Hi, first post here. Lots of great info here but I couldn't find much info on how to restring a nunchaku with paracord, especially with 3 strings. Well, I reverse engineered a 3 string nunchaku I had bought and figured out how it goes. It was originally secured with glue but it seems to be holding up well enough as it is. Hope this helps some people out.
1. You''ll need about 4 feet of paracord, a lighter to stop the ends of the cord from fraying, and some long thin tool for shoving the cord where you need it.

2. Feed each end of the cord through the ends of the chuck, loop it around then back out the top.

3. Feed each end of cord through the end of the end chuck again but stop halfway round.

4. Wrap the ends around the cord inside the chuck about 4 times.

5. Cut the cord so you have about 1 inch sticking out, then shove it back up inside the top of the chuck.

6. Done