As the title says, I want to improve my chucks. I already read a few topics about that, but I couldn't really find the right answer for me, so I just ask

I have some different woods, might be interesting to know for that:
Beech wood Doubles
Oak wood
Ash wood
Maple wood Doubles
I want to paint some of them, at least 3 or four pairs, maybe the doubles, doesn't matter right now, I better come straight to the point.
1. Does the paint affect the grip?
- My chucks are all quite slippery, I made the mistake to order all of the woods polished, so now I gotta find a way to add some grip

I want to paint them, so any kind of tape is no option, what is the best way to paint/spray them and is there a special type of paint that would be recommended?
2. I read a lot about oiling the chucks, is that recommended for my kinds of wood and if so, how is it done?
I'm not sure if i got that thing right, do you take some oil for that and put it on the chucks or do you put your chucks in
a bowl of oil and wait for a while ?
How long does it take them to dry and how do you dry them after oiling

Does it affect the grip?

3. Grip again, would it help to cut some horizontal lines in the wood, like this one:

Maybe a little smaller and only on the corded side, but does it improve the grip anyway?
I'm have absolutely no idea how to handle this