Author Topic: Hello and question about nunchuck gift  (Read 1443 times)

November 28, 2009, 12:45:52 AM
Read 1443 times


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Hi everyone, a buddy of mine loves playing with my toy nunchucks when he's over and goes crazy anytime he sees someone using the nunchaku on TV or in the movies, so I thought it would be fun to get him a good pair of chucks for Christmas. Should I get him a quality pair of wooden chucks? Or a good pair of rubber or foam chucks? He doesn't have any real training with nunchucks or any other type of martial arts equipment, so I'm wondering if he could hurt himself with wooden ones. :wink:

I should add that both my friend and I know almost nothing about nunchucks, my pair are just toys that I got as a gift when I was a kid.

November 28, 2009, 03:19:53 AM
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Personally, for a starter set, I'd go with a pair of rattan chucks. They perform the same way as foamies in almost every aspect [desc=+They don't hurt as much.
-They don't have the adequate weight for certain moves.
 If you get a chained pair, the most the weight would be right at the top.](pros and cons of foamies)[/desc], except if you go full speed with them and get a good hit on yourself, you might feel a sting but something easily passable. Though I'd only recommend them as a better option for practice foam nunchaku.

Or maybe you can take on the "from the heart so you got to love it" approach and make him a pair, we have many DIY guides here on the forum that could help you greatly with that :thumb:

As for store bought wooden or metal nunchaku, we have some reviews on our Product & Store Reviews board. You can also have a look at our sponsors that are linked at the bottom of this page. They're all great businesses and as far as I know, not one complaint has been made with any of them :-)

Oh and welcome to the forum.

November 28, 2009, 03:37:59 PM
Reply #2


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Welcome :thumb:
I don't know the situation of your friend I myself live in an appartment so I hate foam but use them because of the people downstairs.
Don't know if this information is of any use to you think Yayu coverd all the other things.
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November 30, 2009, 04:56:20 PM
Reply #3


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What Yayu said :P   Welcome!

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August 02, 2013, 11:54:48 AM
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« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 09:58:44 AM by andy123 »