I agree with you only when the subject is the sale of nunchakus for freestyle and maybe for the recognition on the world as sport. At this point we can not see much difference because many practitioners do their own nunchakus and it dont appear too much on midia. Nunchaku freestyle is not a popular sport, so it's hard to have this many specialty shops. With e-commerce i think there should be stores already selling more models geared for freestyle. I hope your store covering part of this hole and it works out, and you add to your product mix more characteristic of freestyle models.
The recognition of the sport maybe didnt changed too much.
But the forum, and the number of practitioners has grown significantly, at least for me.

On my opinion nunchaku freestyle is advancing on a very very fast speed as sport.
In the last five/ten years has doubled or even more the amount of techniques on freestyle, without a doubt.
Now, with the progression/sharing of a lot of styles makes it possible to have more complex combos.
Before almost all was just simples moves on fast speed. Without much innovation and new moves. Now is easier see practitioners mixing a lot of different influences. Making a more structured practice/combos/style whatever =)
New tricks are emerging all the time :~)