How many butt cheeks are in the world total?
Im a bee and have had a couple chicks so yes...
dinosaur had egg
there was no chick when there was dinosaur
egg was first
dinosaur had egg
there was no chick when there was dinosaur
egg was first
What no one can answer my stupid question?? :hide:
i never thought of that :clap :clap
no question afterwords so ill suggest one- why is pizza so amazing
So what your saying is that the Dinosaur put the first chicken on this planet...lolll what a silly question I brought up...but nobody can answer it logically...cause nobody really knows...i didn't see any mention of a chicken egg :ninja:
honestly people....someones got to tell me what came first "the egg or the chick"??? I get confused if its to hard of a question...The egg came first, Dinosaurs had eggs.
loll :whahaa :craze
i didn't see any mention of a chicken egg :ninja:
there was ice ... just kidding, we all know that the cube reconfigure it-self so this is a room where the floor became the ceiling, and as he was trapped by the neck by a rope bear trap that was on the floor when he entered the room, so he didn't hang himself, the room did
how come he got trapped by a rope bear trap ?
not that stupid of a question if you can answer it...
a man is in a square room....hanged in the middle of the room and too high to reac the cord that hangs him...theres a puddle of water under him..and there's there basicly NOTHING in the room to help him hang himself...
My question did he hang himself?
That one is easy he stood on a block of ice!!
Ok Where does the wind come from?
it's like laughter, it's more fun when others join in
where do flies go at night?
because there's still people who answer...
where did that penguin get those cymbals???
cause we can't lick it, therefore we can't kiss it as when you lick, your tonge usually get out of your mouth and so can access area beyond lips access, and if your tongue can't, your lips can't.
why is it raining ?
Because the lord our god wanted us all to look like absolute retards, trying to lick it!
Why am I so tipsy after this party?
cos the little toe is the rebel livin on the edge.
why is there nothing on tv?
your dog is looking at you thinking " now thats a big assed steak"
why is up up and down down?
-I think your dog is hoping your gonna scratch is BAWLS for him...lolI think you're right..
-and why is up up and down down....for the same reason left is left and right maybe wrong
I think you're right..
Why didn't you ask a stupid question?
Do you really think I'm bright enough to think of a stupid quesiton? ...lolll
Because it doesn't take a lot of effort and you know your not supposed to be doing it.
How did Spam get it's name?
me lol
why is there different colours
We can if we want to.It's made of pixels.
Whats with this guys afro? :mrgreen:
:craze What is he doing?he's doing a fingerspin, but he lost his chucks....
he's doing a fingerspin, but he lost his chucks....
No, it's a spectator who's hair Yayu accidentally lit up during his fire performance.
Follicles are specialised collections of cells that produce the keratin filaments which we call hair. The follicles are not continuously active and have three growth phases which vary in length depending upon where on the body surface they are. These three phases are the anagen phase, when the follicle is actively producing a hair, a catagen phase during which growth stops and the hair falls out, and a thelogen phase when the follicle rests before recommencing growth.
The relative lengths of these phases can alter depending upon the role of the follicle, and this governs the ultimate length of the resulting hair. So a pubic hair has an anagen phase lasting a few weeks, and eyelash a week or so and a head-hair several years.
Part of this behaviour is genetically hard-wired into the follicle, but some is also under hormonal or metabolic control. Malnutrition, low protein intake and decreased thyroxine levels, for instance, which contribute to a reduced metabolic rate can contribute to reduced hair growth and hair thinning.
why is ky yours and mine sooo damn awesome?
Why do they put braille on objects that blind people will never find (like restroom doors, and ATM machines)???
is a doner kebab made of donor patients flesh.
ie DONOR kebab
answer is nil
No thanks, it makes me dizzy on Wednesdays... especially when there's 92 degrees outside.
If there's mint in menthol cigarette, is there tobacco in Mentos also?