Author Topic: Metal Telescopic Ball Bearing Nunchaku With Case 12"  (Read 14582 times)

December 16, 2008, 03:43:30 PM
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Made of: Aluminium
Linked with: Chain (7 links)
Available from:

Right, these are f***ing awesome at first sight... They are some heavy duty 12in metal chucks that can be folded down to about 4in... When folded, they have a case and can easily fit in your pocket... This is there main attraction...

Besides that, the only thing that makes these a decent spin, in my opinion, is there weight... and you have to be into heavy chucks to see where im coming from... they are pretty damn heavy, but also quite narrow... making them just slice through the air with every swing... Looking only at how good a spin they are, I would definately recommend these to any person who enjoys heavy chucks...

I will however warn anyone who decides they want to give these a try, I found quite a few things I didn't like about mine... They are as follows:

For some reason, after a couple hours of chucking, the combination of the ball bearing, chain and cold, narrow steal always cuts my hands and fingers and gives me blisters... resulting in bloody nunchucks...

This is another issue... It's not stainless steal... blood, let alone rain, will result in rust...

This causes another issue... Eventually, the chucks build up a lot of rust in between the seperate segments of the telescope, making it harder to expand and contract them... This also occurs after you drop the chucks a lot, the segments start to loose there natural shape making it much more difficult to close and open...

My final issue with these, is that there design is very prone to failure, mine broke within a month... The ball bearing is attached to the batton in a way that, if the baton is slightly mishapen (like my own after only a months usage), the bearing actually screws itself out of the baton as you swing your chucks... very, very annoying... It's easy to screw it back in, but it flies out again... I even tried glueing it with Aroldite, nada...

Kriztov recently posted a video where he showed the first chucks he learned with... these were telescopic but filled with loads of 5p coins, making them much heavier... if you happen to gain possession of some telescopic chucks and you dont like them... filling them with 5p is a damn good idea... gives them another edge besides supposedly being able to fold down into 4in... it might also be worth glueing the f**k out of the ball bearing...

All in all... 6/10...
« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 10:54:42 AM by Proximus »
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December 16, 2008, 11:48:01 PM
Reply #1


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I have these and they are not steel. they are aluminum.  (at least mine are)  yup mine came unscrewed but easy to fix.  They are one of the lightest metal chucks I have. (In fact, I think my wood octagonal ones are heaver)  I got 2 of them... the first I wacked some wood and it bent the segment point and it just fell apart. Steel won't bend if you hit something softer than it.   they look cool but actually pretty cheap-o..  Came with that stupid case too    all-in-all  4/10

December 17, 2008, 07:04:36 PM
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i've had a go with some, i wouldn't recommend them for beginners cos if you spin em too slow the start to collapse. the ones i used did have a nice feel and when the got going made a nice whoooshing sound but i wouldn't personally buy them.

i'll give them 7/10 based on my limited usage of them.

December 18, 2008, 01:11:49 AM
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Thanks for this review!! I asked this one a few days ago, and this one, specially, was really usefull... I think I'll think it twice, cause I was going to buy some of these... I guess they're not worth it, so I'll better steal them...  :ninja: lol, just kidding
thanks for your review and K for you 3!
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