Freestyle Forum

VIDEOS => D.I.Y. Guides => Cord/Chain Connectors => Topic started by: sLim1of100 on February 06, 2008, 09:07:19 AM

Title: Custom chain
Post by: sLim1of100 on February 06, 2008, 09:07:19 AM
so ive been working on these chux for a couple days and couldent stop my self from posting this vid
expect to see a free style wit them soon
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: rctrue on February 06, 2008, 09:16:50 AM
I like those chux man, nice job.
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: SpinStorm on February 06, 2008, 06:11:22 PM
Nice, crazy chain! I look forward to hearing how well it works  :thumb:
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: the4thdimensionalrabbit on February 07, 2008, 03:01:04 PM
very beautiful finishing :respect: :respect: I wanna see more video of this nunchaku :-) :-)
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: teno-d on February 08, 2008, 12:39:36 AM
Nice, crazy chain! I look forward to hearing how well it works  :thumb:

"I'm going off the rails on a crazy chain"

Sorry couldnt resist!

Looks interesting - cant wait to hear how it performs
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: G.I. JOE on February 08, 2008, 01:16:52 PM
nice job! :thumb:
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: psionics on February 12, 2008, 01:48:20 AM
I had my 1st chuck made of thick rope and helicopter ladder's PVC pipe. the relevance is the thick rope and it performs better. seeing this custom chain looks very good. but i dont know about thumbs rolls if applicable
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: igor on February 12, 2008, 10:10:28 PM
Dig the chain.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: Cyricx on February 29, 2008, 11:05:18 PM
Rock on. I talked with a friend about that option and our concerns were the links would work themselves loose from the momentum.

That and the weight at the head end of the chucks would hurt the rotation.

Let me know how it works out please! Looks awesome!!! :)
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: Fist Of Fury on March 08, 2008, 02:01:22 PM
i like the chain  :gogogo
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: Kevinjm on March 12, 2008, 12:43:35 AM
there could be some jewelry weaves that would work as well if made from something strong like stainless steel, check out byzantine weave, should come up on a google search, depending on the aspect ratio and the actual weight of the handle pieces, battons or whatever a custom chain could easily be done.  I can't quite tell but is that euro 4n1 folded over on itself?
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: sLim1of100 on March 31, 2008, 11:45:30 PM
yes it is. good eye it 4 thro 1 i just rooled it into a rope..made it from coat hangers it was cheap to make and im planing a totereal on making them.cus i broke this pair "testing" the strength of the chains so i gota make another pair..

  as of the links working them selfs lose its not as bad as i thought thare was one i didnt close like i should have it opend up but did not case failure becuse of the weaved nature of the chain

the chains are pretty good for rolling actualy ive only got some ruff clips of this pair ill post on youtube right after i post this  ...was going to make a better vid to show them off but my cam got swiped and i havnt replaced it as of going to see if i can barrow a friends so i can put together that step by step on thease so i can get some more feed back and u guys can add a new pair to your collections :chuck: :chuck:

idk how soon it will be but im going to try to at least shot the video tonight cus i really miss this pair it quickly became my fav
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: Panda on April 02, 2008, 03:20:01 PM
Here are some weaves I made a few years ago. The normal trizantine is in fact really flexible. The chaosspiral on the other hand might not work so good since it will stop twirling when it hits the "DNA-chain" position. Im not sure how strong these chains are but I will try the trizantine out in a short while.

Made a mistake. They were not byzantine but trizantine. 3 rings in every ring instead of the 2 in a normal byzantine... My mistake!

Here is a link how to make them:


Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: c2leader on April 02, 2008, 04:12:09 PM
look's really good.. :arg :arg
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: Kriztov on April 03, 2008, 10:38:57 PM
Beautiful chain work Panda  :thumb:
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: scd on April 04, 2008, 03:48:25 PM
omg panda that rocks you don´t sell them?  :lmfao:
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: Panda on April 04, 2008, 04:00:23 PM
Beautiful chain work Panda  :thumb:

Thank you!  :-D

omg panda that rocks you don´t sell them?  :lmfao:

Haha you wish! Well I could sell stuff but I dont make any atm. Got lots of rings to spare in a drawer though... Just too much time and effort involved.
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: Orre64 on April 14, 2008, 02:40:02 PM
Panda: That is some cool chains, think they would be easy to incorporate into a pair of nunchakus?

Oh and I've also noticed that you make damn fine custom metal nunchakus..! Where do you usually go looking to find your materials? I'm asking since I'm thinking about making a pair of metal nunchakus myself this summer. (And I too live in Sweden of course.) :-D
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: Panda on April 14, 2008, 03:47:56 PM
Panda: That is some cool chains, think they would be easy to incorporate into a pair of nunchakus?

Oh and I've also noticed that you make damn fine custom metal nunchakus..! Where do you usually go looking to find your materials? I'm asking since I'm thinking about making a pair of metal nunchakus myself this summer. (And I too live in Sweden of course.) :-D

Well thank you!  :-D


Vart bor du? Eftersom jag bor i Stockholmstrakten så gick jag till Metallvaruhuset som ligger i Lunda industriområde. Men huvudföretaget Tibnor finns runt omkring i Sverige.

Så det borde finnas ett någonstans nära dig skulle jag tro. Tycker det var enklast att gå till de för att de kapar upp allt åt en efter önskemål. Annars borde det finnas i järnhandeln skulle jag tro eller nåt av de stora wannabe-byggföretagen, K-Rauta etc.

Säg till om du behöver tips eller råd.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: Orre64 on April 14, 2008, 07:17:01 PM

Najs! Ska nog inte vara några problem att hitta nåt ställe här i Borås som kapar på beställning. (Och nu lite engelska så att ingen lackar, hehe.)

Right now I'm working on a pair of wooden chucks with drilled slots for glowsticks, but when I'm starting the project maybe I'll be in touch. :)
Title: Re: Custom chain
Post by: Marlon Bangkil on April 02, 2017, 01:58:27 AM
so ive been working on these chux for a couple days and couldent stop my self from posting this vid
expect to see a free style wit them soon