Freestyle Forum
DISCUSSION => Off Topic => Spam Games => Topic started by: Rellizate on August 29, 2008, 11:27:17 PM
Starting a new game here, it's called the Prediction game. Very easy, all you do is make a predicition about the next poster and the next poster has to say whether it's correct or not, then make their own predicition.
I'll start:
The next poster will be from the UK.
Wrong. The next poster wiill be a male chucker, right hand dominant :-D
True. :D
The next poster will prefer corded chucks over chain.
True :D
The Next poster will prefer wooden chux :)
Yeah I guess that could be said to be true.
The next poster's name will begin with "K"?
True (In case of my real name its false but I guess KillerBee counts as my name.
The next poster will have some martial art as hobby
next poster will wear a g string :lmfao:
nope! but my guitar has a g-string
next poster will be over the age of 22
Oh yea I passed that aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg time ago.
The next poster will not be you!
wrong the next poster is me not you
the next poster will be you
Wrong it is ME!!!!!
The next poster will under the age of 16 and will be skipping school to post here!
19, no school, no life. Just nunchucks and torch fuel
Next person probably has a less frowned upon life than me :lol:
hard to tell for certain since i lack the full and compleate knowledge of how frowned upon your life is....
the next poster will have wished they could be a girl for a day
The next poster wants to turn into a POKEMON!!!
no id rather digivolve
the next poster will be .... posting something funnier than I did
sorry, nothing funny here.
The next poster will be a "spam zone" fan
Nope not at all this is my first post
the next poster will have brown hair.
sorry you're wrong.
the next poster will be from UK
nope, sorry :P
The next poster will be someone who have more than 500posts on this forum
nah, but close enough :lol:
the next poster will be a guy from an island
Nope. Pennsylvania, USA (although I am a guy)
The next poster will posting the next post :wink:
sorry, I'm posting the CURRENT post...
the next poster will be posting in english!
no I am posting in British
the next poster will have an avatar