Freestyle Forum

VIDEOS => D.I.Y. Guides => Others => Topic started by: G.I. JOE on March 11, 2008, 04:10:55 PM

Title: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: G.I. JOE on March 11, 2008, 04:10:55 PM
A long time ago there was an epic battle between the FIRE and ICE Nation..... Their Elder's want to end this long war for good, they decided and end it with an agreement that each tribe will represent their own champion to battle on a rocky mountain called, BURSTONE. Who ever will be victorious will win a free trip to Disney Land all expense are NOT paid..... From the FIRE Tribe - Vulcan, Son of Azkabar, King of Fire Nation and from the ICE Clan - ZeroCool, Son of StoneCold, Ruler of Magic Mountain.  .....and so the Battle Begins........

.......10,000 years later..... a young lad say this is full of CRAP!!!
(sorry for my bad english)

Ice Nunchaku - Man, this thing is cold..... I can't even hold it for a straight 1minute long...... I know, some member's of this board are Fire Spinners, but I think, I'm the only "Stupid" guy who's willing to be an Ice Spinners or Ice chucker...... hehehe.....

If i find some more free time on my hands, I'll try to make a much nicer Ice Nunchaku.






You can do some basic tricks with this!

1. Clear Plastic Bag
2. Nylon Cord or any cord...
3. Water, Soda, Wine, Beer, Ice Cream or any liquid you like....
4. Nylon Cable Ties

Thanks for looking!
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: karatevideoguy on March 11, 2008, 04:11:55 PM
That is very cool (pun intended) :whahaa :whahaa :arg :arg :gogogo :gogogo :clap :clap
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: c2leader on March 11, 2008, 04:20:15 PM
 :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:
man that's so cool :D big  :respect: ...
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: moomin-mama on March 11, 2008, 09:16:03 PM
that is mental, man. i love it!  :gogogo
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: Lallaren on March 11, 2008, 09:33:39 PM
wicked dude!
they look awesome :greendude:
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: staff savvy sista on March 11, 2008, 10:43:39 PM
hahah cool idea.
have an applaud for your hassle. :thumb:
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: EleManT24 on March 11, 2008, 11:22:49 PM
When you kill someone, the evidence will melt away... :ninja:
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: Matt-Chez on March 12, 2008, 01:30:48 AM
i was thinking about that but couldnt figure out how i'd go about making them!!  you should definitely do at least a 30 second vid or something!

  :respect: :respect: :respect:

when you stab a man in the dead of winter,,, steam rises from the wound,,... the native americans believed that this was his soul esacping from his body,
 :mosher: :mosher: :mosher: :mosher: :mosher: :mosher: :mosher: :mosher: :mosher: :mosher: :mosher:

c'mon you know this!
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: karatevideoguy on March 12, 2008, 01:57:11 AM
Try making them kinda flat and do the wheel that would a great way t ocool off during summer?!
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: G.I. JOE on March 13, 2008, 05:43:44 AM
Thanks for the kind words guys! I'll try to make a video, but it won't be that cool since I'm still not good with my nunchaku.....
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: ayr3s on March 13, 2008, 12:51:47 PM
 :clap cool XD
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: Kriztov on March 13, 2008, 01:24:51 PM
That'd be one way to get around anti-nunchuck laws - just have a nunchaku mould in your freezer  :thumb:

Cops come over - smash the evidence!

I'm guessing they break pretty easy if you drop them, and there is the numb-hand problem, but still wicked pics - would love to see a vid  :-)
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: psionics on March 13, 2008, 01:42:22 PM
Well.. It's not just the "coolest" chux, but also the "Cheapest" one! Cheers! :thumb:
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: SixtyFourWarrior on March 13, 2008, 01:56:40 PM
LOL very good idea man !  :lmfao:

Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: G.I. JOE on March 13, 2008, 03:41:05 PM
That'd be one way to get around anti-nunchuck laws - just have a nunchaku mould in your freezer  :thumb:

Cops come over - smash the evidence!

