Personally, for a starter set, I'd go with a pair of rattan chucks. They perform the same way as foamies in almost every aspect [desc=+They don't hurt as much.
-They don't have the adequate weight for certain moves.
If you get a chained pair, the most the weight would be right at the top.]
(pros and cons of foamies)[/desc], except if you go full speed with them and get a good hit on yourself, you might feel a sting but something easily passable. Though I'd only recommend them as a better option for practice foam nunchaku.
Or maybe you can take on the "from the heart so you got to love it" approach and make him a pair, we have many
DIY guides here on the forum that could help you greatly with that

As for store bought wooden or metal nunchaku, we have some reviews on our
Product & Store Reviews board. You can also have a look at our sponsors that are linked at the bottom of this page. They're all great businesses and as far as I know, not one complaint has been made with any of them

Oh and welcome to the forum.