What is so cool about freestyle is that any style is accepted. Combat moves are included in freestyle, they are just a part of the whole. If you truly want to be great handling the chucks, you probably should learn the whole. Just because "baton twirling" might be considered girly (apologies to the ladies) by some, it just may mean they don't understand what freestyle is all about. The "fancy stuff" teaches coordination, builds muscles and speed, but most importantly it teaches to think and react outside of the box, something every successful fighter knows. It is all part of the whole. Some may think that jumping rope is girly but to properly train for boxing, it is an important part. When all is said and done, the more you handle your chucks, the better you will be with them, or any weapon. Plus, it just adds some FUN to the training and keeps you from getting stale! Combat is one important part of freestyle, but why limit yourself to only one part?