Author Topic: Nunchaku review (woodall's, prochux, chinese nunchaku)  (Read 4926 times)

November 06, 2011, 04:10:44 PM
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Steph [TDO]

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I always use my own DIY nunchakus, but i wanted to do a review on most popular nunchaku i have; cocobolo chuck from woodall's, prochux and also chinese nunchaku.
Remember this is just a personal opinion.

Here is a short video where i show just a simple freestyle with them.
Just to add something consistant about what i will write about them.

These three chucks are very different, mainly about the length of their cord/chain.
Everyone have is own preferences but i think sometimes, it's good to spin something else. It can even help to discover new moves, combo or just another way to do a move.

COCOBOLO nunchaku (
This nunchaku is my WC2011 prize. They are the best wood nunchaku i have.
I know the prize of their nunchaku can be expensive, but their quality is very good!
They are very well balanced, beautiful and resistant.
Of course Woodall's can make you a nunchaku as you want, so i have nothing wrong to tell on them.
They deserve a try ;)

Prochuxx "Thrasher" (
This nunchaku is a prize i had from the WC2010.
I'm not very experienced with prochux, but they are my own favorite nunchaku for self-defense. They can be really fast.
I have some problem to freestyle with them, cause i'm used to have a long cord/chain, but you can see at Mike for exemple or of course Lee Barden.
I have also just a Thrasher version of prochux, so i can have a real opinion about prochux.
But what i can say is, they are cool but different. Everyone interested should give a try, Thrasher version aren't very expensive and christmass is soon  :-P

Chinese nunchaku (
Like prochux, they are also different. Their chain are very long and these nunchaku are balanced otherwise.
Their balance are perfect for wrist rolls and can be very fast.
I'm a big fan of chinese style and like a lot these nunchaku. They are noisy and it can be a problem sometimes but i like this sound.
They aren't very expensive if you don't count the prize of the sending from China. Like prochux, they deserve a try.

<•._.·'¯)My Youtube Channel(¯'·._.•>

November 06, 2011, 04:18:13 PM
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Great review Steph  :-) I ordered a nunchaku from Woodalls some time now, only two weeks only they send it lol. I will eventally get a prochuck from Lee Barden too I`m interested in those too. I tried making my own prochucks and like you I like them for self defence since its has lots more control, in my opinion haha  :lol:. Thanks for the review bro :thumb:  :respect:

November 06, 2011, 07:59:19 PM
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great review bro! :) availability-wise, i only had these traditional chinese chux(modified chain). As for experience on prochux, as i said before, it cuts the air by just swinging it! pro's are safe to users too. Its quite a different adjustment as those small nail are the markings on where to start the wrist rolls(longer gap adjustments for wraps trick). Compared to thrasher pro's, cherry wood is a very nice prochux wood to have. Perfect weight and you can really define it as pro. I haven't had any woodalls yet but i'm surely willing to invest near future. Flowtoys btw really is a good buy, very attractive and durable. really an amazing chux! On a research, i found a type of wood that is more like to fit a durable nunchaku handles, it never expand on weather condition and it is water-proof. It is called 'teak'(it looks like a bit maple), a wood that can be found on indonesia.
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October 28, 2012, 03:43:23 PM
Reply #3

Scorpion Ninja

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great review bro! :) availability-wise, i only had these traditional chinese chux(modified chain). As for experience on prochux, as i said before, it cuts the air by just swinging it! pro's are safe to users too. Its quite a different adjustment as those small nail are the markings on where to start the wrist rolls(longer gap adjustments for wraps trick). Compared to thrasher pro's, cherry wood is a very nice prochux wood to have. Perfect weight and you can really define it as pro. I haven't had any woodalls yet but i'm surely willing to invest near future. Flowtoys btw really is a good buy, very attractive and durable. really an amazing chux! On a research, i found a type of wood that is more like to fit a durable nunchaku handles, it never expand on weather condition and it is water-proof. It is called 'teak'(it looks like a bit maple), a wood that can be found on indonesia.
I've heard of teak that is a nice wood to have some Nunchucks made out of.
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October 29, 2012, 12:58:51 AM
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Teak wood is whats used in marine applications (boats), so yes its waterproof.

November 02, 2012, 01:29:25 AM
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Scorpion Ninja

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The review was good but I couldn't see the video because it said it was private.
I'm thinking of buying African Blackwood Prochux :chuck: anybody know if they are very brittle because they are supposed to be very heavy and from what I understand heavy means brittle so does very heavy mean very brittle?
Thanks :thumb:
"You never fail until you stop trying"
Grandmaster Tae Eun Lee 9th Dan Moo Kwang Tae Kwon Do.