Yeah, I'm gonna completely dismiss your opinion.
First off Rosewood and Cocobolo are hardly "cheap" woods and even their lowest price Rock Maple was stronger than EVERY nunchaku I've ever encountered in 30 plus years in the same price range and stronger than some that cost twice as much. As for the design being "cheap"?!? The nylon cord are the same design as every other traditional nunchaku and the swivel chain offered by Dolans is stronger than ANY nunchaku I've ever encountered with a chain connection.
Btw, you do know Woodalls uses the Dolan's U Swivel design right? Are you saying they use a cheap design?

I had two pair of Dolans and they where junk, one set broke after 2 weeks of use, the wood split at the top, and the other swivel snapped, both made from oak. You gotta be kidding about maple lol, those wouldn’t last a month with the u swivel design, if u still have a pair of maple u swivels then they hadn’t seen much action lol.
And yes rosewood and cocobolo can be cheap woods from a bad stock, plus that price range was in the 80’s, this is 2010.
$ 75 is a good price now days, beats paying $20 on Dolans best junk 30years ago, the $5 maples where throw aways.

Woodalls doesn’t use the same Dolan's U Swivel design….. it’s an updated design.
Edit: now I think about it more, it doesn't matter how good the wood was long as the old Dolan u-swivels where attached to them