Freestyle Forum

DISCUSSION => Archive => Nunchaku Reviews & Stores => 2009 => Topic started by: alextaku on August 18, 2009, 06:01:04 PM

Title: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: alextaku on August 18, 2009, 06:01:04 PM
 8-) :lol:    We are a manufacturer of Kongfu articles of nunchakus in China and we have a lot of nunchakus for your kindly reference. They are made of pure [desc=]stainless steel[/desc] of perfect polishing. With the design of our Kongfu master Mr. Liyancai--the best Nunchakus player in China and the chairman of China Nunchakus Association, and Yehanbing--the best Nunchakus player in South China. We are the official supplier for Chinese Nunchaku Association. Our nunchakus are high grade products in observation, with nice hand feeling, and perfect for both performance and exercises. Attaching is the photos for your kindly reference.


Product Description:
Made of international standard 204 stainless steel
Weight : 350g
Stick Length : 28 cm
Two Stick Distence : 19.5 cm
Color : Silver white
Our company contact information are as follows:
Company: Zhengqi Sports Goods Co. Ltd
Sales office:  Room 701, No.1 Chunhua Road, Longhua Town, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
TEL: 86-755-28106772,86-13530591386
FAX: 86-755-29825564

Please see our nunchakus of Silver Fire as follows:  
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Choggy on August 18, 2009, 06:26:41 PM
Must admit... those are indeed beautiful nunchakus...  :arg
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: alextaku on August 18, 2009, 07:23:58 PM
We can deliver it by DHL to everywhere around the world in less than 3 days, and the cost is not high.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Levi on August 18, 2009, 07:24:34 PM
 :welcome: to the forum Alex :bow: :bow:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: theraven39 on August 18, 2009, 07:33:21 PM
So what kind of swivel assembly do those have, and how much do they cost in US dollars?  Also, I don't speak any dialect of chinese, so is there anywhere I'd be able to see the site in English?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: psionics on August 18, 2009, 08:33:48 PM
you can order directly to him via pm'ing, your-skype-to-his-number or email

those stainless nunchaku are engraved with great design aswell.  :-o
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Aerialist East on August 18, 2009, 09:12:25 PM
I have ly yan cis dvd...awesome!
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Steph [TDO] on August 18, 2009, 09:28:01 PM
I saw your blog some months ago for your engraved chucks, they are beautiful !  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: alextaku on August 19, 2009, 02:01:47 AM
Hello, can  you see the photos on this site: (we do not have other English site for the moment, and if you have any questions, please ask me dirently or send me an email to:

The unit price withour dragon LOGO is USD15.00, and for nunchakus with dragon LOGO, it is USD38.00/PC.

We can send it by DHL courier which can deliver to your door in 2~3 days.

So what kind of swivel assembly do those have, and how much do they cost in US dollars?  Also, I don't speak any dialect of chinese, so is there anywhere I'd be able to see the site in English?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: theraven39 on August 19, 2009, 03:29:25 AM
Yeah, I can see the pictures, I was just wondering whether the chain was just attached to a stationary eyelet or whether there was any sort of ball bearing assembly or whatever.  Anyway, the price is pretty decent, and the quality looks solid.  I'll probably invest in a pair or two eventually.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Choggy on August 19, 2009, 06:21:21 AM
So what kind of swivel assembly do those have, and how much do they cost in US dollars?  Also, I don't speak any dialect of chinese, so is there anywhere I'd be able to see the site in English?

As far as I've seen it's a T-Swivel. Just got myself elsewhere 3 pairs (wooden) w/ T-Swivel, plus the steel one I already had and I must admit it's the best type of chain-to-stick attachment I've ever used.

Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: ZeroLWD on August 20, 2009, 12:14:54 PM
Must admit... those are indeed beautiful nunchakus...  :arg
seconded :arg
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: alextaku on August 20, 2009, 02:09:06 PM
Good. Send your confirmation to my email: once you have the decision.

