Ok so in response to my own thread I've came up with a method. I had a go with the methods Heru suggested. I really like the square braid but as mentioned its elasticy and is hard to get the same pattern twice (not to mention difficult to securely tie off). I had a look around and came across some lanyard forums and found the cobra stitch (turns out I've used it before to make a hemp necklace). So I set to adapting it for nunchaku and this is what I came up with:
Firstly you will need a fair amount of paracord and a set of nunchucks that will accommodate for two strands of sting in the side channels (if you are making some then make sure you drill it wide enough.

Do the "standard" two string method and tie off in the centre but do not tuck the knot away just yet.

On the side
where the knot is going to be tucked away run a long bit of string through

Pull them through so they are sticking through the top (this is why you don't tuck the knot down yet, it's a real bastard trying to get the string through with the knot blocking the channel. Once it's through tuck the knot down the channel so it's nice and neat.

This is how the knots will be tied, look on google for a "cobra stitch" for more info, this tutorial is to help accommodate it for nunchaku not to teach the method as such.

After every 3 knots push them down the central stings to bunch them up nice and tight.

After a while you will be there. The first time you string this way it will take a fair bit of time. Tuck the threads down either side.

It will look like this...

Finish off with an overhand knot in the bottom channel, this doesn't need to be that secure as the first stinging will be the main support but just needs to keep them from undoing. Melt the freshly cut cord and there we have it.

Should look like this when your done.

It's really good for controls and comfortable hand/finger/thumb rolls. The only down side really is it's flat, this isn't bad for how it works but some people like it round or equal at least.