Baby Chucker 2013
Tournament rules: " Make a video of your baby with a nunchaku theme "
What should be done by the contestant?: * Baby doesn't have to be skillful, just make a video that connects the idea of the baby and nunchaku
under 1 minute.
* Video entry must be
uploaded to any of the available video websites(youtube, vimeo, facebook & etc.) - then
share the video in FnF Page(
What should the voters do?: * Like the video
How the entrant gets more votes?:* Share his/her baby's video entry to his/her friends
Tournament Start and Deadline* Entries Deadline: July 31, 2013
* Tournament Starts: August 1, 2013
How to Win the Tournament?* Video with the highest vote("like") counts - wins!
What will the winner get?* International Virtual Recognition/Certification of Baby Chucker 2013(Champion, 1st, 2nd & 3rd placer)
* Items from sponsors(will get you an update)
will keep you updated, please reply anything here...