Author Topic: Build off/Passaround  (Read 4895 times)

November 19, 2009, 08:34:53 PM
Reply #15


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Well it's a little on the bulky side, but not unmanageably so.  What would be groovy is if you could cut two very long and thin downward-facing triangles down opposing sides of each pipe and hammer them flush down the length so they'd be like artificially tapered 1 1/4 at the bottom and around an inch at the top.  Given though, it works in my head, it may not work in reality, but it'd be pretty slick if it did.

November 19, 2009, 08:54:31 PM
Reply #16


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I have just the piece of metal to do that with is at my dads shop, but I would have to weld it to a long skinny pole so it could be taken to the end of the chux then ... I dunno  rubber hammer them...

Its shaped like a bullet its about 1 inch at its widest point and it came from a very old school wood burning thing... but its solid steel.

cool idea.


November 20, 2009, 02:08:52 AM
Reply #17


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My friend whos a welder stopped by... with 4 pairs of 14" aluminum pipe, and 4 pairs of 12" aluminum pipe.

its 1 1/4 diameter and they are beefy as hell.

I think I will drill some holes then borrow my dads buffing wheel and try and mirror finish them with scotchbrite... or close to mirror, I dont feel like messing with cutting compounds.... but I hope they polish nice.

These things are beefy as hell as I mentioned...

Anyone whos built aluminum chucks with pipe that large in diameter have any advice as far as chain and attatchments?


November 20, 2009, 05:36:32 PM
Reply #18


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So is there interest in a build off where members vote on best build?
 :chuck: :chuck: :chuck:

November 20, 2009, 07:02:27 PM
Reply #19


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I would definately be into, a build off competition.  But the only problem is, the timeframe we would have to get ppl to compete...for people to gather money/ideas/and the time it takes to build.  Another problem I see is some people dont have access to more advanced tools and resources, so theyre would have to be some big handicap in place, for people that have limited tools to the people that have drills/sanders/lots of money to put in the project/metal working tools(For aluminums and other metals)/dremels etc. for creating desings in wood and a whole other slew of things that would make things lopsided.  I build most of my chux but I only have access to a drill, hacksaw, and some sandpaper...and limited money.

Some things for everyone to think about.

November 20, 2009, 08:20:44 PM
Reply #20


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while I would agree I would also mention that a lot of ppl are building homemade chux anyhow and theres no sense in not sharing them in the buildoff purely for concentrated feedback. Subsequently, there is no such thing as a even playing field, some ppl will always have more time more resources better tools and more money... Just like some freechuxers are just more talented... doesnt stop other ppl from competing and perticipating and finding good matchups...
one way we could handle this is by making three levels of compatation with verying build dollars or material componets... but the problem with this is that limiting ppl while convientent for the compatation might well be keeping some of the best and sweetest pairs of DYI chux from being created.
Timeframe wise this is something that ppl should have a good solid 30 days with.
I still think its a fun an valid idea, I guess it just needs to be defined by the community here so ppl will be enguaged and interested in a way that the bulk of users can agree on.

I would buy a pair of custom DYI chux from some of the better builders around here.. its almost as neat and tangiable as collecting anything else, like HEY I got a pair of Loosey's chux (review) (make videos) (discuss builds)... I would be proud to have some of the sweet DYI's I have seen on the board for sure I mean  It would be cool to have some handmade chux from some ppl on the site dont you think???


Loosey :chuck:

January 10, 2010, 04:54:25 AM
Reply #21


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The first Build Off should be whistle chucks....

What do you think?

January 10, 2010, 10:50:30 PM
Reply #22


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Sounds like a well good idea. I'd love to take part but it would have to be in the summer when I've got time to build :-)