Freestyle Forum
COMMUNITY => Archive => Welcome Lobby => 2008 => Topic started by: Zonakusu on November 30, 2008, 06:17:21 PM
Hey ppl!
Im a nunchaku-ka from the Netherlands, i train the WNA style nunchaku.
Hope we'll get allong :)
Welcome Zonakusu! We are glad you join us! Is very good to see new faces around here, and view different inspirations! And we also have some members from WNA! I hope your time here would be the best you can have. You will notice that here we work as a peer-to-peer community, were you can learn from others, at the same time to teach us what you know! Here at we thrive to progress freestyle nunchaku, and to help you get even better at the nunchaku! This forum is based in different categories, each one about different stuff.
You can start viewing our competitions and the Ladder Battles (the continuous competition we got here) in this links:
- Ladder Battles -
- Old Competitions -
Or you can test your luck in the challenge section, and also view the currents records we got in Freestyle (Nunchaku) Forum (FNF):
- Challenges -
- Nunchaku records -
Also, if you have any moves you want to share with us, or see new ones, the tutorial section will be your zone! And also, if you want to make your own nunchaku, or have some ideas, go to the Do It Yourself (D.I.Y.) guide:
- D.I.Y. Build section -
- Tutorials -
For the end of my welcome, I leave you with the fire section, were you would find everything you need (incluiding the SAFETY GUIDE!) and try to give us your YouTube username, so we can view your videos and don’t miss anything!
- Fire Nunchaku/Safety -
- Forum/Youtube profile list -
We hope you like this forum, and make us know if you need anything else! Also, in the up-right corner, there´s a search option, that you may find very useful to search for specifics stuff!
Hi Zonakusu!!
Hope you find here what you're looking for! Hope to watch a vid from you soon, don't be shy!
Happy chucking!
Welcome to the forum :-)
Hey welcome to the forum man!
Glad you decided to join, It's a great community and you will fit in perfectly! :greendude:
cool to see more wna people migrate over here. welcome and check out the world cup. it is in january and the more the merrier!
welcome to the threads dude..enjoy!
Welcome 2 the Forum :thumb:
Have Fun!!
:welcome: Zonakusu who trains the WNA style nunchaku :ninja:
Hi Zonakusu! Welcome to the forum :)