Author Topic: FNS OPENS! (Trad chuck lliquidation sale)  (Read 4418 times)

October 13, 2011, 04:18:34 PM
Reply #15


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I am on my phone so sorry if im typing bad. ..I will get alunimnum 200 grams... stainless is way too weak at that weight for being how expensive it is you dont want to risk bending and denting. also 280 gram silver fires are more expensive than the 350 since thats the standard weight. thats why i will have 350 to start. also. i will be having super lightweight  and sturdy plastic nunchaku with holographic tape over them and 3.5 inch connection... i have been using my prototypes of them and ive gotten better in the past few days than i have in months. these are amazing skill training chucks that look and feel good too... Also im going to get my own brand of u swivels manufactured in china. a lathe, exotic and cheap wood dowels. that means u swivels are coming back and for example you will be able to buy stuff like fast high performance holograhpic tape wrapped maple u swivel chucks for around $10 and Very nice exotic wood u swivels for around $35
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii

October 13, 2011, 04:42:12 PM
Reply #16


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I believe one of the main signs that freestyle nunchaku is advancing at such a slow rate is the fact that theres no site online that sells and clearly states that it sells chucks soley for the art of nunchaku freestyle. chucks are still in tyhe ""martial arts weapon"" stage to the public. i beieve thats a bad thing... another sign that freechaku is moving too slow is the fact that there are not enough people building high quality freestyle chucks for sale. we have woodalls and barden... but those are only two companies. we need more. a lot more. and i super hate to sound rude when i say this next part.. please forgive me if  i do... but we need nunchaku makers who can find the balance point between fine pieces of art and An affordable, fast to order recreational practical and affordable sporting tool that has plenty of customization options... not just high polished hunks of exotic wood. most other sports ditched wooden sports tools long ago...
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii

October 13, 2011, 04:57:46 PM
Reply #17


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Id personally like to see a lot more synthetic material chucks out there... carbon fiber. plastic. rubber.  and with lots of different color options. just like with how poi are being made these days.   i love wood and metal. dont get me wrong. but more synthetic is needed if we want to help people see freechaku as an object manipulation/juggling/performance arts prop. i believe perhaps a bit of a chucker style apperal should be developed to help people realize it as a real culture and not just look like random people trying to be bruce lee in their living rooms. can you imagine ""chuck parks""? big areas of damage drop proof matting. different color backgrounds for chucks to appear better.  a place for chuckers to spin together.
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii

October 13, 2011, 05:12:00 PM
Reply #18


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I agree with you only when the subject is the sale of nunchakus for freestyle and maybe for the recognition on the world as sport. At this point we can not see much difference because many practitioners do their own nunchakus and it dont appear too much on midia. Nunchaku freestyle is not a popular sport, so it's hard to have this many specialty shops. With e-commerce i think there should be stores already selling more models geared for freestyle. I hope your store covering part of this hole and it works out, and you add to your product mix more characteristic of freestyle models.

The recognition of the sport maybe didnt changed too much.
But the forum, and the number of practitioners has grown significantly, at least for me. :lol:

On my opinion nunchaku freestyle is advancing on a very very fast speed as sport.
In the last five/ten years has doubled or even more the amount of techniques on freestyle, without a doubt.

Now, with the progression/sharing of a lot of styles makes it possible to have more complex combos.
Before almost all was just simples moves on fast speed. Without much innovation and new moves. Now is easier see practitioners mixing a lot of different influences. Making a more structured practice/combos/style whatever =)
New tricks are emerging all the time :~)

October 16, 2011, 02:20:08 AM
Reply #19


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Id personally like to see a lot more synthetic material chucks out there... carbon fiber. plastic. rubber. 

Working on it.

