Author Topic: Carbon Fiber Chux?  (Read 7493 times)

November 17, 2009, 03:01:28 PM
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hello DYI chuckers.

I searched for this but didnt really find anything...?
So my question is ...

anyone ever made a pair of Carbon Fiber Chux?

I have a friend who is a carbon fiber WIZARD he and I had a conversation yesterday wondering if it was possible to make a pair of carbon fiber chux ... he stated it would be easy as hell to make them we were just wondering if they would be heavy enough? He said they would be hollow, cause thats how the mold would be made... and we can take a mold off any pair of chucks out there...

does anyone have any thoughts about this?

I am thinking 12 in tapered chucks made of carbon fiber with paracord for a link?

or is this just a bad idea that in your experience wouldnt be good material for chux?


November 17, 2009, 04:25:24 PM
Reply #1


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As far as I know, noone has made any(Atleast they havent posted them up if so....if they have please correct me.)

I dont have really any knowledge about the material so weight I wouldnt know, it sounds like a plan though dude...I say go for it.

November 17, 2009, 04:29:36 PM
Reply #2


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Some sort of core could help with the weight problem.

November 17, 2009, 04:41:42 PM
Reply #3


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I have absolutely no experience (or knowledge) in this, but I would guess that they would be incredibly light - up to the point where you could not use them. Why not fill them with some sort of cement or hardening liquid?


November 17, 2009, 05:31:22 PM
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I think filling them would be easy enough... so in your opinion whats the weight I should be gunning for though? I guess that might be a preference thing but whats a good middle of the road weight?

thanks if I do build them certainly I will post some pics up...
it may be possible to "carbon fiber" an existant pair of chux... dunno I am gunna have to do a bit of research and ask my friend whats possible.


November 17, 2009, 05:51:14 PM
Reply #5

Heru Pyrkagia

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average chux are like 300-400 grams. carbon fiber chux without that core will be like 20 - 30 grams. awesome idea man, i cannot wait to see what you and your friend come up with!

November 17, 2009, 05:58:56 PM
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thanks Heru...
I have high hopes they will come out decent... but if the carbon fiber wont cooperate I will let you all know...
I fear splintering and weight may make this a less then ideal material but if it works it would at the very least LOOK awesome...

lets hope it performs.


November 17, 2009, 07:29:49 PM
Reply #7


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Yeah - I think you'll need some sort of covering over the fibres maybe to stop splintering...
*Cue Cyrix shouting at me*


November 17, 2009, 07:54:21 PM
Reply #8


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yes there is a process to "coat" the carbon fiber application... its the horrible prospect of drilling into it which might cause issues...

I am going to discuss it more with my friend who's excellent with carbon fiber... hes done tons for boats and cars making custom carbon fiber parts for them.

hopefully it will work... if not ... I doubt I will give up, I was afterall a finish carpenter for a good long while before I joined corporate America once more  :doh so at the very least hopefully I will make some nice quality wood ones. I have access to tons of nice wood from a friend who owns a furnature shop so its all good.. just hoping I could do something different with the carbon fiber application :)


November 18, 2009, 01:28:42 PM
Reply #9


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Ok the official word from my friend Geoff, a carbon fiber mad scientist of sorts...(and I am paraphrasing) "dude, it would seem to me this could be done easily but keep in mind, that every time you dropped them hard it would dent like wood and where it was dented would create a white mark as the carbon fiber was crushed... This would probally cause splintering..." 

on drilling carbon fiber " Well we could saturate the drill points with Superglue, but its still possible that when you drill you could crack and spiderweb the carbon fiber..."

so... bearing this in mind, I think that though the carbon fiber application would look... amazing. The material doesn't really warrent making something other then "display chux" cause a decent ding would destroy the fit and finish of a pair of carbon fiber chux.

We even discussed capping the ends with rubber so that when they dropped they might stay a bit more protected, but in the end it just seems to impractical of a material to make chux from.

The high quality wooden chux are within my grasp though. With a few phone calls to a friend with a custom cabinate shop, I now have access to everything from a lathe to a spray booth for lacquer... Even access to : Tiger Maple, Birdseye Maple, Walnut, and Cherry stock.

so I think I am going to go ahead and try and create some quality hardwood stuff in lieu of my carbon fiber idea...

thanks for the input-

November 18, 2009, 05:53:18 PM
Reply #10

Heru Pyrkagia

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lol who cares about impracticality? i have chux made from wrapping paper, cardboard, and shiny ribbon. (my holiday chux) make em and get a display case for them. im sure they would look sexy as hell!

November 18, 2009, 08:29:30 PM
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theres no two ways about it carbon fiber looks cool as hell... Its just, as I am new and want useable chux's that wont be so prone to breaking, cracking, splintering, spidering etc... I think I might be better served with a different DIY project for now.

still ... it may warrent revisiting and I would post pics strait away if I had any measure of success building chucks with carbon fiber on them...

ONE possible way is to take wooden chucks and turn out on a lathe a complete circle around a pair of chucks in a few spots THEN place a flush carbon fiber RING around the chucks as a design. You could make several rings of carbon fiber, this might be really cool for some REALLY heavy wooden chucks, then you just sand the application and laqure over the whole stick.

who knows .. but I dont think I am going to abandon it entirely I am just getting a fair amount of input that a completely carbon fiber pair of chucks might be quite a hassle and prone to some horrible cracking while drilling and what not.


November 18, 2009, 08:48:03 PM
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as an afterthought... has anyone every tried to set mosiac pins in the baton for decrotive purposes?

that would look pretty sweet