I'm guessing they break pretty easy if you drop them, and there is the numb-hand problem, but still wicked pics - would love to see a vid  :-)

Yeah, in some way they do break easily, but if it's still freezing ice cold even when you drop it 1 or 3 times they only make an ice crack (still, they break!). But if it's starting to melt that's were the problems goes and need to put them back in the freezer for repairs..... there's also a problem when you took it out from the fridge, it's to cold for me to handle so I need to wash them for a few seconds to diffuse some coldness.....
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: Kriztov on March 13, 2008, 04:36:58 PM
Hmmm... how about wrapping them in cellophane, wouldn't that make them touchable without speeding up the melting process with water?
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: SpinStorm on March 13, 2008, 04:44:54 PM
Great idea. I would wear gloves though, being cold isnt my idea of fun. Now, next step, how do we set them on fire without them melting?  :evil:
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: Lallaren on March 13, 2008, 05:04:09 PM
Great idea. I would wear gloves though, being cold isnt my idea of fun. Now, next step, how do we set them on fire without them melting?  :evil:
that would be pretty sweet, and i bet that its possible too :greendude:
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: Kevinjm on March 14, 2008, 08:24:54 PM
if you had a way to vibrate your mould in the freezer, the ice would come out crystal clear and harder.  Try letting the water set and room temp for a day or so, the idea is getting all the air bubbles out, that will make it look clear.  It would be possible to create a cavity in the bottom for some sort of flamable item, you could do like a wick in a candle kind of thing.
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: G.I. JOE on March 18, 2008, 02:04:52 PM
Look, what I have found at the grocery store..... an Ice Pops.... won't break even when dropped 5 times! see page 1 for pictures

it taste good too! :-D
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: ayr3s on March 19, 2008, 12:59:17 AM
and if you tie up some lines in the sticks!!! then it would have a grip and it would be harder to let it slip away!!
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: power13 on March 19, 2008, 03:38:32 PM
Sweet, im gonna make alot of these in summer and store them in a cooler and bring em to the beach! and  :chuck:
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: Aras on April 17, 2008, 10:39:47 PM
That's cool. Would be cooler with pure ice though, without that plastic stuff. Slippy but cooler ^^
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: blue anarchist on June 01, 2008, 05:34:10 AM
so freezing awesome !... :wink: ...
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: A$H on June 01, 2008, 06:00:57 AM

You can always drink them if you feel thirsty! :smoke:
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: ferret on July 08, 2008, 05:37:24 AM
how would you go with dry ice.

we buy it in sheets here for varouse reasons and even with a daily temperature of 30 deg C the ice lasts for hours
Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: G.I. JOE on July 08, 2008, 06:21:36 PM
that would be a cool idea, ferret. But I don't have an access to a near dry ice seller..... I've thought of that before with water to make some smoking effect.....

Title: Re: Home Made - Silly ICE Nunchaku
Post by: Marlon Bangkil on April 02, 2017, 12:52:54 AM
A long time ago there was an epic battle between the FIRE and ICE Nation..... Their Elder's want to end this long war for good, they decided and end it with an agreement that each tribe will represent their own champion to battle on a rocky mountain called, BURSTONE. Who ever will be victorious will win a free trip to Disney Land all expense are NOT paid..... From the FIRE Tribe - Vulcan, Son of Azkabar, King of Fire Nation and from the ICE Clan - ZeroCool, Son of StoneCold, Ruler of Magic Mountain.  .....and so the Battle Begins........

.......10,000 years later..... a young lad say this is full of CRAP!!!
(sorry for my bad english)

Ice Nunchaku - Man, this thing is cold..... I can't even hold it for a straight 1minute long...... I know, some member's of this board are Fire Spinners, but I think, I'm the only "Stupid" guy who's willing to be an Ice Spinners or Ice chucker...... hehehe.....

If i find some more free time on my hands, I'll try to make a much nicer Ice Nunchaku.






You can do some basic tricks with this!

1. Clear Plastic Bag
2. Nylon Cord or any cord...
3. Water, Soda, Wine, Beer, Ice Cream or any liquid you like....
4. Nylon Cable Ties

Thanks for looking!