October 16, 2011, 01:30:33 PM
Reply #20


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 :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect:
I believe one of the main signs that freestyle nunchaku is advancing at such a slow rate is the fact that theres no site online that sells and clearly states that it sells chucks soley for the art of nunchaku freestyle. chucks are still in tyhe ""martial arts weapon"" stage to the public. i beieve thats a bad thing... another sign that freechaku is moving too slow is the fact that there are not enough people building high quality freestyle chucks for sale. we have woodalls and barden... but those are only two companies. we need more. a lot more. and i super hate to sound rude when i say this next part.. please forgive me if  i do... but we need nunchaku makers who can find the balance point between fine pieces of art and An affordable, fast to order recreational practical and affordable sporting tool that has plenty of customization options... not just high polished hunks of exotic wood. most other sports ditched wooden sports tools long ago...

I agree and hope there are enough chuckers to support this venture!! I'm a tiny operation and have only sold about 100 pairs to friends students and you folks, so almost all of them were custom, polished & polly-ed rare and exotic woods & so take extra time to complete! But, if I were to go more full time, the turn time would shrink substantially.I have Woodall's, Crane Mountain & pro-chux and all are great products with soul. The comment about wood is kinda a digital influence on young folk these days IMHO. i don't like or even own synthetic or metal chux[except for some fire Qwerty is making me but, I do plan on getting a set of glowtoys] they just don't have soul to me. Kinda like a Wal-mart chux! I know I am a woodworker and have tools and a shop but, I have spun tons of chux in 30+ years and NEVER cared for the inexpensive "toys'[read CHEAP] I have used and/or broken. My favorite pair is a pair of timeless timber figured maple[very shiny and polished thanks] that just have a lot of heart and there is a mutual love i have with my woodies that i never will with non-organic chux! you pay for what you get! if you want to spin something that has pride and heart you must pay for the artist's time and wisdom. the difference is the difference between a cheap canned peach and a succulent tree ripened peach on the day it is perfectly ripe, you will be able to tell the difference!
Anyhow we need more chuckers and better chux for a price that reflects the true nature of each pair.
Thanks as your store is a great concept and very needed by the community!
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October 16, 2011, 04:58:53 PM
Reply #21


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Hey dancewith sticks. i may be interested in buying a pair of chucks from you. round at top and octa btooms. like you  made for levi.
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii

October 16, 2011, 09:15:34 PM
Reply #22


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I would like to see some affordable WNA foam chucks, maybe you could get a volume discount on those, and I am very anxious to see your U swivel design, Parkernt was on to a killer design, got some prototypes from him but never any finished product, and carbon fiber sounds wicked also!
Life isn't a trial, its a trail!

October 16, 2011, 09:52:05 PM
Reply #23


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I would like to see some affordable WNA foam chucks, maybe you could get a volume discount on those, and I am very anxious to see your U swivel design, Parkernt was on to a killer design, got some prototypes from him but never any finished product, and carbon fiber sounds wicked also!

I`m anxious to see the U-Swivels too hehe   :greendude:

October 19, 2011, 01:09:50 AM
Reply #24


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I've taken all nunchaku models out of the shop are because I'm working on getting some new models in. I only want the best of the best in my store.
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii

October 19, 2011, 06:44:58 AM
Reply #25


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I've taken all nunchaku models out of the shop are because I'm working on getting some new models in. I only want the best of the best in my store.

YES, this is the secret for a successful store and selling products!!!...Way to go Berserk! :bow:

October 24, 2011, 06:25:51 PM
Reply #26


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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around much the past week or so, I've been trying to get internet service at my house... It's a real hassel as almost noone services my area of town so I've been using the internet at Wifi locations when I have time.

FNS still on! I promise you guys are going to see FNF hoodies and shirts, and whatever chucks you really want stocked I'll get. It's my main priority, as you know I've moved from Hawaii to Missouri. What you don't know is I left behind a good cash flow when I left and now I'm here in Missouri washing dishes... It's hindering FNS, so I'm moving back to Hawaii for good. FNS will bring good things! LED, fire, Chinese, U swivels and anything else you want will come to be.
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii