In addition to my wholesome, edifying and wholly improving posts concerning the correct usage of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation, I am sure there are many more posts lost in the site crash that members would like reposted. In keeping with the site's goal of furthering knowledge, I encourage members to ponder for a moment upon the lost content of 28th October through 2nd November, and to make requests for any posts they found useful, informative or simply brilliant (perhaps due to the sparkling charisma of its author).
For my own part I can recall and would value a repost of:
1. Rob's bungee nunchaku construction;
2. Dave's video tutorial on the Scottish language;
3. The Weapons Collections thread;
4. Nunchaku polls on chain length, batton length and weight.
I also ask that members be patient whilst I recompose my posts on the correct usage of the English language and to refrain from sending me PMs in this regard. Whilst I understand how lost you must feel without my guidance on such matters, the sheer volume of messages is threatening to bring down the entire N.European subnet.
Kind regards, chiral.