Yeah, I can see the pictures, I was just wondering whether the chain was just attached to a stationary eyelet or whether there was any sort of ball bearing assembly or whatever.  Anyway, the price is pretty decent, and the quality looks solid.  I'll probably invest in a pair or two eventually.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: zwy6art on August 21, 2009, 03:00:09 AM
They are 11" chucks. :(
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Choggy on August 21, 2009, 06:20:41 AM
They are 11" chucks. :(

well... fortunately i'm not that 'the longer the better' type  :lmfao:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: fermatjen on August 21, 2009, 07:07:33 AM
well... fortunately i'm not that 'the longer the better' type  :lmfao: too.....11"  inch is quite decent.  :chuck:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Choggy on August 21, 2009, 07:08:07 AM too.....11"  inch is quite decent.  :chuck:

ummm... nunchaku-wise!  :lmfao:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Berserkergang on August 24, 2009, 04:39:43 AM
I think 12" is pushing the too small limit for me. I prefer 14"

I know Dogfighter uses 12" chucks when he fights, I keep telling him he needs 14"-16" chucks since he's so tall. :roll:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: alextaku on August 26, 2009, 12:37:56 PM
We can make customized length for you. to be 30CM or 33CM is also OK.

And we can make the chain customized too, for example: 5 links or 7 links.

Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Ultimateria on August 26, 2009, 01:40:41 PM
We can make customized length for you. to be 30CM or 33CM is also OK.

And we can make the chain customized too, for example: 5 links or 7 links.


I have got one at home... Of course I'm ready to buy another one in 350 g. And even 2 news!

Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: dragonmonster on September 09, 2009, 10:21:29 PM
Hi everyone,

I just recently order from Alex. He is really friendly and gave me a superb service.

I custom made 3 nunchakus. One with 30cm sticks and 4 chain links and with the 2 rings on the chain and the stuff in the
sticks removed, because I wanted a chuck that I can practice at night.  I also got 2 with 7 chain links with 28cm sticks,
the rings on the chain and the stuff inside the sticks make some awesome sounds if you wants to show off :-D
I also receive 3 black nunchakus bags, that even separate the sticks from each other.

Many people wonder if the conection between the chain to the stick, if it rotates or not. It rotates, but I don´t think it have
ball bearings. For me it´s a plus, because I heard that ballbearings don´t last for long. So with this I feel saftier to use at home, when
I have so much stuff. The metall is very shinny, I can tell you for sure if you show this chuck to a friend, they will say that this is a highend product.
Mine got the Silver fire logo engraved in chinese (very nice caligrafi style) and it looks very nice. Since I´m pretty new at nuchakus, I feel that nuchakus from Silver Fire is very easy to controll, very smooth to swing.

Thanks Alex for a great service and for those 3 high-end chucks for a fantastic price. When I have more money I´m sure I will buy one with the dragon & phoenix engraved. This 3 chucks are now my favourite ones.

If anyone wants a nice nunchaku in stainless steel, this one won´t disappoint you. I highly recommend it to everyone. I´m in an another city right now, when I´m home again I will make a better review. Thanks.
We can make customized length for you. to be 30CM or 33CM is also OK.

And we can make the chain customized too, for example: 5 links or 7 links.


Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: TuKongChucks on September 10, 2009, 02:30:54 AM
I just sent a PM let me know if you got it, im not sure if it sent out.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Choggy on September 10, 2009, 06:39:25 AM

Many people wonder if the conection between the chain to the stick, if it rotates or not. It rotates, but I don´t think it have
ball bearings.

Bro, I honestly think they're T-Swivels. Every Chinese nunchaku I have has T-Swivels. My favorite type of linkage  :thumb:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: dragonmonster on September 10, 2009, 10:18:13 PM
I just wonder, if it rotates, does it call T-swivels too? Try to learn all the names of the nunchuks  :-)

Bro, I honestly think they're T-Swivels. Every Chinese nunchaku I have has T-Swivels. My favorite type of linkage  :thumb:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Choggy on September 11, 2009, 07:09:33 AM
I just wonder, if it rotates, does it call T-swivels too? Try to learn all the names of the nunchuks  :-)

Yep, that's them, they rotate. If they don't (the chain is connected to a bolt/screw perpendicular to the stick) that's the H-Swivel.  :wink:

The T-Swivel is basically... try to imagine a coin with a peg welded to it's center, the chain connected to that peg...


Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: psionics on September 12, 2009, 05:40:48 AM
haha! excellent!! H-Swivel, very nicely named!  :thumb:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Levi on September 12, 2009, 11:01:33 AM
brilliant  :lmfao:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Choggy on September 14, 2009, 07:13:36 AM
haha! excellent!! H-Swivel, very nicely named!  :thumb:

well... it looks like an "H"  :hide: :lmfao:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: alextaku on September 16, 2009, 02:27:54 AM
Well, the connection is not a ballbearing, it is our special technology much better than a ballbearing, and it uses stainless steel for jewelry material so it is extremely durable,too. ^  ^

well... it looks like an "H"  :hide: :lmfao:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Jam£$ on September 19, 2009, 10:15:09 PM
I really like the look of those nunchaku Alex , I would like to buy a pair but the web site won't work in my browser ,

is there any other way for me to buy some? as I really would like a 33cm stick ,7 link chain with "LOVE" engraved on one stick and "HATE" engraved on the other

Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: alextaku on September 20, 2009, 03:54:19 AM
Actually it is not totally an "H" though. And it has the same funciton as an "H".  :chuck:

well... it looks like an "H"  :hide: :lmfao:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: giapti2003 on October 29, 2009, 01:12:15 PM
Yo, I've just got the 2 woods nunchuks made by Alex. 1 Ichi and 1 Ebony wood.
He's very kind and the 2 nunchuks are very beautiful.
Thank you Alex ^^
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: o0oDWDNSo0o on October 29, 2009, 01:14:29 PM
indeed these look beautiful!!! :2thumbsup:
Have fun with them, take care and keep on chuckin,

Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: puati711 on October 29, 2009, 02:03:35 PM
sweetttt chux O_O I love the cordss. Cant afford ta buy one, damn!!! Savin money!
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: psionics on October 29, 2009, 03:10:56 PM
Looks good!  :thumb:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: alextaku on October 29, 2009, 04:34:30 PM
Glad to hear that!   It is my pleasure! ^ ^  Have fun with the chux! They smelled sweet actually----the redwood.  :happy-firey: :-P

Yo, I've just got the 2 woods nunchuks made by Alex. 1 Ichi and 1 Ebony wood.
He's very kind and the 2 nunchuks are very beautiful.
Thank you Alex ^^
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: TuKongChucks on October 29, 2009, 07:36:45 PM
Wow those are very beautiful.  I love the grain on the wood.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: lyricsong on April 22, 2010, 12:36:24 PM
Dear Sir, :-)
How are you?  We are a manufacturer of Kongfu articles of nunchakus in China and hope to contact everyone who likes nunchakus.
We are glad to inform you that we have a lot of nunchakus for your kindly reference. They are made of pure [desc=]stainless steel[/desc] of perfect polishing. With the design of our Kongfu master Mr. Liyancai--the best Nunchakus player in China and the chairman of China Nunchakus Association, and Yehanbing--the best Nunchakus player in South China. We are the official supplier for Chinese Nunchaku Association. Our nunchakus are high grade products in observation, with nice hand feeling, and perfect for both performance and exercises. Attaching is the photos for your kindly reference.


Product Description:
Made of international standard 204 stainless steel
Weight : 350g
Stick Length : 28 cm
Two Stick Distence : 19.5 cm
Color : Silver white
Our company contact information are as follows:
Company: Zhengqi Sports Goods Co. Ltd
Sales office:  Room 701, No.1 Chunhua Road, Longhua Town, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
TEL: 86-755-28106772,86-13530591386
FAX: 86-755-29825564

Please see our nunchakus of Silver Fire as follows:

is there any place in Korea that I can go get it?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: o0oDWDNSo0o on April 23, 2010, 08:57:12 AM
Dear Alex, thank you for providing such perfect material....I hope you will hear soon from me! :wink:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: alextaku on April 24, 2010, 09:42:25 AM
No. we do not have agent in Korea for the moment. Buyig from China, I think the price would not be too high with DHL delivery fee. 8-) :-D
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: theaaa1 on April 24, 2010, 02:31:16 PM
sweet im going to buy a pair in to months saving all my birhtday money
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: alextaku on April 24, 2010, 03:57:28 PM
Dear Alex, thank you for providing such perfect material....I hope you will hear soon from me! :wink:

