Freestyle Forum

DISCUSSION => Archive => Nunchaku Reviews & Stores => 2008 => Topic started by: thievingscoundrel on September 21, 2008, 04:55:15 PM

Title: nunchaku carrier
Post by: thievingscoundrel on September 21, 2008, 04:55:15 PM
I got tired of having to carry all my chuks when I went places so I decided to buy a Nunchaku Caddy and give it a try. I had to get the large model though they do come in smaller sizes and other colors. I can pack up to 24 pairs without a problem and it comes with a guarantee that you will never have your chuks stolen, although they may get chewed once in a while. The best feature is that when you throw your chuks at a target, there is an auto-retrieval built in. All in all its a very good buy.
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: chuckcamo on September 21, 2008, 05:19:56 PM

:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: i have a different model but its not working right now.....
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: Orre64 on September 21, 2008, 08:16:17 PM
My parents have a chuck carrier, but they only use him as a pet. :craze
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: Rellizate on September 22, 2008, 07:59:29 PM
I don't have any form of chuck carriers (other than a backpack :p) they smell too much. :P Plus my mum is allergic.
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: psionics on September 29, 2008, 12:20:52 PM
 :lmfao: nice doggy!
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: jmvicuna on September 29, 2008, 04:22:12 PM

Great idea!!

Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: karatevideoguy on October 02, 2008, 12:16:36 AM
This Lady that runs this site can make custom Nunchaku cases.
She can make any case you want and her hakamas are great too.
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: Oz on October 02, 2008, 12:36:17 AM
your nunchaku carrier even poses for the camera!!!!
and comes with a sad face that tells "please... don't steal my chucks"
nice one!!
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: EleManT24 on October 07, 2008, 09:08:08 AM
This Lady that runs this site can make custom Nunchaku cases.
She can make any case you want and her hakamas are great too.

Sorry if I missed something, but are there any pictures of the actual products that aren't drawn with markers? :lol:
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: karatevideoguy on October 07, 2008, 02:04:02 PM

Sorry if I missed something, but are there any pictures of the actual products that aren't drawn with markers? :lol:

Those are just there to give you an idea of the style. They are all custom made.
contact her at
she can probalby send you some photos of recent work. This is a new web site for her that is why tere are no pics yet.
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: Oz on October 07, 2008, 10:54:34 PM

Sorry if I missed something, but are there any pictures of the actual products that aren't drawn with markers? :lol:

 :lmfao: you're right... i visited the site, but didn't notice lol
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: karatevideoguy on October 15, 2008, 05:01:19 PM
I was at a tounement in Minnesota this past weekend and the Hakama Lady was there so I took some pictues with my phone of nunchaku cases that she had with her. She can make anything you want.
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: psionics on October 15, 2008, 11:12:29 PM

keep on the topic plz..(even though the topic itself doesn't goes for product review, just for fun hehe)  8-)  you can make a separate topic for promoting a product review for for better visibility

This Lady that runs this site can make custom Nunchaku cases.
She can make any case you want and her hakamas are great too.

Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: thievingscoundrel on October 15, 2008, 11:28:26 PM
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the Hakama Lady's carriers won't protect your chucks near as good as the Bullmastiff carrier! :lol:
Title: Re: nunchaku carrier
Post by: Marlon Bangkil on August 03, 2018, 08:57:21 AM
I got tired of having to carry all my chuks when I went places so I decided to buy a Nunchaku Caddy and give it a try. I had to get the large model though they do come in smaller sizes and other colors. I can pack up to 24 pairs without a problem and it comes with a guarantee that you will never have your chuks stolen, although they may get chewed once in a while. The best feature is that when you throw your chuks at a target, there is an auto-retrieval built in. All in all its a very good buy.
