Interesting, you seem over qualified to be jarhead type in the army. You did R&D in Middle East? Why not stay in the comfort of US to do that? Jus curious?
I've always wanted to know and wonder if you can share with us your training regime so for those here who do it for freestyle only can also do some work out to keep body intact for potential self defence purposes
BTW, also- what weapons have you been taught? I play wargames and although not the same as a real weapon obviously, thought I'd share that I've used an AK-47, P226, MC51 and this American cool lookin gun that never got opted probably cos it's too expensive or something. While I'm typing, thought I'd mention that I just passed me motor bike Exam today too- AWESOME 
I was tasked to do security in the desert because the Air Force is doing a lot of what the Army does now, since we're spread kind of thin now because of the stupid war and all. It really sucked.
Alright. I just do what I can to stay healthy. Health is my main goal. I am a Physical Training Leader for the Air Force, so I do have to set a good example for the rest of the AF. And i suppose that overall good physcal condition is ideal for self defence.
So here is what I do, lately I've been slacking a bit since I got back from the desert:
Cardio is very important, and for that I run 4-6 miles, 3-5 days per week
Weight training not only makes you stronger but also increases and maintains bone density: for this I lift free-weights 3-5 day per week. The lifting methods I use are to increase strength, not mass. ALso, I include body weight excersises here such as push ups, pull ups etc.
Flexibility is important, especially of the spine in my opinion: for this I do yoga 3 days per week. Yoga also supplements all my other workouts, especially strength training and core strength development. Core strength is also very important, it keeps people from developing back pain and makes you less suseptable to injury. Yoga also helps out balance. Oh and core strength also allows you to execute stronger strikes.
Nunchaku training whenever I have a chance. this increases upper body indurance, coordination etc.
That's about it.
My favorite excersises include: Weighted Pull-ups,weighted dips, hand stand push-ups, dumb-bell bench press, and nunchucking of course.
I hope this is what you wanted.
