Ever had a passing thought of making a lving from chucks? Had doubts that the economies of scale might not deliver that Astom Martin DB7 Vantage your soul needs for true fulfilment and oneness with the universe?
Then doubt no more, but instead take a leaf out of Master Sheila Dickinson's book - or books - or DVDs.
Here we find the identity of the missing multiplicant "M", where :
M x nunchaku x greed = £££millions

That's right, M = Tai Chi!
In fact, you can use Tai Chi to make spondoolies from almost any physical activity, martial or recreational. Check it out:
http://www.taichiproducts.com/Tai Chi even allows you to charge over the odds for a bog standard pair of foamies :

= £5.50
But while there is money in teaching students:
http://www.lfataichi.com/.. the real dough is in teaching teachers.
Check out the Sheila Dickinson LFA get rich quick scheme : just 42 hours training and you too could earn £25 k teaching what she teaches!
http://www.lfainstructortraining.com/Needless to say, the highly skilled Tai Chi instructors out there are up in arms:
http://www.seahorsearts.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1586Have a look especially at nadmai's comment :
http://www.seahorsearts.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=11381#11381For those of you who have never seen this sort of stuff, look and learn before it comes through your door and catches you unawares.