Author Topic: Help with flowchucks knot  (Read 2649 times)

June 03, 2010, 04:02:33 PM
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I don't remember how I managed to fit a knot under the cap of my last flowchucks - I've literally spent over an hour tonight trying to do it with my new ones, to no avail.  Can anyone who's had flowchucks help me out in figuring out how to do this??


June 03, 2010, 04:28:43 PM
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well, there are probably lots of different ways to string your flowchucks, however the knot that i personally like best is a double loop not in the middle of the cord

here is where i originally found the knot

i used to use my paracord just looped through one endcap and knotted around the other, but then the end with the knot around it swings kinda funny - if you use the knot-in-middle method i find the spin of the chuck from each stick is alot more even - it also gives you a good spot in the middle to move your fingers around for a wheel or infinite finger spins  :2thumbsup:
Lightsabre Chucks!

June 03, 2010, 04:38:30 PM
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You have a knot in the middle of your connecting cord?  I would think that would throw off the balance?

June 03, 2010, 07:23:46 PM
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the knot is directly in the center - it actually i find gives for better balance, and a more free motion

here are some pics of my knots - one is sort of large and one is smaller, if you prefer a smaller knot just trim off more of your cord - to make a bigger knot just keep looping the ends symetrically around the knot and tying more knots - i'll try and get a video up in a bit here of exactly how i tie my flowchucks knots  :2thumbsup:

here is the video

honestly, give it a try - i wont go back to any other tying method i have tried now that i have used this bowtie knot method - it is way smoother feeling and the motion is way more free, plus you never have to worry about your knot coming loose, and hey if you dont like it you can always untie it and go back to another way  :2thumbsup:
« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 08:41:28 PM by Trojanman »
Lightsabre Chucks!

June 04, 2010, 02:23:26 AM
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Thanks so much for putting up a tutorial video.

I think I'll try that tonight after work.  I managed to put some knots under the caps today, though, but I'm not sure there was enough room for the caps to fit on just right.

Thanks again

June 07, 2010, 01:59:33 AM
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Hey man I tried the knots last night and they seem to work great - thanks!  On wrist rolls, I can kinda feel the knot, but overall it's a smooth system. 

June 07, 2010, 06:26:55 AM
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awesome  :2thumbsup:

i think after you use them for a while, the knot gets sort of set into place and worn, to where you really dont even notice it anymore.

iunno, but my personal opinion was that one knot in the center was better than a knot on one side, making it uneven ;)

happy the tut helped though, sometimes i worry i go to fast and people cant follow  :-P
Lightsabre Chucks!

June 08, 2010, 02:37:43 PM
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The only thing that took some figuring out was the loop that you use to form the two knots.  I wasn't sure where to tie it, but after some trial and error figured it out.

August 18, 2010, 12:23:09 AM
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well, there are probably lots of different ways to string your flowchucks, however the knot that i personally like best is a double loop not in the middle of the cord

here is where i originally found the knot

i used to use my paracord just looped through one endcap and knotted around the other, but then the end with the knot around it swings kinda funny - if you use the knot-in-middle method i find the spin of the chuck from each stick is alot more even - it also gives you a good spot in the middle to move your fingers around for a wheel or infinite finger spins  :2thumbsup:

Hi, thanks for the link to my site re knot tying issues, as an alternative to this type of knot and if you wish to try a single cord or double
try tying the knots the other side of each other, creating two slip knots that can slide to each end and tighten down, the exact length has to be worked out before you start with some trial and error or good judgment the final length should be right for you.

To use two cord just run your cord though the loops on the nunchaku once more and tie as above no knot in middle.
Make sure you finish the knot ends of well and make them tight.
Hoping, if you understand this you might make a video of both of these two methods.....And finally would you allow me to post your video re my method on my site? on this page....

let me know what you think..
Kind regards
Neo-Nunchaku Exercise Organisation

August 18, 2010, 12:48:37 AM
Reply #9


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you can definately use the video on your site, since that is where i learned how to tie the knot anyway, haha.

i am pretty sure i understand what you mean by the other two ways, i'll see if i can make a video about them later this week

good to see you know of this forum  :thumb:
Lightsabre Chucks!