that's what he asked me to do and not being funny mate what has it got to do with u 1st rule respect every one and everything I don't now who taught you but its clear you have not learnt nothing I'm not intrested in anything you have to say leave it to who know what they are going on about
A few things since you know so much about respect.
1. It's disrespectful to hijack another persons sale post like you have done.
2. My initial reply was in NO WAY disrespectful, I was cautioning you to think about it before you get rid of a family hand me down. Your entire reply was disprespectful.
3. This is the FIRST you've mention that it was his wish that you sell them. Perhaps you should have mentioned it.
4. You will receive respect commensurate with the level of respect earned. I don't know who taught you anything, respect is not automatic or mandatory.
As a "for example" anyone who would sell their grandfathers war trophies and flag would not be deserving of any respect. Not saying this is what you are doing, but is simply an example provided so that you might understand where I'm coming from.
At any rate, how about we stop hijacking The Generator's thread. If you want to continue this, by all means start your own thread.