Nice,  I am longing to that.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: njanimal on April 24, 2010, 04:33:15 PM
Yo, I've just got the 2 woods nunchuks made by Alex. 1 Ichi and 1 Ebony wood.
He's very kind and the 2 nunchuks are very beautiful.
Thank you Alex ^^
man those are hellasweet. i want some myself but i got the italian flu right now, dafundzalo.
how is the weight & feel on those beauties?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: wrksnfx on June 03, 2010, 11:22:54 PM
8-) :lol:    We are a manufacturer of Kongfu articles of nunchakus in China and we have a lot of nunchakus for your kindly reference. They are made of pure [desc=]stainless steel[/desc] of perfect polishing. With the design of our Kongfu master Mr. Liyancai--the best Nunchakus player in China and the chairman of China Nunchakus Association, and Yehanbing--the best Nunchakus player in South China. We are the official supplier for Chinese Nunchaku Association. Our nunchakus are high grade products in observation, with nice hand feeling, and perfect for both performance and exercises. Attaching is the photos for your kindly reference.


Product Description:
Made of international standard 204 stainless steel
Weight : 350g
Stick Length : 28 cm
Two Stick Distence : 19.5 cm
Color : Silver white
Our company contact information are as follows:
Company: Zhengqi Sports Goods Co. Ltd
Sales office:  Room 701, No.1 Chunhua Road, Longhua Town, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
TEL: 86-755-28106772,86-13530591386
FAX: 86-755-29825564

Please see our nunchakus of Silver Fire as follows:  

Man those Nunchucks look great how much in United States Dollars for 2 of them?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Arturas0705 on June 03, 2010, 11:52:08 PM
 :arg they look great  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Saverok on June 04, 2010, 08:10:38 AM
Man those Nunchucks look great how much in United States Dollars for 2 of them?

The unit price withour dragon LOGO is USD15.00, and for nunchakus with dragon LOGO, it is USD38.00/PC.

We can send it by DHL courier which can deliver to your door in 2~3 days.

Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: wrksnfx on June 05, 2010, 02:43:27 AM

cool thanks when I get some spare money I will be ordering me a pair.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: shiryu400 on June 23, 2010, 04:19:48 AM
I bought some of these from Alex. One is stainless steel with the rings on the chain. The other is black rosewood which is pretty heavy and almost completely black. I couldn't get a good picture of the rods of the steel one but I got my name etched into it. Prices depend on what you want (they're fully customizable) and you can contact Alex at




Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Levi on June 23, 2010, 09:42:56 AM
specs of the steel chuck?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: shiryu400 on June 23, 2010, 10:49:42 PM
8 3/4 inch rods and 7 inch chain, but you can get whatever length you want. They're not too heavy since they're not solid steel. Sorry don't know the exact weight.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 24, 2010, 03:37:17 AM
Alex how much for a pair of these bad boys?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Arturas0705 on June 24, 2010, 12:13:31 PM
Alex how much for a pair of these bad boys?
link is dead  :um:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Levi on June 24, 2010, 12:32:16 PM
8 3/4 inch rods and 7 inch chain, but you can get whatever length you want. They're not too heavy since they're not solid steel. Sorry don't know the exact weight.
I know all about Silver Fire.i was just curious about the specs.sticks looks short to me.
interesting when people dont know the weight of the chux.i cant live without knowing the weight.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 24, 2010, 04:12:07 PM
link is dead  :um:
It works when i click on it  :?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: TuKongChucks on June 24, 2010, 04:51:06 PM
link is dead  :um:
It works when i click on it  :?
Just like a warning or missing pic on the page in Japanese/Chinese iunno, for me too.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 25, 2010, 05:25:08 PM

