No, what I meant by "I don't care if it's disrespectful or not," is that I don't care if freestyle nunchaku is viewed as disrespectful to the martial arts community, not that I don't care if calling the art homosexual disrespects those who do it. I mean, I can kinda see where the martial artists would be coming from, using the weapon as a toy, but I don't think less of those who do that.
No, I'm not deliberately trying to cause conflict. Maybe I just suck at communicating effectively, as this sort of confusion occurs quite often. Anyway, I don't see what's insulting about noting that freestyle is similar to baton twirling. I realize calling it glorified baton twirling is a rather crude way of describing it, but I don't see that it's entirely inaccurate(I know I can't possibly be the only one who sees any similarity whatsoever), and again, I meant no disrespect by it. If I wanted to simply be insulting, I can think of a lot of other, much more nasty ways to do that. That's not what what I'm here for. Plus, what's wrong with baton twirling? I'm not interested in doing it myself either, but it's still pretty cool looking to me, and I think it takes a lot of talent, just like freestyle. And as for either being girly or homosexual, as I said before, that's not how I personally feel about it, but at least with baton twirling, I think most males would probably perceive it as girly because mostly girls do it(as far as I can tell. maybe I'm wrong, but I haven't personally seen a lot of guys twirling actual batons). It's like how mostly girls like purple and pink, so they're considered girly colors(or if a guy says he likes those colors, he's usually called silly). There's nothing wrong with any of these things, whether they're girly or not, and even if they are, there's nothing wrong with a guy enjoying them either. And liking these things certainly has nothing to do with sexual orientation whatsoever. The quote of mine posted was in response to this quote posted below, and my response was an explanation of why I feel freestyle nunchaku isn't generally accepted as an art(and I'm guessing it isn't because of the quote below).
I just wish that someday all people can understand what we do and accept freechaku as an art.
As for why I'm here on a freestyle forum, well I don't hate freestyle or anything, but I'm just not incredibly interested in learning it for myself. The videos can be fun to watch(some get kinda repetitive though) too. Mainly though, this was the only forum(or one of very few) I could find that was specifically for nunchaku and not just general martial arts/self defense, so I figured it would be a good place to gather information, specifically about which pair I should get for myself and if certain ones I was interested in purchasing were any good or not. And even though it's mostly for freestyle, there is some discussion about what I am interested in learning taking place on this forum.
Now if after reading this, people are still pissed off at me and think I'm being a hater or whatever, well then I guess I'm sorry that either I can't communicate effectively to where I get my point across without sounding negative, or that you simply don't believe me. Whichever is the case, I apologize, and you won't have to worry about me posting anymore because there's no point in me being here if everything I say is just gonna piss people off.