Author Topic: Who Has The Best REAL Nunchaku...?  (Read 49177 times)

February 21, 2010, 01:52:06 AM
Reply #60


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Thanks guys, he was wrong about Dolans. He might be wrong about everything else. I'll call them and look into it.

The prochux trasher series are not as big around as some traditional style chucks that is true but they are designed that way to fit the most people. If you have a big hand and need thicker around chux they can be custom made to fit you, same goes if you need longer or shorter. Lee just made some 10 inch for a customer who wanted them for the young child. That is the beauty of "custom made"

In my opinion you should try lots of different chux until you find the one that works for you, then if you want to expand your chux collection try other styles and other designs.

You can never have too many chux of nay kind in my opinion.

Like I said before contact Lee, he can make you just about any size of prochux you want with just about any kind of wood.

Some people like lighter chux some like heavier ones it is all about your preference. Back in the day if you wanted prochux there was only one kind you could get, now Lee is making them custom for each individual.

Nunchukualot I am sorry you are not happy with your prochux. To each his own.

February 21, 2010, 02:11:07 AM
Reply #61


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There was no magic nunchaku back then, and obviously it’s a matter of debate bb vs u-swivel.  Dolans also made BB with u-swivels, in which case could be triple the trouble, as they could spit BBs and snap the swivel or wood.

I actually have a pair. But the Dolans were more of a closed case BB design and far less likey to spit BBs. From the best I can determine regular BB connections failed when they tilted in the caps and that was all she wrote. With a screw going through the center of the BB case in the dolans that wasn't as likely. With the pinned on caps of most BB systems all it took was enough wear for the BB system to tilt in the cap.

Cord connections are superior to swivel chain, but the ones I had where just medi core. My point in posting in this thread was you should get something like Dolans, but superior in design.  I just thought Woodalls was best for that, as prochuxs don’t make them with chains.  If  you really wanted heavy duty go with chains without the swivel and string design.  Nowadays we can customize them, that wasn’t so much of the case 30 years ago. Today’s chuxs are way better.

Like I said, I'm not going to debate that point. I know from personal experience that most cord connections outlast any chain system. I'm just wondering what made you declare Dolan's corded nunchaku inferior to other corded nunchaku. They are virtually the same design and despite your assertions to the contrary Dolans used high quality woods.

And as for Woodalls, again it looks like a premium weapon. The "improvement" may or may not be significant. It just isn't cost effective because even after you factor in inflation they are still 2 to 3 times as expensive as what a pair of Dolans sold for. Not exactly something that you can easily buy 12 pair of.
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February 21, 2010, 02:40:58 AM
Reply #62


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Guys, last warning, please chill out, or I must lock this topic.  :omg:

As long as we can all talk here with respect, every post is valid.

February 21, 2010, 02:53:39 AM
Reply #63


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Guys, last warning, please chill out, or I must lock this topic.  OMG

As long as we can all talk here with respect, every post is valid.

I have been trying my best.... though I don't think anyone gets my point lol.

Nunchukualot I am sorry you are not happy with your prochux. To each his own.
No no nooo… lol I never said I was not happy with my prochuxs, I said they where dinky in my hands, like holding a pencil lol… I have no problem with smaller chuxs,  they have their place. We where talking about  heavy duty chuxs.  You guys are making this to complicated… :P

I'm just wondering what made you declare Dolan's corded nunchaku inferior to other corded nunchaku. They are virtually the same design and despite your assertions to the contrary Dolans used high quality woods.

I didn’t declare anything on Dolan's corded nunchaku, I simply didn’t buy from Dolans again after my experience with the u-swivel. Back then It was only natural to think it was the wood that was bad, when in fact it was the swivel.  Just to be clear, the only Dolans I had where two u-swivels.

And as for Woodalls, again it looks like a premium weapon. The "improvement" may or may not be significant. It just isn't cost effective because even after you factor in inflation they are still 2 to 3 times as expensive as what a pair of Dolans sold for. Not exactly something that you can easily buy 12 pair of.
12 pair!!! Really….  You know there was an 80s recession, and that lasted a few years, besides nowadays we have online and quality, even if the economy suxs, 50 dollars is not bad for a custom made nunchaku.

February 21, 2010, 02:56:33 AM
Reply #64


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Guys, last warning, please chill out, or I must lock this topic.  :omg:

As long as we can all talk here with respect, every post is valid.
Jose.the forum needs threads like this.It make it more interesting

February 21, 2010, 02:56:44 AM
Reply #65


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Lol thats why I just stopped posting, I thought both sides proved their points.  Did get quite blown out of proportions there.....for a long time lol

February 21, 2010, 03:00:24 AM
Reply #66


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Lol thats why I just stopped posting, I thought both sides proved their points.  Did get quite blown out of proportions there.....for a long time lol
lol i looked right sa it got blown up  :lmfao:
so i couldnt really post, feared being flamed out lol.
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February 21, 2010, 03:02:45 AM
Reply #67


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No no nooo… lol I never said I was not happy with my prochuxs, I said they where dinky in my hands, like holding a pencil lol… I have no problem with smaller chuxs,  they have their place. We where talking about  heavy duty chuxs.  You guys are making this to complicated… :P

Ok my misunderstanding.  I think it was the word "dinky" that irked people.

February 21, 2010, 03:03:08 AM
Reply #68


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If  you really wanted heavy duty go with chains without the swivel and string design.

I have a pair of those. I think is was quoted recently in on thread.

What I did was to solder the chain to the inside of the tube.

Here are some pics:

The pipe was just a metal pipe, a bit rusted, and the chain was a normal chain of 7 links.

The chain was solder to the pipe, like this:

February 21, 2010, 03:04:52 AM
Reply #69


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Now those are made for breaking things!!!!! :clap :clap :clap :omg: :omg: :omg: :bigdance: :bigdance: :bigdance: :eeeh

February 21, 2010, 03:06:24 AM
Reply #70


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Oh they're pipes! I thought they were bars! Now if they were bars... they'd just be damn heavy.

February 21, 2010, 03:07:10 AM
Reply #71


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Jose.the forum needs threads like this.It make it more interesting

Yes, I totally agree that we need the most possible points of view in everything, so we can progress faster. But I must ensure a respectful tone in the topics, so the discussions are made by true and facts, and not by the hot thinking of the moment  :happy-firey:. That's why I'm keeping an eye here  :omg:

With a respectful talk we go ahead 3 steps, with no respect we go ahead 1 step, and at the same time 3 steps backwards  :thumb:

February 21, 2010, 03:07:56 AM
Reply #72


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Oh they're pipes! I thought they were bars! Now if they were bars... they'd just be damn heavy.

well 680grs (if I remember correct) is a lot of weight  :roll:

February 21, 2010, 03:17:04 AM
Reply #73


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February 21, 2010, 03:35:42 AM
Reply #74


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Yes, I totally agree that we need the most possible points of view in everything, so we can progress faster. But I must ensure a respectful tone in the topics, so the discussions are made by true and facts, and not by the hot thinking of the moment  :happy-firey:. That's why I'm keeping an eye here  :omg:

With a respectful talk we go ahead 3 steps, with no respect we go ahead 1 step, and at the same time 3 steps backwards  :thumb:
Jose.Who do you think is being disrespectful here?