OB1stunna because thats the new ID that i use, and its my Xbox Live ID.
O + B are my initials. the rest just sounded good.
I was also kinda casual goth back then. Guess philosophically I still kinda am, but I wear colors now.
lol thats awesome. goth definitely goes beyond what you wear. i am in the same boat. i dont have a wide range of colors, but i still have em lol.
Nathaniel = my name
Legionis, genitive singular of Legio meaning legion in Latin...
"Nathaniel of Legion"
legio mihi nomen est, quia multum sumus.
My name is Legion for we are many... one of my favorite quotes... :respect:
Mine means that I work too hard and customize almost all things in life. :wink::greendude: nice
Italian StallionNice to meet you bro :-) We are very honored to meet you here.
Rocky Marciano- the real italian stallion and the only boxer to even go 49-0-0 with 43 knockouts.
Also im Italian and when i was younger i got into a fight with the school bully and broke his nose and hand. ever since its been like a joke among me and my friends.
my real name is Michele Rocco Caniglia tho.
Nice to meet you bro :-) We are very honored to meet you here.Nice to see you in :thumb:
Thanks guys. I am honored to get to learn here. Maybe ill be the champ one day. (not likely though)Maybe you will :thumb:
Digory is my name.... :whahaa:whahaa that's a unique name bro!
Digory is my name.... :whahaa
My Last name sounds similar to the Saltytoes. And And after many years of kids making jokes and i was younger it kinda stuck with me And everyone just called me Salty for short. Found out one of my closest friends now started the Saltytoes back when we were younger when we were enemies. Over the years my name kept Adapting from Salty, To OldSalty , And even Cap'n Salty. So OlsAlty Is just Shortened OldSalty.
Very nice Thread idea!