Thanks for the replies.
nice chucks dude, how many sets you got now??
Aluminium 14" Kevlar-Taped
Blue painted Metal 14" as you can see above
Hardwood (beech) 14" nunchakus, connected by nylon cord
Hardwood (beech) 10" nunchakus, also nylon corded
And my very first pair made of a lightwood broomstick, 10" and connected by metal hooks with a chain.
They are like a toy now because the metal ones are three or four times heavier

I don't count em as my chucks because they are ready for the trashcan

The glowstick nunchakus I've made some months before (tutorial) also found their way in our oven because they were to light,
so I've made my 6th pair with this tutorial (plus one pair of 14" aluchucks for my friend)
I'm nearly only using 14" nunchakus, the hardwood 10" pair is for new tricks like aerials, everything that could hurt

they are a great colour
the thing i like most about your chucks is the color, and the plugs at the end
I like the color, too. There was no need to modify the sticks in any way, the little chair had the funky color
plus the plugs at the end. I was really lucky with this chair

ie chain runs the entire length of the chuck
Also thought on trying this way of connecting the sticks but I don't have that money to try new things
at the moment. And because I recently began to like metal this will be an expensive try. The second thing
is that I havn't had enough chain in stock, I had exactly 22 links (and needed 22 ones