Ok how bout now? And if it works how much for these?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Saverok on June 26, 2010, 07:53:15 AM
This same. Maybe upload it on imageshack or something?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 26, 2010, 04:54:59 PM
Ok if it doesnt work this time i give up.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: TuKongChucks on June 26, 2010, 05:01:18 PM
That works.  Yea there are some Fstylers on here that can tie fancy ties like that.  Heru and DanceswithSticks I know they do fancy ties, maybe ask them about it.  I think Heru has a video on how to tie a connection sort of like that.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: zwy6art on July 12, 2010, 03:53:44 PM
Can someone do a video review in English of the stainless steel classical Chinese chucks. I would love to purchase 2 pairs but am hesitant to do so until I see a video review (or a more thorough written review with pics of someone holding them - mainly just so I can size them up better in my mind). When I do get some I think I'll go with 12" with a 3 link chain and then from there if i want to change the chain links just do it myself.

But those Chinese chucks do look beautiful.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Saverok on July 12, 2010, 05:44:17 PM Here is review by Levi.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: zwy6art on July 13, 2010, 10:49:48 PM
I'm sold.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: GermanNunchuck on August 19, 2010, 09:03:38 PM
I just send you a mail alextaku  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Kuyper on April 06, 2012, 10:14:28 AM
Is silverfire still available?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: sclub on April 06, 2012, 10:59:30 AM
Yes!! It is!! I've bought two pairs just a week ago. They're awsome!! (Preparing a vid :p )

Mail Alex.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Kuyper on May 01, 2012, 08:16:49 AM
I sent email. I got no reply. I will try again tonight.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Renato on May 26, 2012, 02:54:08 AM
Do you received a reply Kuyper ?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: absolutezewoah on June 08, 2012, 03:19:20 AM
These look amazing!  And let me get this straight, they are $15 without shipping and without the dragon logo...but with the dragon logo the price more than doubles? That's pretty cheap in my opinion if you don't get it engraved!  Anyone have any idea how much they cost to ship 2 to the US?

Also, can anyone do a review?  It seems like Levi removed his from his channel :/
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: psionics on June 08, 2012, 07:29:50 AM
confirmed, that china is having an issue regarding exporting.. communications or the business itself is taking hold by the government.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: absolutezewoah on July 08, 2012, 03:52:23 PM
Has there been any more news on these?  I've been looking to order some, but if the company is going through problems, not much point to.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: WindUp34 on November 09, 2012, 08:34:50 PM
I've placed an order with these guys so we'll see how things work out. I've wanted a nice pair of legit Chinese metal chucks, and this'll be my first pair of chucks with a chain so I'm kind of excited to get them. I figured I'd post here because it seems like people weren't sure if they're still in business or not. I'll be sure to do a video review of them once I receive them.

Just some preliminary information:
They can adjust the length as you want them, along with the chain length.
The swivel that the chain connects to DOES rotate, I had to dig through this forum to find that info so I'll clarify that here.
They cost $35 for the regular metal ones. Shipping was kinda pricey at $35 but these are coming from China so what else would I expect.
I had some custom engraving done on the side that cost $15. I got the Chinese character for 7 put in there because I plan to change my name to that at some point.
There's a tassel in the picture [img=]http://HERE[/img] that I asked about, and the guy said he doesn't normally include that but he'd give me a red one with it for free as a "Christmas present" which I feel is pretty nice. I like people that go an extra mile.
The guy I was emailing was pretty nice and responded very timely and quickly. He said they'll be made within the next 7 days and will be shipped pretty quickly, I'm guessing I'll have them within the next 2 weeks so I'll post the vid once I get my hands on them.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: OSN999 on November 10, 2012, 02:49:31 AM
There's a tassel in the picture that I asked about, and the guy said he doesn't normally include that but he'd give me a red one with it for free as a "Christmas present" which I feel is pretty nice. I like people that go an extra mile.

 Now that you put this on the internet, everybody is going to want a free tassel with their order. :greendude:

I look forward to seeing your video and review of these.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Scorpion Ninja on November 10, 2012, 05:14:08 PM
Would you repost the vid please?
Title: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: alextaku on November 12, 2012, 11:04:42 AM

This web link is about the CHinese red luck tassel for Christmas or the decoration. It will soon be sent out soon to HorribleGhost (Brent) from USA.

