Author Topic: Improving chucks, need some advice  (Read 1635 times)

July 13, 2012, 11:03:43 PM
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As the title says, I want to improve my chucks. I already read a few topics about that, but I couldn't really find the right answer for me, so I just ask :D

I have some different woods, might be interesting to know for that:

Beech wood Doubles
Oak wood
Ash wood
Maple wood Doubles

I want to paint some of them, at least 3 or four pairs, maybe the doubles, doesn't matter right now, I better come straight to the point.

1. Does the paint affect the grip?
- My chucks are all quite slippery, I made the mistake to order all of the woods polished, so now I gotta find a way to add some grip  :doh
I want to paint them, so any kind of tape is no option, what is the best way to paint/spray them and is there a special type of paint that would be recommended?

2. I read a lot about oiling the chucks, is that recommended for my kinds of wood and if so, how is it done?
I'm not sure if i got that thing right, do you take some oil for that and put it on the chucks or do you put your chucks in
a bowl of oil and wait for a while ?
How long does it take them to dry and how do you dry them after oiling  :? :?

Does it affect the grip?  :-D

3. Grip again, would it help to cut some horizontal lines in the wood, like this one:

Maybe a little smaller and only on the corded side, but does it improve the grip anyway?

I'm have absolutely no idea how to handle this  :roll: Facebook page: on Twitter:

July 14, 2012, 01:36:33 AM
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As far as I know, painting them does help the grip a little bit, depending on if you give it a polyurethane finish or not, but I always tape mine no matter what.  If you change your mind about the tape, I suggest you buy some electrical tape.  The stuff goes on easy, comes off easy, and you can clean the residue with a warm, watery rag.

From my experience, if you paint your chux, you're going to want some spray paint, not regular liquid paint that you have to apply with a brush.  If you use liquid paint, it's hard to coat it evenly.  I've never used spray before, so I'd recommend you'd ask your local DIY store guide on tips.  I don't think you would need anything fancy, you could probably settle for some can spray paint and give it a couple coats.

Also, I'm not sure if the paint will stick to the polished wood...  I think you might need to sand the polish off it.  Maybe that might make it less slick?

After you paint them, I highly recommend you spray them with some polyurethane.  I'd do the recommended amount of coats it says on the can.  It gives the chuck a nice gloss and also protects the paint from chipping.  :2thumbsup:

For oiling, I don't know anything there, sorry.  :|

As for the ribbing, I'd assume they would help with grip, but at that point, I think it's a personal preference and probably wouldn't make too much of a difference, but I'm speaking off of an assumption here.  Maybe makes a huge difference.  Try it out and come back with the results? Again, I recommend taping your chucks with some electrical tape :P

July 17, 2012, 04:05:55 PM
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Okay... Thanks for the tip, this really helps me  :thumb:

I think I'm gonna let it rest for now, maybe I'll give it a try later  :-D

I try with tape first, functionality is more important than optic  :wink: Facebook page: on Twitter: