It's not about safety, I trust my paracord
I use double string on the chucks I use now, but I bought some cheap garden sticks from a hardware store to make them

Next month... Next week already

I will buy some real wood, I planned oak, bleech and maybe maple, not sure yet. And I wanna make my next chucks fit perfect, my actual ones are a little messy (couldn't wait to start) I'll post some pictures today, so you can see them.
Back to topic, I just wanted to know if there are any advantages when using three strings, I saw jmvicunas tutorials a few days ago and the triple string looks really interesting.
But if there are no differences except safety it's all cool.

I guess I will try some different methods, as I want to make more than one pair

Thanks for the answers, brothers, I will post pictures of them when I have 'em