It's all a matter of preference. Prochux have a short cord, (about one inch) while standard nunchakus have a cord (or chain) that is basically as long as the width of the top of your hand, (I measure mine at the knuckles as it's usually the widest part of your hand). I've tried Prochux but don't like them because I can't do all my different moves on them, they're uncomfortable to me, and I can't get a "flow" established. Standard nunchakus with a standard size cord work best for me. Try your cord at a length that goes across the top of the knuckles and adjust the length to where the sticks point straight down and use this as your starting length. Use them for a little bit doing a lot of hand rolls and wrist rolls. If it's too short the chux will pop off of the back of your hand and you won't be able to make the catch. If it's too long you'll be able to tell by doing a couple hand rolls. When you flip the chuk over your hand and attempt to catch it on the other side you'll be catching the cord and not the chuk. Adjust the length so that you're catching the chuk and not the cord.
My theory is pretty simple, (although a little crude): nunchakus are very much like your have to play with it a lot to know what you're most comfortable with.
PS: remember to work with BOTH hands and adjust length till it's comfortable in both hands. This is because your dominant hand is usually a little bit wider.