Ok, my 25+ year old Dolan's Sports nunchaku supply is getting short. The real nice ones are pretty much ready to go behind glass and stay there. Not exactly something I want to be spinning around out on the driveway, I shudder to think of how many high quality nunchaku I've destroyed or lost in thirty plus years of training.
I'm looking for something similar, strong wood and mostly interested in tapered octagon "matched by weight" sticks 14" connected by cord or a quality chain setup. Not interested in short 12" sticks or cheap ball bearings that fly apart upon first contact with a Bo. Please don't tell me about any "lightweight" demo only quality stuff, not interested at all.
Woodalls obviously has some very nice stuff but $40 to $50 isn't exactly the price range I want to resupply at, especially given that Dolan's used to sell similar stuff in the $5-$15 range, even with inflation that would be $12-$35.00 respectively. I'll eventually get one pair of Woodalls, but they might also end up behind glass.
It seems a couple years ago, unbeknown to me, a company called Sakura offered exactly what I'm looking for with a extreme hardwood traditional nunchaku for $25 but that item is now discontinued.
Shureido of course makes an acceptable basic nunchaku but they are also a tad pricey and very, very basic. Suffice to say I have a couple so I have all I need from them. Not exactly something I want to stock up a dozen or so pairs with.
So who has a heavy duty, hard use nunchaku at a reasonable price?