 :-)  :clap 
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Levi on November 12, 2012, 10:53:38 PM
Hey Everybody
Just want to make sure you all checked the page i created on facebook. It's Alex's SIlver Fire Nunchakus.

Check it out and click  :like:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Marcus Patricius on November 12, 2012, 11:16:56 PM
 :thumb: clicked +karma
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Levi on November 13, 2012, 09:07:21 PM
:thumb: clicked +karma
Thanks Marcus !
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Levi on November 27, 2012, 03:06:54 PM

This web link is about the CHinese red luck tassel for Christmas or the decoration. It will soon be sent out soon to HorribleGhost (Brent) from USA.

 :-)  :clap 
Just got mine!!! i got a great nunchaku as always..
Silver Fire never dissapoints!!!!! :respect:
I will make a post these days..will try to take some pictures too.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: WindUp34 on November 27, 2012, 03:50:36 PM
You got yours? Great! I hope mine will be arriving any minute now! I'm really excited to get these, and I have something else I had ordered along with mine that I'm eagerly awaiting as well! :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: christ uzumaki on November 27, 2012, 05:09:16 PM
I'm also waiting the silver fire ... Can't wait chucking with the new one :chuck:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Levi on November 27, 2012, 07:55:28 PM
i love mine....this time i wanted something different and ...just WOW...
 10x :like:
Title: the Heavy Silver Fire Chux
Post by: alextaku on November 30, 2012, 04:51:24 PM
Of course, the heavy silver fire chux player will have more confidence on the wrist. He will be more strong on his wrist/arm strength, and more fierce on all movements, and the most important, the heavy silver fire chux will create a real killer---- a killer in less than one second!!! :happy-firey: :happy-firey: :chuck: :chuck:

i love mine....this time i wanted something different and ...just WOW...
 10x :like:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: WindUp34 on December 03, 2012, 06:22:50 PM
I just got mine today, and....

I'm going to try and make a review for them, and I'm going to hold off it and get some more practice with them, get to calm down with the hype of a new pair, but as of right now there's not 1 bad thing I think I could say about these.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: christ uzumaki on December 07, 2012, 05:44:06 PM
 :bigdance: mine has arrived today and it is very fantastic fit on me..and i'm going to sleep ith my hand holding my silver fire  :2thumbsup: and thank you so much Alex :respect: and nice bag too :clap can wait tomorow morning to practice :chuck:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: WindUp34 on December 07, 2012, 06:11:43 PM
I've had a few days to play with them, so I feel it's time to give a little write-up on them.

As far as the construction goes, these are really impressive. If you've ever checked out their gallery of photos (, you should have noticed how shiny and sleek they all look. They're pretty much a mirror finish. The connection does rotate, I know some people had asked about that before. As far as I can tell with a magnet, everything is made of aluminum except for the small bbs that are inside, which are steel. I'm honestly wondering how they make these, because from what I see the sticks are just 1 solid piece of aluminum, I don't see any seams or caps or anything like that, so I'm thinking maybe they just somehow got the connection in, put bbs inside and welded it shut and ground it so smooth they didn't leave any seam. Either way the chucks are extremely solid and durable. Even for aluminum I feel the only way I could dent these is by banging them on a metal post or something!

As far as the noise of them goes, it's way more intimidating than I could have expected. Most of the noise comes from the 4 bbs inside the chucks (2 in each stick) and the 2 rings that go around the chain. I had read somewhere that the rings didn't add much to the noise, but I disagree. I taped them down to the end of the chuck so they wouldn't move or make any noise, and they quieted down significantly. It seems like the rings make a lot more noise during things like wrist rolls, and the bbs make a lot more of the noise during things like strikes or bounces. Either way these are extremely loud, anyone in the house can probably hear these things when I swing them around XD With the flashy metal and all the noise they make, I think if you ever actually had to take these against someone, they wouldn't even get near you  :titter:

The weight is, of course, heavier than most of the wood chucks I've been using. They feel heavier than my Woodall's cocobolos, but yet they spin easier. That's sort of a weird thing I'm feeling with them is that despite their weight, they sort of... lie to you about it and feel really light and smooth. I had an experience a few days after doing a wrist roll over my head, and they just dropped right out of my hand because I forgot how heavy they actually were XD. It's also noticeable when I would try aerials, as they would wrist roll like my zebrawood, but throwing them in the air they suddenly felt heavier than my cocobolos do. It's not really a complaint, it's certainly a very different chuck from what I've been using the last few years and obviously would need some technique adjustments. Doing wrist rolls with them feels really good, I can see why Chinese styles love the wrist roll so much XD

Overall I paid I believe it was $85 USD ($30 for the chucks, $35 for shipping, and $15 for engraving). The price is very high for a pair of chucks. $15 was to engrave a small chinese 7 into them, which seemed a little high for something small like that, seeing as they had to engrave their logo into the bottom anyways. Shipping was also expensive, but it came from China to the US, and it left their place and made it to my house in a little over 48 hours which is DAMN impressive. They can combine shipping on doubles for a discounted price, which is good. I'm on a budget so I opted to just order the one. Overall these nunchucks are in the Woodall's price range, and I think it's fair to say that these are the Woodall's of metal chucks. I have seen they also make wood nunchucks, and I'm wondering how theirs compare to Woodall's.

I am still perfectly satisfied with these. It's great having a pair of chucks like these that are finally something new to play with after years of the same old stuff. I haven't tried them yet, but from what I've heard form other people, I'd imagine these are like the prochucks of metal nunchucks; something very different feeling, something actually new to play around with. Alex was also really great working with me and he replies to emails very quickly. Thanks again, Alex. I'm curious to hear what Levi and Uzumaki might have to say about them!

Edit: I forgot to mention he was nice enough to send a tassel with mine! Here's a picture of mine. I usually nickname all my chucks, and I'm trying to get the name "sevens" to stick, but I can't stop calling them "MY BABYS!" XD
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: christ uzumaki on December 08, 2012, 11:09:38 AM
Well, i'm totally agree with you mr horribleghost..good observation :thumb:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Levi on December 14, 2012, 11:16:53 PM
THanks for the review...what is my opinion? haha i said it since i first tried them...i was the first from FNF i guess...close to 3 years now.
THey are the best chux and most enjoyable!
For Everybody:
If you didnt like the page SIlver Fire nunchakus Official on facebook should...there are plenty info there and pics. profeesional and amateur pictures. And the cool that im in charge of the page  :-P
 :thumb: Keep on chucking FNF!
Here it is :!/pages/Silver-Fire-Nunchakus-Official/312866212057031
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: psionics on December 15, 2012, 02:52:26 AM
When I rise again from the poorhood, I will buy this silverfire chux...
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: christ uzumaki on December 15, 2012, 05:19:44 AM
When I rise again from the poorhood, I will buy this silverfire chux...
like your spirit  :like:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: christ uzumaki on December 15, 2012, 06:28:37 AM
my silver fire  :thumb:
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Galford Weller on December 15, 2012, 02:17:38 PM
I've already liked Silverfire's fan page recently, they have beautiful products.

I wish I could have money to buy some. I guess I need to be patient and save money.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: absolutezewoah on December 27, 2012, 12:35:43 PM
Ohhh if only I could offered the gosh darn shipping >.< 

Could someone tell me how loud they are by the way?  Would they be bothersome if I spun them by other people?
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Levi on December 27, 2012, 01:46:38 PM
They are pretty loud...i personally love the sound.
But if you think that will be a problem you can order them without the noise.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Galford Weller on December 27, 2012, 02:43:57 PM
Man, the last photos uploaded in the fan page are awesome. I mean, that dragon engrave is stunning.

I wonder if I will receive some money in my birthday to buy them.
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: Levi on December 28, 2012, 11:50:01 AM
I hope you will get the money :-D
Title: Re: Nunchakus of Silver Fire
Post by: christ uzumaki on December 29, 2012, 03:54:33 PM
One unique thing of silver fire is the sound..if no sound,you'll miss something good