Told you all in the Health Update thread, part 2, that I can Prove I was Oxygen Starved

I Bought the Chucks

In my perfect little world, everyone would swing Nothing but ProChux

but hey, it ain't perfect, I started in 1973, built my first pair of chucks, was doing freestyle before it was known as freestyle

Now I feel it's time to give back a bit, some of these will be gifts, some of the chucks I want to give to some young people around here, who would like to do freestyle. I should get the chucks Monday, I will vid the box opening

After I pick out what I'll keep, the rest can be sold

I don't give a rat's ass what kind of chux you use, the most important thing is just to be swingin' the chux

I'm not trying to make Any money off this, I just saw a Damn good deal, and a chance to help out a Forum Brother

those of you interested in the chucks, PM me and we'll see what we can do

Take care and Keep on