Author Topic: Real-Life Daredevil weapon?  (Read 5753 times)

December 20, 2012, 09:37:50 PM
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 Okay so like, I noticed in the Daredevil movie his weapon can turn into Nunchucks, a short staff, a normal cane, a grappling hook, etc. so I was thinking, why couldn't you find a way to make one of these IRL?

 It would basically be a hide-a-chuck but it would at the same time be like, a super cool all-purpose weapon.   It could turn into a normal blind cane, a baton, a short staff, nunchucks, and a grappling hook if you use parachute cord for it.

 it would have to have several pipe-like layers that would slide in and out of eachother easy to extend and retract, and it'd have to have a locking mechanism and a way to keep the cord under control, etc.

 If things get too complicated we can diss the grappling hook idea altogether.

 But anyways, I was really hoping you guys might have some ideas as to how a guy would go about making this without breaking the bank.

 Think of it kind of as an extendable Tai Chi sword made of PVC pipe, except with another segment on the handle that comes apart to make chucks. lol

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December 20, 2012, 09:52:57 PM
Reply #1

Galford Weller

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Whoa, this sounds pretty cool.

IMO you can try creating the weapon with cheaper materials, so you can have an idea of how much the cost of the weapon will increase as you use different materials. Also it will give you the chance to test your weapon to see if every element works as you expect it to.

Man if you can do something like that, I would save some money to buy you one of these.
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December 20, 2012, 10:03:18 PM
Reply #2


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Whoa, this sounds pretty cool.

IMO you can try creating the weapon with cheaper materials, so you can have an idea of how much the cost of the weapon will increase as you use different materials. Also it will give you the chance to test your weapon to see if every element works as you expect it to.

Man if you can do something like that, I would save some money to buy you one of these.

 I'm determined to make a IRL daredevil cane eventually, and if I ever do I won't be selling them, rather I'd just show you all how to make one.

 also, I've innovated my idea so that it can be either a blind cane, a Bo, a baton, Chucks, a sweeper, or a long 2 section staff.

 It seems simple enough to make, the only issue is material, a locking mechanism, and how I'm gonna get the chucks to stay together as a baton/bo/blind cane.

 I'll figure it out.
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December 20, 2012, 10:10:21 PM
Reply #3


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 I'll bet you could take 2 of these and if you could find a way to attach one end of a chain to either and and put the 2 batons together to where it's a double ended baton and this conceals the Nunchuck chain, this would be pretty much exactly what I'm talking about, though the baton coukld be longer.
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