Round of applause!
But here's a thing that is puzzling me that might be of help : every chuck maker tethers his sticks at the chain exit end ... which seems logical ... until you look at it from a freestylers p.o.v. ..... why noy just use a very long chain and tether it at the striking end (ie chain runs the entire length of the chuck)? I'm also sure you could tether through the caps if they were robust enough.
This has the following benefits:
1 ) no nuts to mess up your hands @ the freestylers most popular gripping point;
2 ) will make groovy chain noises as the chain scapes and clatters around the inside of the tubes;
3 ) possibly a better balanced chuck as weight will be transfered back towards the ends of the chuck;
and, dare I say it
4 ) if you have to use nuts they'll be at the striking end 
but all the same, subzee is right: they are a great colour (and there is nothing to stop you making th emod I suggested either!
This is a trully briliant idea. Why didnt I think of it. it will make it heavier. IM gonna some like how you just mentioned. Ill post some pics when Im done.
ps. I love the chair nunchucks. nice color. and its got the stopping ends only thing that ruins it is the chain link.
this is also another idea I didnt think about. chears. I will be keeping an eye out for metal chairs. Metal chairs beware LOL